// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`test.js 1`] = ` ====================================options===================================== parsers: ["babel", "flow", "typescript"] printWidth: 80 | printWidth =====================================input====================================== setTimeout(function() { thing(); }, 500); ["a","b","c"].reduce(function(item, thing) { return thing + " " + item; }, "letters:") func(() => { thing(); }, identifier); func(function() { thing(); }, this.props.timeout * 1000); func((that) => { thing(); }, this.props.getTimeout()); func(() => { thing(); }, true); func(() => { thing(); }, null); func(() => { thing(); }, undefined); func(() => { thing(); }, /regex.*?/); func(() => { thing(); }, 1 ? 2 : 3); func(function() { return thing() }, 1 ? 2 : 3); func(() => { thing(); }, something() ? someOtherThing() : somethingElse(true, 0)); func(() => { thing(); }, something(longArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName) ? someOtherThing() : somethingElse(true, 0)); func(() => { thing(); }, something(longArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName) ? someOtherThing() : somethingElse(true, 0)); compose((a) => { return a.thing; }, b => b * b); somthing.reduce(function(item, thing) { return thing.blah = item; }, {}) somthing.reduce(function(item, thing) { return thing.push(item); }, []) reallyLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongMethod((f, g, h) => { return f.pop(); }, true); // Don't do the rest of these func(function() { thing(); }, true, false); func(() => { thing(); }, {yes: true, cats: 5}); compose((a) => { return a.thing; }, b => { return b + ""; }); compose((a) => { return a.thing; }, b => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); renderThing(a =>
Content. So much to say. Oh my. Are we done yet?
,args); setTimeout( // Something function() { thing(); }, 500 ); setTimeout(/* blip */ function() { thing(); }, 500); func((args) => { execute(args); }, result => result && console.log("success")) =====================================output===================================== setTimeout(function() { thing(); }, 500); ["a", "b", "c"].reduce(function(item, thing) { return thing + " " + item; }, "letters:"); func(() => { thing(); }, identifier); func(function() { thing(); }, this.props.timeout * 1000); func(that => { thing(); }, this.props.getTimeout()); func(() => { thing(); }, true); func(() => { thing(); }, null); func(() => { thing(); }, undefined); func(() => { thing(); }, /regex.*?/); func( () => { thing(); }, 1 ? 2 : 3 ); func( function() { return thing(); }, 1 ? 2 : 3 ); func( () => { thing(); }, something() ? someOtherThing() : somethingElse(true, 0) ); func( () => { thing(); }, something(longArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName) ? someOtherThing() : somethingElse(true, 0) ); func( () => { thing(); }, something( longArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName, anotherLongArgumentName ) ? someOtherThing() : somethingElse(true, 0) ); compose( a => { return a.thing; }, b => b * b ); somthing.reduce(function(item, thing) { return (thing.blah = item); }, {}); somthing.reduce(function(item, thing) { return thing.push(item); }, []); reallyLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongLongMethod( (f, g, h) => { return f.pop(); }, true ); // Don't do the rest of these func( function() { thing(); }, true, false ); func( () => { thing(); }, { yes: true, cats: 5 } ); compose( a => { return a.thing; }, b => { return b + ""; } ); compose( a => { return a.thing; }, b => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ); renderThing( a =>
Content. So much to say. Oh my. Are we done yet?
, args ); setTimeout( // Something function() { thing(); }, 500 ); setTimeout( /* blip */ function() { thing(); }, 500 ); func( args => { execute(args); }, result => result && console.log("success") ); ================================================================================ `;