// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`string.graphql - graphql-verify 1`] = ` query X($a: Int) @relay(meta: "{\\"lowPri\\": true}") { a } """abc""" type T { a: Int } """ abc """ type T { a: Int } """ a b c """ type T { a: Int } type Foo { """ This is a description of the \`one\` field. """ one: Type } type Foo { q("docs" field: String): Type q("A long string of description of the field parameter to make this break" field: String): Type q("""docs""" field: String): Type } enum Enum { """ Description of \`one\` """ one } input Input { """ Description of \`one\` """ one: string } { foo(input: {multiline: "ab\\ncd"}) { id } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ query X($a: Int) @relay(meta: "{\\"lowPri\\": true}") { a } """ abc """ type T { a: Int } """ abc """ type T { a: Int } """ a b c """ type T { a: Int } type Foo { """ This is a description of the \`one\` field. """ one: Type } type Foo { q("docs" field: String): Type q( "A long string of description of the field parameter to make this break" field: String ): Type q( """ docs """ field: String ): Type } enum Enum { """ Description of \`one\` """ one } input Input { """ Description of \`one\` """ one: string } { foo(input: { multiline: "ab\\ncd" }) { id } } `;