"use strict"; const { builders: { indent, join, hardline, softline, literalline, concat, group, dedentToRoot }, utils: { mapDoc, stripTrailingHardline } } = require("../doc"); function embed(path, print, textToDoc /*, options */) { const node = path.getValue(); const parent = path.getParentNode(); const parentParent = path.getParentNode(1); switch (node.type) { case "TemplateLiteral": { const isCss = [ isStyledJsx, isStyledComponents, isCssProp, isAngularComponentStyles ].some(isIt => isIt(path)); if (isCss) { // Get full template literal with expressions replaced by placeholders const rawQuasis = node.quasis.map(q => q.value.raw); let placeholderID = 0; const text = rawQuasis.reduce((prevVal, currVal, idx) => { return idx == 0 ? currVal : prevVal + "@prettier-placeholder-" + placeholderID++ + "-id" + currVal; }, ""); const doc = textToDoc(text, { parser: "css" }); return transformCssDoc(doc, path, print); } /* * react-relay and graphql-tag * graphql`...` * graphql.experimental`...` * gql`...` * * This intentionally excludes Relay Classic tags, as Prettier does not * support Relay Classic formatting. */ if (isGraphQL(path)) { const expressionDocs = node.expressions ? path.map(print, "expressions") : []; const numQuasis = node.quasis.length; if (numQuasis === 1 && node.quasis[0].value.raw.trim() === "") { return "``"; } const parts = []; for (let i = 0; i < numQuasis; i++) { const templateElement = node.quasis[i]; const isFirst = i === 0; const isLast = i === numQuasis - 1; const text = templateElement.value.cooked; // Bail out if any of the quasis have an invalid escape sequence // (which would make the `cooked` value be `null` or `undefined`) if (typeof text !== "string") { return null; } const lines = text.split("\n"); const numLines = lines.length; const expressionDoc = expressionDocs[i]; const startsWithBlankLine = numLines > 2 && lines[0].trim() === "" && lines[1].trim() === ""; const endsWithBlankLine = numLines > 2 && lines[numLines - 1].trim() === "" && lines[numLines - 2].trim() === ""; const commentsAndWhitespaceOnly = lines.every(line => /^\s*(?:#[^\r\n]*)?$/.test(line) ); // Bail out if an interpolation occurs within a comment. if (!isLast && /#[^\r\n]*$/.test(lines[numLines - 1])) { return null; } let doc = null; if (commentsAndWhitespaceOnly) { doc = printGraphqlComments(lines); } else { doc = stripTrailingHardline(textToDoc(text, { parser: "graphql" })); } if (doc) { doc = escapeTemplateCharacters(doc, false); if (!isFirst && startsWithBlankLine) { parts.push(""); } parts.push(doc); if (!isLast && endsWithBlankLine) { parts.push(""); } } else if (!isFirst && !isLast && startsWithBlankLine) { parts.push(""); } if (expressionDoc) { parts.push(concat(["${", expressionDoc, "}"])); } } return concat([ "`", indent(concat([hardline, join(hardline, parts)])), hardline, "`" ]); } if (isHtml(path)) { return printHtmlTemplateLiteral(path, print, textToDoc, "html"); } if (isAngularComponentTemplate(path)) { return printHtmlTemplateLiteral(path, print, textToDoc, "angular"); } break; } case "TemplateElement": { /** * md`...` * markdown`...` */ if ( parentParent && (parentParent.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && parent.quasis.length === 1 && (parentParent.tag.type === "Identifier" && (parentParent.tag.name === "md" || parentParent.tag.name === "markdown"))) ) { const text = parent.quasis[0].value.raw.replace( /((?:\\\\)*)\\`/g, (_, backslashes) => "\\".repeat(backslashes.length / 2) + "`" ); const indentation = getIndentation(text); const hasIndent = indentation !== ""; return concat([ hasIndent ? indent( concat([ softline, printMarkdown( text.replace(new RegExp(`^${indentation}`, "gm"), "") ) ]) ) : concat([literalline, dedentToRoot(printMarkdown(text))]), softline ]); } break; } } function printMarkdown(text) { const doc = textToDoc(text, { parser: "markdown", __inJsTemplate: true }); return stripTrailingHardline(escapeTemplateCharacters(doc, true)); } } function getIndentation(str) { const firstMatchedIndent = str.match(/^([^\S\n]*)\S/m); return firstMatchedIndent === null ? "" : firstMatchedIndent[1]; } function escapeTemplateCharacters(doc, raw) { return mapDoc(doc, currentDoc => { if (!currentDoc.parts) { return currentDoc; } const parts = []; currentDoc.parts.forEach(part => { if (typeof part === "string") { parts.push( raw ? part.replace(/(\\*)`/g, "$1$1\\`") : part.replace(/([\\`]|\$\{)/g, "\\$1") ); } else { parts.push(part); } }); return Object.assign({}, currentDoc, { parts }); }); } function transformCssDoc(quasisDoc, path, print) { const parentNode = path.getValue(); const isEmpty = parentNode.quasis.length === 1 && !parentNode.quasis[0].value.raw.trim(); if (isEmpty) { return "``"; } const expressionDocs = parentNode.expressions ? path.map(print, "expressions") : []; const newDoc = replacePlaceholders(quasisDoc, expressionDocs); /* istanbul ignore if */ if (!newDoc) { throw new Error("Couldn't insert all the expressions"); } return concat([ "`", indent(concat([hardline, stripTrailingHardline(newDoc)])), softline, "`" ]); } // Search all the placeholders in the quasisDoc tree // and replace them with the expression docs one by one // returns a new doc with all the placeholders replaced, // or null if it couldn't replace any expression function replacePlaceholders(quasisDoc, expressionDocs) { if (!expressionDocs || !expressionDocs.length) { return quasisDoc; } const expressions = expressionDocs.slice(); let replaceCounter = 0; const newDoc = mapDoc(quasisDoc, doc => { if (!doc || !doc.parts || !doc.parts.length) { return doc; } let parts = doc.parts; const atIndex = parts.indexOf("@"); const placeholderIndex = atIndex + 1; if ( atIndex > -1 && typeof parts[placeholderIndex] === "string" && parts[placeholderIndex].startsWith("prettier-placeholder") ) { // If placeholder is split, join it const at = parts[atIndex]; const placeholder = parts[placeholderIndex]; const rest = parts.slice(placeholderIndex + 1); parts = parts .slice(0, atIndex) .concat([at + placeholder]) .concat(rest); } const atPlaceholderIndex = parts.findIndex( part => typeof part === "string" && part.startsWith("@prettier-placeholder") ); if (atPlaceholderIndex > -1) { const placeholder = parts[atPlaceholderIndex]; const rest = parts.slice(atPlaceholderIndex + 1); const placeholderMatch = placeholder.match( /@prettier-placeholder-(.+)-id([\s\S]*)/ ); const placeholderID = placeholderMatch[1]; // When the expression has a suffix appended, like: // animation: linear ${time}s ease-out; const suffix = placeholderMatch[2]; const expression = expressions[placeholderID]; replaceCounter++; parts = parts .slice(0, atPlaceholderIndex) .concat(["${", expression, "}" + suffix]) .concat(rest); } return Object.assign({}, doc, { parts: parts }); }); return expressions.length === replaceCounter ? newDoc : null; } function printGraphqlComments(lines) { const parts = []; let seenComment = false; lines .map(textLine => textLine.trim()) .forEach((textLine, i, array) => { // Lines are either whitespace only, or a comment (with poential whitespace // around it). Drop whitespace-only lines. if (textLine === "") { return; } if (array[i - 1] === "" && seenComment) { // If a non-first comment is preceded by a blank (whitespace only) line, // add in a blank line. parts.push(concat([hardline, textLine])); } else { parts.push(textLine); } seenComment = true; }); // If `lines` was whitespace only, return `null`. return parts.length === 0 ? null : join(hardline, parts); } /** * Template literal in this context: * */ function isStyledJsx(path) { const node = path.getValue(); const parent = path.getParentNode(); const parentParent = path.getParentNode(1); return ( parentParent && node.quasis && parent.type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && parentParent.type === "JSXElement" && parentParent.openingElement.name.name === "style" && parentParent.openingElement.attributes.some( attribute => attribute.name.name === "jsx" ) ); } /** * Angular Components can have: * - Inline HTML template * - Inline CSS styles * * ...which are both within template literals somewhere * inside of the Component decorator factory. * * E.g. * @Component({ * template: `
`, * styles: [`h1 { color: blue; }`] * }) */ function isAngularComponentStyles(path) { return isPathMatch( path, [ node => node.type === "TemplateLiteral", (node, name) => node.type === "ArrayExpression" && name === "elements", (node, name) => node.type === "Property" && node.key.type === "Identifier" && node.key.name === "styles" && name === "value" ].concat(getAngularComponentObjectExpressionPredicates()) ); } function isAngularComponentTemplate(path) { return isPathMatch( path, [ node => node.type === "TemplateLiteral", (node, name) => node.type === "Property" && node.key.type === "Identifier" && node.key.name === "template" && name === "value" ].concat(getAngularComponentObjectExpressionPredicates()) ); } function getAngularComponentObjectExpressionPredicates() { return [ (node, name) => node.type === "ObjectExpression" && name === "properties", (node, name) => node.type === "CallExpression" && node.callee.type === "Identifier" && node.callee.name === "Component" && name === "arguments", (node, name) => node.type === "Decorator" && name === "expression" ]; } /** * styled-components template literals */ function isStyledComponents(path) { const parent = path.getParentNode(); if (!parent || parent.type !== "TaggedTemplateExpression") { return false; } const tag = parent.tag; switch (tag.type) { case "MemberExpression": return ( // styled.foo`` isStyledIdentifier(tag.object) || // Component.extend`` isStyledExtend(tag) ); case "CallExpression": return ( // styled(Component)`` isStyledIdentifier(tag.callee) || (tag.callee.type === "MemberExpression" && ((tag.callee.object.type === "MemberExpression" && // styled.foo.attr({})`` (isStyledIdentifier(tag.callee.object.object) || // Component.extend.attr({)`` isStyledExtend(tag.callee.object))) || // styled(Component).attr({})`` (tag.callee.object.type === "CallExpression" && isStyledIdentifier(tag.callee.object.callee)))) ); case "Identifier": // css`` return tag.name === "css"; default: return false; } } /** * JSX element with CSS prop */ function isCssProp(path) { const parent = path.getParentNode(); const parentParent = path.getParentNode(1); return ( parentParent && parent.type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && parentParent.type === "JSXAttribute" && parentParent.name.type === "JSXIdentifier" && parentParent.name.name === "css" ); } function isStyledIdentifier(node) { return node.type === "Identifier" && node.name === "styled"; } function isStyledExtend(node) { return /^[A-Z]/.test(node.object.name) && node.property.name === "extend"; } /* * react-relay and graphql-tag * graphql`...` * graphql.experimental`...` * gql`...` * GraphQL comment block * * This intentionally excludes Relay Classic tags, as Prettier does not * support Relay Classic formatting. */ function isGraphQL(path) { const node = path.getValue(); const parent = path.getParentNode(); return ( hasLanguageComment(node, "GraphQL") || (parent && ((parent.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && ((parent.tag.type === "MemberExpression" && parent.tag.object.name === "graphql" && parent.tag.property.name === "experimental") || (parent.tag.type === "Identifier" && (parent.tag.name === "gql" || parent.tag.name === "graphql")))) || (parent.type === "CallExpression" && parent.callee.type === "Identifier" && parent.callee.name === "graphql"))) ); } function hasLanguageComment(node, languageName) { // This checks for a leading comment that is exactly `/* GraphQL */` // In order to be in line with other implementations of this comment tag // we will not trim the comment value and we will expect exactly one space on // either side of the GraphQL string // Also see ./clean.js return ( node.leadingComments && node.leadingComments.some( comment => comment.type === "CommentBlock" && comment.value === ` ${languageName} ` ) ); } function isPathMatch(path, predicateStack) { const stack = path.stack.slice(); let name = null; let node = stack.pop(); for (const predicate of predicateStack) { if (node === undefined) { return false; } // skip index/array if (typeof name === "number") { name = stack.pop(); node = stack.pop(); } if (!predicate(node, name)) { return false; } name = stack.pop(); node = stack.pop(); } return true; } /** * - html`...` * - HTML comment block */ function isHtml(path) { const node = path.getValue(); return ( hasLanguageComment(node, "HTML") || isPathMatch(path, [ node => node.type === "TemplateLiteral", (node, name) => node.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" && node.tag.type === "Identifier" && node.tag.name === "html" && name === "quasi" ]) ); } function printHtmlTemplateLiteral(path, print, textToDoc, parser) { const node = path.getValue(); const placeholderPattern = "PRETTIER_HTML_PLACEHOLDER_(\\d+)_IN_JS"; const placeholders = node.expressions.map( (_, i) => `PRETTIER_HTML_PLACEHOLDER_${i}_IN_JS` ); const text = node.quasis .map((quasi, index, quasis) => index === quasis.length - 1 ? quasi.value.raw : quasi.value.raw + placeholders[index] ) .join(""); const expressionDocs = path.map(print, "expressions"); if (expressionDocs.length === 0 && text.trim().length === 0) { return "``"; } const contentDoc = mapDoc( stripTrailingHardline(textToDoc(text, { parser })), doc => { const placeholderRegex = new RegExp(placeholderPattern, "g"); const hasPlaceholder = typeof doc === "string" && placeholderRegex.test(doc); if (!hasPlaceholder) { return doc; } const parts = []; const components = doc.split(placeholderRegex); for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { const component = components[i]; if (i % 2 === 0) { if (component) { parts.push(component); } continue; } const placeholderIndex = +component; parts.push( concat([ "${", group( concat([ indent(concat([softline, expressionDocs[placeholderIndex]])), softline ]) ), "}" ]) ); } return concat(parts); } ); return group( concat(["`", indent(concat([hardline, group(contentDoc)])), softline, "`"]) ); } module.exports = embed;