// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`boolean flags do not swallow the next argument 1`] = ` "console.log('could be single quote and without semi'); " `; exports[`boolean flags do not swallow the next argument 2`] = `""`; exports[`negated options work 1`] = ` "console.log(\\"could be single quote and without semi\\") " `; exports[`negated options work 2`] = `""`; exports[`unknown negated options are warned 1`] = ` "console.log(\\"could be single quote and without semi\\"); " `; exports[`unknown negated options are warned 2`] = ` "Ignored unknown option: --no-unknown " `; exports[`unknown options are warned 1`] = ` "console.log(\\"could be single quote and without semi\\"); " `; exports[`unknown options are warned 2`] = ` "Ignored unknown option: --unknown " `;