"use strict"; const fs = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const stripAnsi = require("strip-ansi"); const isProduction = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; const prettierRootDir = isProduction ? process.env.PRETTIER_DIR : "../"; const prettierPkg = require(path.join(prettierRootDir, "package.json")); const prettierCli = path.join(prettierRootDir, prettierPkg.bin.prettier); const thirdParty = isProduction ? path.join(prettierRootDir, "./third-party") : path.join(prettierRootDir, "./src/common/third-party"); function runPrettier(dir, args, options) { args = args || []; options = options || {}; let status; let stdout = ""; let stderr = ""; jest.spyOn(process, "exit").mockImplementation(exitCode => { if (status === undefined) { status = exitCode || 0; } }); jest .spyOn(process.stdout, "write") .mockImplementation(text => appendStdout(text)); jest .spyOn(process.stderr, "write") .mockImplementation(text => appendStderr(text)); jest .spyOn(console, "log") .mockImplementation(text => appendStdout(text + "\n")); jest .spyOn(console, "warn") .mockImplementation(text => appendStderr(text + "\n")); jest .spyOn(console, "error") .mockImplementation(text => appendStderr(text + "\n")); jest.spyOn(Date, "now").mockImplementation(() => 0); const write = []; jest.spyOn(fs, "writeFileSync").mockImplementation((filename, content) => { write.push({ filename, content }); }); const originalCwd = process.cwd(); const originalArgv = process.argv; const originalExitCode = process.exitCode; const originalStdinIsTTY = process.stdin.isTTY; const originalStdoutIsTTY = process.stdout.isTTY; process.chdir(normalizeDir(dir)); process.stdin.isTTY = !!options.isTTY; process.stdout.isTTY = !!options.stdoutIsTTY; process.argv = ["path/to/node", "path/to/prettier/bin"].concat(args); jest.resetModules(); // We cannot use `jest.setMock("get-stream", impl)` here, because in the // production build everything is bundled into one file so there is no // "get-stream" module to mock. jest.spyOn(require(thirdParty), "getStream").mockImplementation(() => ({ then: handler => handler(options.input || "") })); jest .spyOn(require(thirdParty), "cosmiconfig") .mockImplementation((moduleName, options) => require("cosmiconfig")( moduleName, Object.assign({}, options, { stopDir: __dirname }) ) ); try { require(prettierCli); status = (status === undefined ? process.exitCode : status) || 0; } catch (error) { status = 1; stderr += error.message; } finally { process.chdir(originalCwd); process.argv = originalArgv; process.exitCode = originalExitCode; process.stdin.isTTY = originalStdinIsTTY; process.stdout.isTTY = originalStdoutIsTTY; jest.restoreAllMocks(); } const result = { status, stdout, stderr, write }; const testResult = testOptions => { testOptions = testOptions || {}; Object.keys(result).forEach(name => { test(`(${name})`, () => { const value = typeof result[name] === "string" ? stripAnsi(result[name]) : result[name]; if (name in testOptions) { if (name === "status" && testOptions[name] === "non-zero") { expect(value).not.toEqual(0); } else { expect(value).toEqual(testOptions[name]); } } else { expect(value).toMatchSnapshot(); } }); }); return result; }; return Object.assign({ test: testResult }, result); function appendStdout(text) { if (status === undefined) { stdout += text; } } function appendStderr(text) { if (status === undefined) { stderr += text; } } } function normalizeDir(dir) { const isRelative = dir[0] !== "/"; return isRelative ? path.resolve(__dirname, dir) : dir; } module.exports = runPrettier;