// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`assignment-pattern.js 1`] = ` const { a /* comment */ = 1 } = b; const { c = 1 /* comment */ } = d; let {a //comment = b} = c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const { a /* comment */ = 1 } = b; const { c = 1 /* comment */ } = d; let { a = b //comment } = c; `; exports[`before-comma.js 1`] = ` const foo = { a: 'a' /* comment for this line */, /* Section B */ b: 'b', }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const foo = { a: "a" /* comment for this line */, /* Section B */ b: "b" }; `; exports[`blank.js 1`] = ` // This file only // has comments. This comment // should still exist // // when printed. /** * @typedef {DataDrivenMapping|ConstantMapping} Mapping */ /** * @typedef {Object.} ConfigurationMapping */ /** * @typedef {Function} D3Scale - a D3 scale * @property {Function} ticks * @property {Function} tickFormat */ // comment // comment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // This file only // has comments. This comment // should still exist // // when printed. /** * @typedef {DataDrivenMapping|ConstantMapping} Mapping */ /** * @typedef {Object.} ConfigurationMapping */ /** * @typedef {Function} D3Scale - a D3 scale * @property {Function} ticks * @property {Function} tickFormat */ // comment // comment `; exports[`call_comment.js 1`] = ` render( // Warm any cache , container ); React.render( // Warm any cache , container ); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ render( // Warm any cache , container ); React.render( // Warm any cache , container ); `; exports[`dangling.js 1`] = ` var x = {/* dangling */}; var x = { // dangling }; var x = [/* dangling */]; function x() { /* dangling */ } declare class Foo extends Qux {/* dangling */} export /* dangling */{}; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ var x = { /* dangling */ }; var x = { // dangling }; var x = [ /* dangling */ ]; function x() { /* dangling */ } declare class Foo extends Qux { /* dangling */ } export /* dangling */{}; `; exports[`dangling_array.js 1`] = ` expect(() => {}).toTriggerReadyStateChanges([ // Nothing. ]); [1 /* first comment */, 2 /* second comment */, 3]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ expect(() => {}).toTriggerReadyStateChanges( [ // Nothing. ] ); [1 /* first comment */, 2 /* second comment */, 3]; `; exports[`dangling_for.js 1`] = ` for // comment (;;); for /* comment */(;;); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // comment for (;;); /* comment */ for (;;); `; exports[`export.js 1`] = ` export //comment {} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ //comment export {}; `; exports[`first-line.js 1`] = ` a // comment b ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a; // comment b; `; exports[`flow_union.js 1`] = ` type UploadState // The upload hasnt begun yet = {type: "Not_begun"} // The upload timed out | {type: "Timed_out"} // Failed somewhere on the line | {type: "Failed", error: E, errorMsg: EM} // Uploading to aws3 and CreatePostMutation succeeded | {type: "Success", data: D}; type UploadState // The upload hasnt begun yet = A // The upload timed out | B // Failed somewhere on the line | C // Uploading to aws3 and CreatePostMutation succeeded | D; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type UploadState = // The upload hasnt begun yet | { type: "Not_begun" } // The upload timed out | { type: "Timed_out" } // Failed somewhere on the line | { type: "Failed", error: E, errorMsg: EM } // Uploading to aws3 and CreatePostMutation succeeded | { type: "Success", data: D }; type UploadState = // The upload hasnt begun yet | A // The upload timed out | B // Failed somewhere on the line | C // Uploading to aws3 and CreatePostMutation succeeded | D; `; exports[`function-declaration.js 1`] = ` function a(/* comment */) {} // comment function b() {} // comment function c(/* comment */ argA, argB, argC) {} // comment call((/*object*/ row) => {}); KEYPAD_NUMBERS.map(num => ( // Buttons 0-9
)); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function a(/* comment */) {} // comment function b() {} // comment function c(/* comment */ argA, argB, argC) {} // comment call((/*object*/ row) => {}); KEYPAD_NUMBERS.map(num =>
); // Buttons 0-9 `; exports[`if.js 1`] = ` if (1) // comment { false } // comment else if (2) true // multi // ple // lines else if (3) // existing comment true // okay? else if (4) { // empty with existing comment } // comment else { } if (1) {} else // comment {} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (1) { // comment false; } else if (2) // comment true; else if (3) // multi // ple // lines // existing comment true; else if (4) { // okay? // empty with existing comment } else { // comment } if (1) { } else { // comment } `; exports[`issues.js 1`] = ` // Does not need to break as it fits in 80 columns this.call(a, /* comment */ b); function f( someReallyLongArgument: WithSomeLongType, someReallyLongArgument2: WithSomeLongType, // Trailing comment should stay after ) {} // Comments should either stay at the end of the line or always before, but // not one before and one after. throw new ProcessSystemError({ code: acc.error.code, // Alias of errno originalError: acc.error, // Just in case. }); // Adding a comment stops the pretty printing process and everything is // squished in a single line afterward export type BuckWebSocketMessage = { // Not actually from Buck - this is to let the receiver know that the socket is connected. type: 'SocketConnected', } | { type: 'BuildProgressUpdated', progressValue: number, } | { type: 'BuildFinished', exitCode: number, } | { type: 'BuildStarted', } | { type: 'ParseStarted', } | { type: 'ParseFinished', } | { type: 'RunStarted', } | { type: 'RunComplete', }; // Missing one level of indentation because of the comment const rootEpic = (actions, store) => ( combineEpics(...epics)(actions, store) // Log errors and continue. .catch((err, stream) => { getLogger().error(err); return stream; }) ); // Two extra levels of indentation because of the comment export type AsyncExecuteOptions = child_process$execFileOpts & { // The contents to write to stdin. stdin?: ?string, dontLogInNuclide?: ?boolean, }; // optional trailing comma gets moved all the way to the beginning const regex = new RegExp( '^\\\\s*' + // beginning of the line 'name\\\\s*=\\\\s*' + // name = '[\\'"]' + // opening quotation mark escapeStringRegExp(target.name) + // target name '[\\'"]' + // closing quotation mark ',?$', // optional trailing comma ); // The comment is moved and doesn't trigger the eslint rule anymore import path from 'path'; // eslint-disable-line nuclide-internal/prefer-nuclide-uri // Comments disappear in-between MemberExpressions Observable.of(process) // Don't complete until we say so! .merge(Observable.never()) // Get the errors. .takeUntil(throwOnError ? errors.flatMap(Observable.throw) : errors) .takeUntil(exit); // Comments disappear inside of JSX
{/* Some comment */}
; // Comments in JSX tag are placed in a non optimal way
; // Comments disappear in empty blocks if (1) { // Comment } // Comments trigger invalid JavaScript in-between else if if (1) { } // Comment else { } // The comment makes the line break in a weird way const result = asyncExecute('non_existing_command', /* args */ []); // The closing paren is printed on the same line as the comment foo({} // Hi ); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Does not need to break as it fits in 80 columns this.call(a, /* comment */ b); function f( someReallyLongArgument: WithSomeLongType, someReallyLongArgument2: WithSomeLongType // Trailing comment should stay after ) {} // Comments should either stay at the end of the line or always before, but // not one before and one after. throw new ProcessSystemError({ code: acc.error.code, // Alias of errno originalError: acc.error // Just in case. }); // Adding a comment stops the pretty printing process and everything is // squished in a single line afterward export type BuckWebSocketMessage = | { // Not actually from Buck - this is to let the receiver know that the socket is connected. type: "SocketConnected" } | { type: "BuildProgressUpdated", progressValue: number } | { type: "BuildFinished", exitCode: number } | { type: "BuildStarted" } | { type: "ParseStarted" } | { type: "ParseFinished" } | { type: "RunStarted" } | { type: "RunComplete" }; // Missing one level of indentation because of the comment const rootEpic = (actions, store) => combineEpics(...epics)(actions, store) // Log errors and continue. .catch((err, stream) => { getLogger().error(err); return stream; }); // Two extra levels of indentation because of the comment export type AsyncExecuteOptions = child_process$execFileOpts & { // The contents to write to stdin. stdin?: ?string, dontLogInNuclide?: ?boolean }; // optional trailing comma gets moved all the way to the beginning const regex = new RegExp( "^\\\\s*" + // beginning of the line "name\\\\s*=\\\\s*" + // name = "['\\"]" + // opening quotation mark escapeStringRegExp(target.name) + // target name "['\\"]" + // closing quotation mark ",?$" // optional trailing comma ); // The comment is moved and doesn't trigger the eslint rule anymore import path from "path"; // eslint-disable-line nuclide-internal/prefer-nuclide-uri // Comments disappear in-between MemberExpressions Observable.of(process) // Don't complete until we say so! .merge(Observable.never()) // Get the errors. .takeUntil(throwOnError ? errors.flatMap(Observable.throw) : errors) .takeUntil(exit); // Comments disappear inside of JSX
{/* Some comment */}
; // Comments in JSX tag are placed in a non optimal way
; // Comments disappear in empty blocks if (1) { // Comment } // Comments trigger invalid JavaScript in-between else if if (1) { } else { // Comment } // The comment makes the line break in a weird way const result = asyncExecute("non_existing_command", /* args */ []); // The closing paren is printed on the same line as the comment foo( {} // Hi ); `; exports[`jsx.js 1`] = `
{ /* comment */ }
{/* comment */ }
{/* comment */ }
{a/* comment */ }
{/* comment */ a }
{/* comment */ }
{/* comment */}
{ // single line comment }
{ // multiple line comments 1 // multiple line comments 2 }
{ // multiple mixed comments 1 /* multiple mixed comments 2 */ /* multiple mixed comments 3 */ // multiple mixed comments 4 }
{ // Some very v ery very very merry (xmas) very very long line to break line width limit }
Some very v ery very very long line to break line width limit
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{/* comment */}
{/* comment */}
{/* comment */}
{a /* comment */}
{ /* comment */ a }
{/* comment */}
{/* comment */}
{ // single line comment }
{ // multiple line comments 1 // multiple line comments 2 }
{ // multiple mixed comments 1 /* multiple mixed comments 2 */ /* multiple mixed comments 3 */ // multiple mixed comments 4 }
{ // Some very v ery very very merry (xmas) very very long line to break line width limit }
Some very v ery very very long line to break line width limit
; `; exports[`last-arg.js 1`] = ` type f = ( currentRequest: {a: number}, // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) => number; f = ( currentRequest: {a: number}, // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ): number => {}; f = ( currentRequest: {a: number}, // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) => {}; f = function( currentRequest: {a: number}, // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) {}; class X { f( currentRequest: {a: number}, // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) {} } function f( a: number // some comment here ): number { return a + 1; } var x = { getSectionMode( pageMetaData: PageMetaData, sectionMetaData: SectionMetaData /* $FlowFixMe This error was exposed while converting keyMirror * to keyMirrorRecursive */ ): $Enum { } } class X { getSectionMode( pageMetaData: PageMetaData, sectionMetaData: SectionMetaData = ['unknown'] /* $FlowFixMe This error was exposed while converting keyMirror * to keyMirrorRecursive */ ): $Enum { } } class Foo { a(lol /*string*/) {} b(lol /*string*/ ) {} d( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) {} d( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) /*string*/ {} // prettier-ignore c(lol /*string*/ ) {} // prettier-ignore d( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) {} // prettier-ignore e( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) {} /* string*/ } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ type f = ( currentRequest: { a: number } // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) => number; f = ( currentRequest: { a: number } // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ): number => {}; f = ( currentRequest: { a: number } // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) => {}; f = function( currentRequest: { a: number } // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) {}; class X { f( currentRequest: { a: number } // TODO this is a very very very very long comment that makes it go > 80 columns ) {} } function f( a: number // some comment here ): number { return a + 1; } var x = { getSectionMode( pageMetaData: PageMetaData, sectionMetaData: SectionMetaData /* $FlowFixMe This error was exposed while converting keyMirror * to keyMirrorRecursive */ ): $Enum {} }; class X { getSectionMode( pageMetaData: PageMetaData, sectionMetaData: SectionMetaData = ["unknown"] /* $FlowFixMe This error was exposed while converting keyMirror * to keyMirrorRecursive */ ): $Enum {} } class Foo { a(lol /*string*/) {} b(lol /*string*/) {} d(lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/) {} d( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) /*string*/ { } // prettier-ignore c(lol /*string*/ ) {} // prettier-ignore d( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) {} // prettier-ignore e( lol /*string*/, lol2 /*string*/, lol3 /*string*/, lol4 /*string*/ ) {} /* string*/ } `; exports[`preserve-new-line-last.js 1`] = ` function f() { a /* eslint-disable */ } function f() { a /* eslint-disable */ } function name() { // comment1 func1() // comment2 func2() // comment3 why func3 commented // func3() } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function f() { a; /* eslint-disable */ } function f() { a; /* eslint-disable */ } function name() { // comment1 func1(); // comment2 func2(); // comment3 why func3 commented // func3() } `; exports[`return-statement.js 1`] = ` function jsx() { return ( // Comment
); } function unary() { return ( // Comment !!x ); } function numericLiteralNoParen() { return 1337; // Comment } function logical() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ) && 84 } function binary() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ) * 84 } function binaryInBinaryLeft() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ) * 84 + 2 } function binaryInBinaryRight() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ) + 84 * 2 } function conditional() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ) ? 1 : 2 } function binaryInConditional() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ) * 3 ? 1 : 2 } function call() { return ( // Reason for a a )() } function memberInside() { return ( // Reason for a.b a.b ).c } function memberOutside() { return ( // Reason for a a ).b.c } function memberInAndOutWithCalls() { return ( // Reason for a a.b() ).c.d() } function excessiveEverything() { return ( // Reason for stuff a.b() * 3 + 4 ? (a\`hi\`, 1) ? 1 : 1 : 1 ) } function sequenceExpression() { return ( // Reason for a a ), b } function sequenceExpressionInside() { return ( // Reason for a a, b ); } function taggedTemplate() { return ( // Reason for a a )\`b\` } function inlineComment() { return ( /* hi */ 42 ) || 42 } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function jsx() { return ( // Comment
); } function unary() { return ( // Comment !!x ); } function numericLiteralNoParen() { return 1337; // Comment } function logical() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 && 84 ); } function binary() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 * 84 ); } function binaryInBinaryLeft() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 * 84 + 2 ); } function binaryInBinaryRight() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 + 84 * 2 ); } function conditional() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 ? 1 : 2 ); } function binaryInConditional() { return ( // Reason for 42 42 * 3 ? 1 : 2 ); } function call() { return ( // Reason for a a() ); } function memberInside() { return ( // Reason for a.b a.b.c ); } function memberOutside() { return ( // Reason for a a.b.c ); } function memberInAndOutWithCalls() { return ( a .b// Reason for a () .c.d() ); } function excessiveEverything() { return ( // Reason for stuff a.b() * 3 + 4 ? ((a\`hi\`, 1) ? 1 : 1) : 1 ); } function sequenceExpression() { return ( // Reason for a a, b ); } function sequenceExpressionInside() { return ( // Reason for a a, b ); } function taggedTemplate() { return ( // Reason for a a\`b\` ); } function inlineComment() { return /* hi */ 42 || 42; } `; exports[`switch.js 1`] = ` switch (node && node.type) { case "Property": case "MethodDefinition": prop = node.key; break; case "MemberExpression": prop = node.property; break; // no default } switch (foo) { case "bar": doThing() // no default } switch (foo) { case "bar": //comment doThing(); //comment case "baz": doOtherThing(); //comment } switch (foo) { case "bar": { doThing(); } //comment case "baz": { doThing(); } //comment } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ switch (node && node.type) { case "Property": case "MethodDefinition": prop = node.key; break; case "MemberExpression": prop = node.property; break; // no default } switch (foo) { case "bar": doThing(); // no default } switch (foo) { case "bar": //comment doThing(); //comment case "baz": doOtherThing(); //comment } switch (foo) { case "bar": { doThing(); } //comment case "baz": { doThing(); } //comment } `; exports[`template-literal.js 1`] = ` \` \${a // comment } \${b /* comment */} \${/* comment */ c /* comment */} \${// comment d //comment }; \` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \` \${/* comment*/ a} \${/* comment */ b} \${/* comment */ /* comment */ c} \${/* comment*/ /*comment*/ d}; \`; `; exports[`try.js 1`] = ` // comment 1 try { // comment 2 } // comment 3 catch(e) { // comment 4 } // comment 5 finally // comment 6 { // comment 7 } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // comment 1 try { // comment 2 } catch (e) { // comment 3 // comment 4 } finally { // comment 6 // comment 5 // comment 7 } `; exports[`variable_declarator.js 1`] = ` let obj = // Comment { key: 'val' } let obj // Comment = { key: 'val' } let obj = { // Comment key: 'val' } let obj = { // Comment key: 'val' } let obj = // Comment [ 'val' ] let obj // Comment = [ 'val' ] let obj = [ // Comment 'val' ] let obj = [ // Comment 'val' ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ let obj = // Comment { key: "val" }; let obj = // Comment { key: "val" }; let obj = { // Comment key: "val" }; let obj = { // Comment key: "val" }; let obj = // Comment ["val"]; let obj = // Comment ["val"]; let obj = [ // Comment "val" ]; let obj = [ // Comment "val" ]; `;