// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`arrow.js 1`] = ` function f() { const appEntitys = getAppEntitys(loadObject).filter( entity => entity && entity.isInstallAvailable() && !entity.isQueue() && entity.isDisabled() ) } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function f() { const appEntitys = getAppEntitys(loadObject).filter( entity => entity && entity.isInstallAvailable() && !entity.isQueue() && entity.isDisabled() ); } `; exports[`comment.js 1`] = ` a = ( // Commment 1 (Math.random() * (yRange * (1 - minVerticalFraction))) + (minVerticalFraction * yRange) ) - offset; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a = // Commment 1 Math.random() * (yRange * (1 - minVerticalFraction)) + minVerticalFraction * yRange - offset; `; exports[`exp.js 1`] = ` a ** b ** c; (a ** b) ** c; a.b ** c; (-a) ** b; a ** -b; -(a**b); (a * b) ** c; a ** (b * c); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a ** b ** c; (a ** b) ** c; a.b ** c; (-a) ** b; a ** -b; -(a ** b); (a * b) ** c; a ** (b * c); `; exports[`if.js 1`] = ` if (this.hasPlugin("dynamicImports") && this.lookahead().type) {} if (this.hasPlugin("dynamicImports") && this.lookahead().type === tt.parenLeft) {} if (this.hasPlugin("dynamicImports") && this.lookahead().type === tt.parenLeft.right) {} if (VeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLong === VeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLong) { } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (this.hasPlugin("dynamicImports") && this.lookahead().type) { } if ( this.hasPlugin("dynamicImports") && this.lookahead().type === tt.parenLeft ) { } if ( this.hasPlugin("dynamicImports") && this.lookahead().type === tt.parenLeft.right ) { } if ( VeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLong === VeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryVeryLong ) { } `; exports[`inline-object-array.js 1`] = ` prevState = prevState || { catalogs: [], loadState: LOADED, opened: false, searchQuery: '', selectedCatalog: null, }; this.steps = steps || [ { name: 'mock-module', path: '/nux/mock-module', }, ]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ prevState = prevState || { catalogs: [], loadState: LOADED, opened: false, searchQuery: "", selectedCatalog: null }; this.steps = steps || [ { name: "mock-module", path: "/nux/mock-module" } ]; `; exports[`jsx_parent.js 1`] = `
{!isJellyfishEnabled && diffUpdateMessageInput != null && this.state.isUpdateMessageEmpty}
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{!isJellyfishEnabled && diffUpdateMessageInput != null && this.state.isUpdateMessageEmpty}
; `; exports[`short-right.js 1`] = ` this._cumulativeHeights && Math.abs( this._cachedItemHeight(this._firstVisibleIndex + i) - this._provider.fastHeight(i + this._firstVisibleIndex), ) > 1 foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ) + a; const isPartOfPackageJSON = dependenciesArray.indexOf( dependencyWithOutRelativePath.split('/')[0], ) !== -1; defaultContent.filter(defaultLocale => { // ... })[0] || null; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this._cumulativeHeights && Math.abs( this._cachedItemHeight(this._firstVisibleIndex + i) - this._provider.fastHeight(i + this._firstVisibleIndex) ) > 1; foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ) + a; const isPartOfPackageJSON = dependenciesArray.indexOf(dependencyWithOutRelativePath.split("/")[0]) !== -1; defaultContent.filter(defaultLocale => { // ... })[0] || null; `; exports[`test.js 1`] = ` // It should always break the highest precedence operators first, and // break them all at the same time. const x = longVariable + longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable + longVariable + longVariable + longVariable - longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable + longVariable * longVariable + longVariable - longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable + longVariable * longVariable * longVariable / longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable && longVariable && longVariable && longVariable && longVariable && longVariable; const x = longVariable && longVariable || longVariable && longVariable || longVariable && longVariable; const x = firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || {}; const x = firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || []; const x = call(firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing, firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing) || []; const x = longVariable * longint && longVariable >> 0 && longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable > longint && longVariable === 0 + longVariable * longVariable; foo(obj.property * new Class() && obj instanceof Class && longVariable ? number + 5 : false); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // It should always break the highest precedence operators first, and // break them all at the same time. const x = longVariable + longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable + longVariable + longVariable + longVariable - longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable + longVariable * longVariable + longVariable - longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable + longVariable * longVariable * longVariable / longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable && longVariable && longVariable && longVariable && longVariable && longVariable; const x = (longVariable && longVariable) || (longVariable && longVariable) || (longVariable && longVariable); const x = firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || {}; const x = firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing || []; const x = call( firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing, firstItemWithAVeryLongNameThatKeepsGoing ) || []; const x = longVariable * longint && longVariable >> 0 && longVariable + longVariable; const x = longVariable > longint && longVariable === 0 + longVariable * longVariable; foo( obj.property * new Class() && obj instanceof Class && longVariable ? number + 5 : false ); `; exports[`unary.js 1`] = ` const anyTestFailures = !( aggregatedResults.numFailedTests === 0 && aggregatedResults.numRuntimeErrorTestSuites === 0 ); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const anyTestFailures = !( aggregatedResults.numFailedTests === 0 && aggregatedResults.numRuntimeErrorTestSuites === 0 ); `;