"use strict"; var assert = require("assert"); var comments = require("./comments"); var FastPath = require("./fast-path"); var util = require("./util"); var isIdentifierName = require("esutils").keyword.isIdentifierNameES6; var docBuilders = require("./doc-builders"); var concat = docBuilders.concat; var join = docBuilders.join; var line = docBuilders.line; var hardline = docBuilders.hardline; var softline = docBuilders.softline; var literalline = docBuilders.literalline; var group = docBuilders.group; var indent = docBuilders.indent; var align = docBuilders.align; var conditionalGroup = docBuilders.conditionalGroup; var ifBreak = docBuilders.ifBreak; var breakParent = docBuilders.breakParent; var lineSuffixBoundary = docBuilders.lineSuffixBoundary; var docUtils = require("./doc-utils"); var willBreak = docUtils.willBreak; var isLineNext = docUtils.isLineNext; var isEmpty = docUtils.isEmpty; var types = require("ast-types"); var namedTypes = types.namedTypes; var isString = types.builtInTypes.string; var isObject = types.builtInTypes.object; function shouldPrintComma(options, level) { level = level || "es5"; switch (options.trailingComma) { case "all": if (level === "all") { return true; } case "es5": if (level === "es5") { return true; } case "none": default: return false; } } function genericPrint(path, options, printPath, args) { assert.ok(path instanceof FastPath); var node = path.getValue(); var parts = []; var needsParens = false; var linesWithoutParens = genericPrintNoParens(path, options, printPath, args); if (!node || isEmpty(linesWithoutParens)) { return linesWithoutParens; } // Escape hatch if ( node.comments && node.comments.length > 0 && node.comments.some(comment => comment.value.trim() === "prettier-ignore") ) { return options.originalText.slice(util.locStart(node), util.locEnd(node)); } if ( node.decorators && node.decorators.length > 0 && // If the parent node is an export declaration, it will be // responsible for printing node.decorators. !util.getParentExportDeclaration(path) ) { const separator = node.decorators.length === 1 && (node.decorators[0].expression.type === "Identifier" || node.decorators[0].expression.type === "MemberExpression") ? " " : hardline; path.each(function(decoratorPath) { parts.push(printPath(decoratorPath), separator); }, "decorators"); } else if ( util.isExportDeclaration(node) && node.declaration && node.declaration.decorators ) { // Export declarations are responsible for printing any decorators // that logically apply to node.declaration. path.each( function(decoratorPath) { parts.push(printPath(decoratorPath), line); }, "declaration", "decorators" ); } else { // Nodes with decorators can't have parentheses, so we can avoid // computing path.needsParens() except in this case. needsParens = path.needsParens(); } if (node.type) { // HACK: ASI prevention in no-semi mode relies on knowledge of whether // or not a paren has been inserted (see `exprNeedsASIProtection()`). // For now, we're just passing that information by mutating the AST here, // but it would be nice to find a cleaner way to do this. node.needsParens = needsParens; } if (needsParens) { parts.unshift("("); } parts.push(linesWithoutParens); if (needsParens) { parts.push(")"); } return concat(parts); } function genericPrintNoParens(path, options, print, args) { var n = path.getValue(); const semi = options.semi ? ";" : ""; if (!n) { return ""; } if (typeof n === "string") { return n; } // TODO: Investigate types that return not printable. // This assert isn't very useful though. // namedTypes.Printable.assert(n); var parts = []; switch (n.type) { case "File": return path.call(print, "program"); case "Program": // Babel 6 if (n.directives) { path.each(function(childPath) { parts.push(print(childPath), semi, hardline); if ( util.isNextLineEmpty(options.originalText, childPath.getValue()) ) { parts.push(hardline); } }, "directives"); } parts.push( path.call(function(bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body") ); parts.push( comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, /* sameIndent */ true) ); // Only force a trailing newline if there were any contents. if (n.body.length || n.comments) { parts.push(hardline); } return concat(parts); // Babel extension. case "Noop": case "EmptyStatement": return ""; case "ExpressionStatement": return concat([path.call(print, "expression"), semi]); // Babel extension. case "ParenthesizedExpression": return concat(["(", path.call(print, "expression"), ")"]); case "AssignmentExpression": return printAssignment( n.left, path.call(print, "left"), n.operator, n.right, path.call(print, "right"), options ); case "BinaryExpression": case "LogicalExpression": { const parts = printBinaryishExpressions(path, print, options); const parent = path.getParentNode(); // Avoid indenting sub-expressions in if/etc statements. if ( parent.type === "AssignmentExpression" || parent.type === "VariableDeclarator" || shouldInlineLogicalExpression(n) || parent.type === "ReturnStatement" || (n !== parent.body && (parent.type === "IfStatement" || parent.type === "WhileStatement" || parent.type === "DoStatement" || parent.type === "ForStatement")) || (n === parent.body && parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression") ) { return group(concat(parts)); } const rest = concat(parts.slice(1)); return group( concat([ // Don't include the initial expression in the indentation // level. The first item is guaranteed to be the first // left-most expression. parts.length > 0 ? parts[0] : "", indent(rest) ]) ); } case "AssignmentPattern": return concat([ path.call(print, "left"), " = ", path.call(print, "right") ]); case "MemberExpression": { const parent = path.getParentNode(); let firstNonMemberParent; let i = 0; do { firstNonMemberParent = path.getParentNode(i); i++; } while ( firstNonMemberParent && firstNonMemberParent.type === "MemberExpression" ); const shouldInline = firstNonMemberParent && ( (firstNonMemberParent.type === "VariableDeclarator" && firstNonMemberParent.id.type !== "Identifier") || (firstNonMemberParent.type === "AssignmentExpression" && firstNonMemberParent.left.type !== "Identifier")) || n.computed || (n.object.type === "Identifier" && n.property.type === "Identifier" && parent.type !== "MemberExpression"); return concat([ path.call(print, "object"), shouldInline ? printMemberLookup(path, options, print) : group( indent( concat([softline, printMemberLookup(path, options, print)]) ) ) ]); } case "MetaProperty": return concat([ path.call(print, "meta"), ".", path.call(print, "property") ]); case "BindExpression": if (n.object) { parts.push(path.call(print, "object")); } parts.push("::", path.call(print, "callee")); return concat(parts); case "Path": return join(".", n.body); case "Identifier": return concat([ n.name, n.optional ? "?" : "", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "SpreadElement": case "SpreadElementPattern": // Babel 6 for ObjectPattern case "RestProperty": case "SpreadProperty": case "SpreadPropertyPattern": case "RestElement": case "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty": return concat([ "...", path.call(print, "argument"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "FunctionDeclaration": case "FunctionExpression": return printFunctionDeclaration(path, print, options); case "ArrowFunctionExpression": { if (n.async) parts.push("async "); if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } if (canPrintParamsWithoutParens(n)) { parts.push(path.call(print, "params", 0)); } else { parts.push( group( concat([ printFunctionParams( path, print, options, args && (args.expandLastArg || args.expandFirstArg) ), printReturnType(path, print) ]) ) ); } parts.push(" =>"); const body = path.call(print, "body"); const collapsed = concat([concat(parts), " ", body]); // We want to always keep these types of nodes on the same line // as the arrow. if ( n.body.type === "ArrayExpression" || n.body.type === "ObjectExpression" || n.body.type === "JSXElement" || n.body.type === "BlockStatement" || n.body.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" || n.body.type === "TemplateElement" || n.body.type === "ClassExpression" || n.body.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ) { return group(collapsed); } // if the arrow function is expanded as last argument, we are adding a // level of indentation and need to add a softline to align the closing ) // with the opening (. const shouldAddSoftLine = args && args.expandLastArg; return group( concat([ concat(parts), group( concat([ indent(concat([line, body])), shouldAddSoftLine ? concat([ ifBreak(shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : ""), softline ]) : "" ]) ) ]) ); } case "MethodDefinition": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts.push(printMethod(path, options, print)); return concat(parts); case "YieldExpression": parts.push("yield"); if (n.delegate) parts.push("*"); if (n.argument) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "argument")); return concat(parts); case "AwaitExpression": parts.push("await"); if (n.all) parts.push("*"); if (n.argument) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "argument")); return concat(parts); case "ModuleDeclaration": parts.push("module", path.call(print, "id")); if (n.source) { assert.ok(!n.body); parts.push("from", path.call(print, "source")); } else { parts.push(path.call(print, "body")); } return join(" ", parts); case "ImportSpecifier": if (n.imported) { if (n.importKind) { parts.push(path.call(print, "importKind"), " "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "imported")); if (n.local && n.local.name !== n.imported.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "local")); } } else if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); if (n.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "name")); } } return concat(parts); case "ExportSpecifier": if (n.local) { parts.push(path.call(print, "local")); if (n.exported && n.exported.name !== n.local.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "exported")); } } else if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); if (n.name) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "name")); } } return concat(parts); case "ExportBatchSpecifier": return "*"; case "ImportNamespaceSpecifier": parts.push("* as "); if (n.local) { parts.push(path.call(print, "local")); } else if (n.id) { parts.push(path.call(print, "id")); } return concat(parts); case "ImportDefaultSpecifier": if (n.local) { return path.call(print, "local"); } return path.call(print, "id"); case "ExportDeclaration": case "ExportDefaultDeclaration": case "ExportNamedDeclaration": return printExportDeclaration(path, options, print); case "ExportAllDeclaration": parts.push("export *"); if (n.exported) { parts.push(" as ", path.call(print, "exported")); } parts.push(" from ", path.call(print, "source"), semi); return concat(parts); case "ExportNamespaceSpecifier": case "ExportDefaultSpecifier": return path.call(print, "exported"); case "ImportDeclaration": parts.push("import "); const fromParts = []; if (n.importKind && n.importKind !== "value") { parts.push(n.importKind + " "); } var standalones = []; var grouped = []; if (n.specifiers && n.specifiers.length > 0) { path.each(function(specifierPath) { var value = specifierPath.getValue(); if ( namedTypes.ImportDefaultSpecifier.check(value) || namedTypes.ImportNamespaceSpecifier.check(value) ) { standalones.push(print(specifierPath)); } else { grouped.push(print(specifierPath)); } }, "specifiers"); if (standalones.length > 0) { parts.push(join(", ", standalones)); } if (standalones.length > 0 && grouped.length > 0) { parts.push(", "); } if (grouped.length > 0) { parts.push( group( concat([ "{", indent( concat([ options.bracketSpacing ? line : softline, join(concat([",", line]), grouped) ]) ), ifBreak(shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : ""), options.bracketSpacing ? line : softline, "}" ]) ) ); } fromParts.push(grouped.length === 0 ? line : " ", "from "); } else if (n.importKind && n.importKind === "type") { parts.push("{} from "); } fromParts.push(path.call(print, "source"), semi); // If there's a very long import, break the following way: // // import veryLong // from 'verylong' // // In case there are grouped elements, they will already break the way // we want and this break would take precedence instead. if (grouped.length === 0) { return group(concat([concat(parts), indent(concat(fromParts))])); } return concat([concat(parts), concat(fromParts)]); case "Import": { return "import"; } case "BlockStatement": { var naked = path.call(function(bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body"); const hasContent = n.body.find(node => node.type !== "EmptyStatement"); const hasDirectives = n.directives && n.directives.length > 0; var parent = path.getParentNode(); const parentParent = path.getParentNode(1); if ( !hasContent && !hasDirectives && !n.comments && (parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || parent.type === "FunctionExpression" || parent.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || parent.type === "ObjectMethod" || parent.type === "ClassMethod" || (parent.type === "CatchClause" && !parentParent.finalizer)) ) { return "{}"; } parts.push("{"); // Babel 6 if (hasDirectives) { path.each(function(childPath) { parts.push(indent(concat([hardline, print(childPath), semi]))); }, "directives"); } if (hasContent) { parts.push(indent(concat([hardline, naked]))); } parts.push(comments.printDanglingComments(path, options)); parts.push(hardline, "}"); return concat(parts); } case "ReturnStatement": parts.push("return"); if (n.argument) { if (returnArgumentHasLeadingComment(options, n.argument)) { parts.push( concat([ " (", indent(concat([softline, path.call(print, "argument")])), line, ")" ]) ); } else if ( n.argument.type === "LogicalExpression" || n.argument.type === "BinaryExpression" ) { parts.push( group( concat([ ifBreak(" (", " "), indent(concat([softline, path.call(print, "argument")])), softline, ifBreak(")") ]) ) ); } else { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "argument")); } } const hasDanglingComments = n.comments && n.comments.some(comment => !comment.leading && !comment.trailing); if (hasDanglingComments) { parts.push( " ", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, /* sameIndent */ true) ); } parts.push(semi); return concat(parts); case "CallExpression": { if ( // We want to keep require calls as a unit (n.callee.type === "Identifier" && n.callee.name === "require") || // Keep test declarations on a single line // e.g. `it('long name', () => {` (n.callee.type === "Identifier" && (n.callee.name === "it" || n.callee.name === "test" || n.callee.name === "describe") && n.arguments.length === 2 && (n.arguments[0].type === "StringLiteral" || n.arguments[0].type === "TemplateLiteral" || (n.arguments[0].type === "Literal" && typeof n.arguments[0].value === "string")) && (n.arguments[1].type === "FunctionExpression" || n.arguments[1].type === "ArrowFunctionExpression") && n.arguments[1].params.length <= 1) ) { return concat([ path.call(print, "callee"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), concat(["(", join(", ", path.map(print, "arguments")), ")"]) ]); } // We detect calls on member lookups and possibly print them in a // special chain format. See `printMemberChain` for more info. if (n.callee.type === "MemberExpression") { return printMemberChain(path, options, print); } return concat([ path.call(print, "callee"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), printArgumentsList(path, options, print) ]); } case "ObjectExpression": case "ObjectPattern": case "ObjectTypeAnnotation": case "TSTypeLiteral": var isTypeAnnotation = n.type === "ObjectTypeAnnotation"; var isTypeScriptTypeAnnotaion = n.type === "TSTypeLiteral"; // Leave this here because we *might* want to make this // configurable later -- flow accepts ";" for type separators, // typescript accepts ";" and newlines var separator = isTypeAnnotation ? "," : ","; var fields = []; var leftBrace = n.exact ? "{|" : "{"; var rightBrace = n.exact ? "|}" : "}"; var parent = path.getParentNode(0); var parentIsUnionTypeAnnotation = parent.type === "UnionTypeAnnotation"; var propertiesField = isTypeScriptTypeAnnotaion ? "members" : "properties"; if (isTypeAnnotation) { fields.push("indexers", "callProperties"); } fields.push(propertiesField); var props = []; let separatorParts = []; fields.forEach(function(field) { path.each(function(childPath) { props.push(concat(separatorParts)); props.push(group(print(childPath))); separatorParts = [separator, line]; if ( util.isNextLineEmpty(options.originalText, childPath.getValue()) ) { separatorParts.push(hardline); } }, field); }); const lastElem = util.getLast(n[propertiesField]); const canHaveTrailingComma = !( lastElem && (lastElem.type === "RestProperty" || lastElem.type === "RestElement") ); const shouldBreak = n.type !== "ObjectPattern" && util.hasNewlineInRange( options.originalText, util.locStart(n), util.locEnd(n) ); if (props.length === 0) { return group( concat([ leftBrace, comments.printDanglingComments(path, options), softline, rightBrace ]) ); } else { return group( concat([ leftBrace, indent( align( parentIsUnionTypeAnnotation ? 2 : 0, concat([ options.bracketSpacing ? line : softline, concat(props) ]) ) ), ifBreak( canHaveTrailingComma && shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : "" ), align( parentIsUnionTypeAnnotation ? 2 : 0, concat([options.bracketSpacing ? line : softline, rightBrace]) ), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]), { shouldBreak } ); } case "PropertyPattern": return concat([ path.call(print, "key"), ": ", path.call(print, "pattern") ]); // Babel 6 case "ObjectProperty": // Non-standard AST node type. case "Property": if (n.method || n.kind === "get" || n.kind === "set") { return printMethod(path, options, print); } if (n.shorthand) { parts.push(path.call(print, "value")); } else { if (n.computed) { parts.push("[", path.call(print, "key"), "]"); } else { parts.push(printPropertyKey(path, options, print)); } parts.push(concat([": ", path.call(print, "value")])); } return concat(parts); // Babel 6 case "ClassMethod": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts = parts.concat(printObjectMethod(path, options, print)); return concat(parts); // Babel 6 case "ObjectMethod": return printObjectMethod(path, options, print); case "Decorator": return concat(["@", path.call(print, "expression")]); case "ArrayExpression": case "ArrayPattern": if (n.elements.length === 0) { parts.push( group( concat([ "[", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options), softline, "]" ]) ) ); } else { const lastElem = util.getLast(n.elements); const canHaveTrailingComma = !(lastElem && lastElem.type === "RestElement"); // JavaScript allows you to have empty elements in an array which // changes its length based on the number of commas. The algorithm // is that if the last argument is null, we need to force insert // a comma to ensure JavaScript recognizes it. // [,].length === 1 // [1,].length === 1 // [1,,].length === 2 // // Note that util.getLast returns null if the array is empty, but // we already check for an empty array just above so we are safe const needsForcedTrailingComma = canHaveTrailingComma && lastElem === null; parts.push( group( concat([ "[", indent( concat([ softline, printArrayItems(path, options, "elements", print) ]) ), needsForcedTrailingComma ? "," : "", ifBreak( canHaveTrailingComma && !needsForcedTrailingComma && shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : "" ), comments.printDanglingComments( path, options, /* sameIndent */ true ), softline, "]" ]) ) ); } if (n.typeAnnotation) parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return concat(parts); case "SequenceExpression": return join(", ", path.map(print, "expressions")); case "ThisExpression": return "this"; case "Super": return "super"; // Babel 6 Literal split case "NullLiteral": return "null"; // Babel 6 Literal split case "RegExpLiteral": return n.extra.raw; // Babel 6 Literal split case "NumericLiteral": return printNumber(n.extra.raw); // Babel 6 Literal split case "BooleanLiteral": // Babel 6 Literal split case "StringLiteral": case "Literal": if (typeof n.value === "number") return printNumber(n.raw); if (typeof n.value !== "string") return "" + n.value; return nodeStr(n, options); // Babel 6 case "Directive": return path.call(print, "value"); // Babel 6 case "DirectiveLiteral": return nodeStr(n, options); case "ModuleSpecifier": if (n.local) { throw new Error("The ESTree ModuleSpecifier type should be abstract"); } // The Esprima ModuleSpecifier type is just a string-valued // Literal identifying the imported-from module. return nodeStr(n, options); case "UnaryExpression": parts.push(n.operator); if (/[a-z]$/.test(n.operator)) parts.push(" "); parts.push(path.call(print, "argument")); return concat(parts); case "UpdateExpression": parts.push(path.call(print, "argument"), n.operator); if (n.prefix) parts.reverse(); return concat(parts); case "ConditionalExpression": return group( concat([ path.call(print, "test"), indent( concat([ line, "? ", align(2, path.call(print, "consequent")), line, ": ", align(2, path.call(print, "alternate")) ]) ) ]) ); case "NewExpression": parts.push("new ", path.call(print, "callee")); if (n.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } var args = n.arguments; if (args) { parts.push(printArgumentsList(path, options, print)); } return concat(parts); case "VariableDeclaration": var printed = path.map(function(childPath) { return print(childPath); }, "declarations"); parts = [ n.kind, " ", printed[0], indent(concat(printed.slice(1).map(p => concat([",", line, p])))) ]; // We generally want to terminate all variable declarations with a // semicolon, except when they in the () part of for loops. var parentNode = path.getParentNode(); var isParentForLoop = namedTypes.ForStatement.check(parentNode) || namedTypes.ForInStatement.check(parentNode) || (namedTypes.ForOfStatement && namedTypes.ForOfStatement.check(parentNode)) || (namedTypes.ForAwaitStatement && namedTypes.ForAwaitStatement.check(parentNode)); if (!(isParentForLoop && parentNode.body !== n)) { parts.push(semi); } return group(concat(parts)); case "VariableDeclarator": return printAssignment( n.id, path.call(print, "id"), "=", n.init, n.init && path.call(print, "init"), options ); case "WithStatement": return concat([ "with (", path.call(print, "object"), ")", adjustClause(n.body, path.call(print, "body")) ]); case "IfStatement": const con = adjustClause(n.consequent, path.call(print, "consequent")); const opening = group( concat([ "if (", group( concat([ indent(concat([softline, path.call(print, "test")])), softline ]) ), ")", con ]) ); parts.push(opening); if (n.alternate) { if (n.consequent.type === "BlockStatement") { parts.push(" else"); } else { parts.push(hardline, "else"); } parts.push( group( adjustClause( n.alternate, path.call(print, "alternate"), n.alternate.type === "IfStatement" ) ) ); } return concat(parts); case "ForStatement": { const body = adjustClause(n.body, path.call(print, "body")); // We want to keep dangling comments above the loop to stay consistent. // Any comment positioned between the for statement and the parentheses // is going to be printed before the statement. const dangling = comments.printDanglingComments( path, options, /* sameLine */ true ); const printedComments = dangling ? concat([dangling, softline]) : ""; if (!n.init && !n.test && !n.update) { return concat([printedComments, "for (;;)", body]); } return concat([ printedComments, "for (", group( concat([ indent( concat([ softline, path.call(print, "init"), ";", line, path.call(print, "test"), ";", line, path.call(print, "update") ]) ), softline ]) ), ")", body ]); } case "WhileStatement": return concat([ "while (", group( concat([ indent(concat([softline, path.call(print, "test")])), softline ]) ), ")", adjustClause(n.body, path.call(print, "body")) ]); case "ForInStatement": // Note: esprima can't actually parse "for each (". return concat([ n.each ? "for each (" : "for (", path.call(print, "left"), " in ", path.call(print, "right"), ")", adjustClause(n.body, path.call(print, "body")) ]); case "ForOfStatement": case "ForAwaitStatement": // Babylon 7 removed ForAwaitStatement in favor of ForOfStatement // with `"await": true`: // https://github.com/estree/estree/pull/138 const isAwait = n.type === "ForAwaitStatement" || n.await; return concat([ "for", isAwait ? " await" : "", " (", path.call(print, "left"), " of ", path.call(print, "right"), ")", adjustClause(n.body, path.call(print, "body")) ]); case "DoWhileStatement": var clause = adjustClause(n.body, path.call(print, "body")); var doBody = concat(["do", clause]); var parts = [doBody]; if (n.body.type === "BlockStatement") { parts.push(" "); } else { parts.push(hardline); } parts.push("while"); parts.push(" (", path.call(print, "test"), ")", semi); return concat(parts); case "DoExpression": return concat(["do ", path.call(print, "body")]); case "BreakStatement": parts.push("break"); if (n.label) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "label")); parts.push(semi); return concat(parts); case "ContinueStatement": parts.push("continue"); if (n.label) parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "label")); parts.push(semi); return concat(parts); case "LabeledStatement": if (n.body.type === "EmptyStatement") { return concat([path.call(print, "label"), ":;"]); } return concat([ path.call(print, "label"), ": ", path.call(print, "body") ]); case "TryStatement": parts.push("try ", path.call(print, "block")); if (n.handler) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "handler")); } else if (n.handlers) { path.each(function(handlerPath) { parts.push(" ", print(handlerPath)); }, "handlers"); } if (n.finalizer) { parts.push(" finally ", path.call(print, "finalizer")); } return concat(parts); case "CatchClause": parts.push("catch (", path.call(print, "param")); if (n.guard) // Note: esprima does not recognize conditional catch clauses. parts.push(" if ", path.call(print, "guard")); parts.push(") ", path.call(print, "body")); return concat(parts); case "ThrowStatement": return concat(["throw ", path.call(print, "argument"), semi]); // Note: ignoring n.lexical because it has no printing consequences. case "SwitchStatement": return concat([ "switch (", path.call(print, "discriminant"), ") {", n.cases.length > 0 ? indent(concat([hardline, join(hardline, path.map(print, "cases"))])) : "", hardline, "}" ]); case "SwitchCase": if (n.test) parts.push("case ", path.call(print, "test"), ":"); else parts.push("default:"); const isFirstCase = path.getNode() === path.getParentNode().cases[0]; if ( !isFirstCase && util.isPreviousLineEmpty(options.originalText, path.getValue()) ) { parts.unshift(hardline); } if (n.consequent.find(node => node.type !== "EmptyStatement")) { const cons = path.call(consequentPath => { return join( hardline, consequentPath .map((p, i) => { if (n.consequent[i].type === "EmptyStatement") { return null; } const shouldAddLine = i !== n.consequent.length - 1 && util.isNextLineEmpty(options.originalText, p.getValue()); return concat([print(p), shouldAddLine ? hardline : ""]); }) .filter(e => e !== null) ); }, "consequent"); parts.push( n.consequent.length === 1 && n.consequent[0].type === "BlockStatement" ? concat([" ", cons]) : indent(concat([hardline, cons])) ); } return concat(parts); // JSX extensions below. case "DebuggerStatement": return concat(["debugger", semi]); case "JSXAttribute": parts.push(path.call(print, "name")); if (n.value) { let res; if ( (n.value.type === "StringLiteral" || n.value.type === "Literal") && typeof n.value.value === "string" ) { const value = n.value.extra ? n.value.extra.raw : n.value.raw; res = '"' + value.slice(1, value.length - 1).replace(/"/g, """) + '"'; } else { res = path.call(print, "value"); } parts.push("=", res); } return concat(parts); case "JSXIdentifier": return "" + n.name; case "JSXNamespacedName": return join(":", [ path.call(print, "namespace"), path.call(print, "name") ]); case "JSXMemberExpression": return join(".", [ path.call(print, "object"), path.call(print, "property") ]); case "JSXSpreadAttribute": return concat(["{...", path.call(print, "argument"), "}"]); case "JSXExpressionContainer": { const parent = path.getParentNode(0); const shouldInline = n.expression.type === "ArrayExpression" || n.expression.type === "ObjectExpression" || n.expression.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || n.expression.type === "CallExpression" || n.expression.type === "FunctionExpression" || n.expression.type === "JSXEmptyExpression" || n.expression.type === "TemplateLiteral" || n.expression.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" || (parent.type === "JSXElement" && (n.expression.type === "ConditionalExpression" || isBinaryish(n.expression))); if (shouldInline) { return group( concat(["{", path.call(print, "expression"), lineSuffixBoundary, "}"]) ); } return group( concat([ "{", indent(concat([softline, path.call(print, "expression")])), softline, lineSuffixBoundary, "}" ]) ); } case "JSXElement": { const elem = printJSXElement(path, options, print); return maybeWrapJSXElementInParens(path, elem, options); } case "JSXOpeningElement": { const n = path.getValue(); // don't break up opening elements with a single long text attribute if ( n.attributes.length === 1 && n.attributes[0].value && (n.attributes[0].value.type === "Literal" || n.attributes[0].value.type === "StringLiteral") && typeof n.attributes[0].value.value === "string" ) { return group( concat([ "<", path.call(print, "name"), " ", concat(path.map(print, "attributes")), n.selfClosing ? " />" : ">" ]) ); } return group( concat([ "<", path.call(print, "name"), concat([ indent( concat( path.map(attr => concat([line, print(attr)]), "attributes") ) ), n.selfClosing ? line : options.jsxBracketSameLine ? ">" : softline ]), n.selfClosing ? "/>" : options.jsxBracketSameLine ? "" : ">" ]) ); } case "JSXClosingElement": return concat([""]); case "JSXText": throw new Error("JSXTest should be handled by JSXElement"); case "JSXEmptyExpression": const requiresHardline = n.comments && n.comments.some( comment => comment.type === "Line" || comment.type === "CommentLine" ); return concat([ comments.printDanglingComments( path, options, /* sameIndent */ !requiresHardline ), requiresHardline ? hardline : "" ]); case "TypeAnnotatedIdentifier": return concat([ path.call(print, "annotation"), " ", path.call(print, "identifier") ]); case "ClassBody": if (!n.comments && n.body.length === 0) { return "{}"; } return concat([ "{", n.body.length > 0 ? indent( concat([ hardline, path.call(function(bodyPath) { return printStatementSequence(bodyPath, options, print); }, "body") ]) ) : comments.printDanglingComments(path, options), hardline, "}" ]); case "ClassPropertyDefinition": parts.push("static ", path.call(print, "definition")); if (!namedTypes.MethodDefinition.check(n.definition)) parts.push(semi); return concat(parts); case "ClassProperty": if (n.static) parts.push("static "); var key; if (n.computed) { key = concat(["[", path.call(print, "key"), "]"]); } else { key = printPropertyKey(path, options, print); var variance = getFlowVariance(n, options); if (variance) { key = concat([variance, key]); } else if (n.accessibility === "public") { key = concat(["public ", key]); } else if (n.accessibility === "protected") { key = concat(["protected ", key]); } else if (n.accessibility === "private") { key = concat(["private ", key]); } } parts.push(key); if (n.typeAnnotation) parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); if (n.value) parts.push(" = ", path.call(print, "value")); parts.push(semi); return concat(parts); case "ClassDeclaration": case "ClassExpression": return concat(printClass(path, options, print)); case "TemplateElement": return join(literalline, n.value.raw.split("\n")); case "TemplateLiteral": var expressions = path.map(print, "expressions"); function removeLines(doc) { // Force this doc into flat mode by statically converting all // lines into spaces (or soft lines into nothing). Hard lines // should still output because there's too great of a chance // of breaking existing assumptions otherwise. return docUtils.mapDoc(doc, d => { if (d.type === "line" && !d.hard) { return d.soft ? "" : " "; } else if (d.type === "if-break") { return d.flatContents || ""; } return d; }); } parts.push("`"); path.each(function(childPath) { var i = childPath.getName(); parts.push(print(childPath)); if (i < expressions.length) { parts.push( "${", removeLines(expressions[i]), lineSuffixBoundary, "}" ); } }, "quasis"); parts.push("`"); return concat(parts); // These types are unprintable because they serve as abstract // supertypes for other (printable) types. case "TaggedTemplateExpression": return concat([path.call(print, "tag"), path.call(print, "quasi")]); case "Node": case "Printable": case "SourceLocation": case "Position": case "Statement": case "Function": case "Pattern": case "Expression": case "Declaration": case "Specifier": case "NamedSpecifier": // Supertype of Block and Line. case "Comment": // Flow case "MemberTypeAnnotation": // Flow case "Type": throw new Error("unprintable type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); // Type Annotations for Facebook Flow, typically stripped out or // transformed away before printing. case "TypeAnnotation": if (n.typeAnnotation) { if ( n.typeAnnotation.type !== "FunctionTypeAnnotation" && !shouldTypeScriptTypeAvoidColon(path) && // TypeScript should not have a colon before type parameter constraints !(path.getParentNode().type === "TypeParameter" && path.getParentNode().constraint) ) { parts.push(": "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return concat(parts); } return ""; case "TSTupleType": case "TupleTypeAnnotation": let typesField = n.type === "TSTupleType" ? "elementTypes" : "types"; return group( concat([ "[", indent( concat([ softline, printArrayItems(path, options, typesField, print) ]) ), ifBreak(shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : ""), comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, /* sameIndent */ true), softline, "]" ]) ); case "ExistsTypeAnnotation": return "*"; case "EmptyTypeAnnotation": return "empty"; case "AnyTypeAnnotation": return "any"; case "MixedTypeAnnotation": return "mixed"; case "ArrayTypeAnnotation": return concat([path.call(print, "elementType"), "[]"]); case "BooleanTypeAnnotation": return "boolean"; case "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation": return "" + n.value; case "DeclareClass": return printFlowDeclaration(path, printClass(path, options, print)); case "DeclareFunction": // For TypeScript the DeclareFunction node shares the AST // structure with FunctionDeclaration if (n.params) { return concat([ "declare ", printFunctionDeclaration(path, print, options) ]); } return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "function ", path.call(print, "id"), n.predicate ? " " : "", path.call(print, "predicate"), semi ]); case "DeclareModule": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "module ", path.call(print, "id"), " ", path.call(print, "body") ]); case "DeclareModuleExports": return printFlowDeclaration(path, [ "module.exports", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), semi ]); case "DeclareVariable": return printFlowDeclaration(path, ["var ", path.call(print, "id"), semi]); case "DeclareExportAllDeclaration": return concat(["declare export * from ", path.call(print, "source")]); case "DeclareExportDeclaration": return concat(["declare ", printExportDeclaration(path, options, print)]); case "FunctionTypeAnnotation": case "TSFunctionType": // FunctionTypeAnnotation is ambiguous: // declare function foo(a: B): void; OR // var A: (a: B) => void; var parent = path.getParentNode(0); var parentParent = path.getParentNode(1); var isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation = n.type === "TSFunctionType" || !((!getFlowVariance(parent, options) && !parent.optional && namedTypes.ObjectTypeProperty.check(parent)) || namedTypes.ObjectTypeCallProperty.check(parent) || namedTypes.DeclareFunction.check(path.getParentNode(2))); var needsColon = isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation && namedTypes.TypeAnnotation.check(parent); // Sadly we can't put it inside of FastPath::needsColon because we are // printing ":" as part of the expression and it would put parenthesis // around :( const needsParens = needsColon && isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation && parent.type === "TypeAnnotation" && parentParent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression"; if (isObjectTypePropertyAFunction(parent)) { isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation = true; needsColon = true; } if (needsColon) { parts.push(": "); } if (needsParens) { parts.push("("); } parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); parts.push(printFunctionParams(path, print, options)); // The returnType is not wrapped in a TypeAnnotation, so the colon // needs to be added separately. if (n.returnType || n.predicate || n.typeAnnotation) { parts.push( isArrowFunctionTypeAnnotation ? " => " : ": ", path.call(print, "returnType"), path.call(print, "predicate"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ); } if (needsParens) { parts.push(")"); } return group(concat(parts)); case "FunctionTypeParam": return concat([ path.call(print, "name"), n.optional ? "?" : "", n.name ? ": " : "", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "GenericTypeAnnotation": return concat([ path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters") ]); case "DeclareInterface": case "InterfaceDeclaration": { if ( n.type === "DeclareInterface" || isFlowNodeStartingWithDeclare(n, options) ) { parts.push("declare "); } parts.push( "interface ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters") ); if (n["extends"].length > 0) { parts.push( group( indent( concat([line, "extends ", join(", ", path.map(print, "extends"))]) ) ) ); } parts.push(" "); parts.push(path.call(print, "body")); return group(concat(parts)); } case "ClassImplements": case "InterfaceExtends": return concat([ path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters") ]); case "IntersectionTypeAnnotation": { const types = path.map(print, "types"); const result = []; for (let i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { if (i === 0) { result.push(types[i]); } else if ( n.types[i - 1].type !== "ObjectTypeAnnotation" && n.types[i].type !== "ObjectTypeAnnotation" ) { // If no object is involved, go to the next line if it breaks result.push(indent(concat([" &", line, types[i]]))); } else { // If you go from object to non-object or vis-versa, then inline it result.push(" & ", i > 1 ? indent(types[i]) : types[i]); } } return group(concat(result)); } case "TSUnionType": case "UnionTypeAnnotation": { // single-line variation // A | B | C // multi-line variation // | A // | B // | C const parent = path.getParentNode(); // If there's a leading comment, the parent is doing the indentation const shouldIndent = !(parent.type === "TypeAlias" && hasLeadingOwnLineComment(options.originalText, n)); //const token = isIntersection ? "&" : "|"; const code = concat([ ifBreak(concat([shouldIndent ? line : "", "| "])), join(concat([line, "| "]), path.map(print, "types")) ]); return group(shouldIndent ? indent(code) : code); } case "NullableTypeAnnotation": return concat(["?", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")]); case "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation": return "null"; case "ThisTypeAnnotation": return "this"; case "NumberTypeAnnotation": return "number"; case "ObjectTypeCallProperty": if (n.static) { parts.push("static "); } parts.push(path.call(print, "value")); return concat(parts); case "ObjectTypeIndexer": var variance = getFlowVariance(n, options); return concat([ variance || "", "[", path.call(print, "id"), n.id ? ": " : "", path.call(print, "key"), "]: ", path.call(print, "value") ]); case "ObjectTypeProperty": var variance = getFlowVariance(n, options); // TODO: This is a bad hack and we need a better way to know // when to emit an arrow function or not. var isFunction = !variance && !n.optional && n.value.type === "FunctionTypeAnnotation"; if (isObjectTypePropertyAFunction(n)) { isFunction = true; } return concat([ n.static ? "static " : "", variance || "", path.call(print, "key"), n.optional ? "?" : "", isFunction ? "" : ": ", path.call(print, "value") ]); case "QualifiedTypeIdentifier": return concat([ path.call(print, "qualification"), ".", path.call(print, "id") ]); case "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation": return nodeStr(n, options); case "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation": assert.strictEqual(typeof n.value, "number"); if (n.extra != null) { return printNumber(n.extra.raw); } else { return printNumber(n.raw); } case "StringTypeAnnotation": return "string"; case "DeclareTypeAlias": case "TypeAlias": { if ( n.type === "DeclareTypeAlias" || isFlowNodeStartingWithDeclare(n, options) ) { parts.push("declare "); } parts.push( "type ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters"), " =", hasLeadingOwnLineComment(options.originalText, n.right) ? indent(concat([hardline, path.call(print, "right")])) : concat([" ", path.call(print, "right")]), semi ); return concat(parts); } case "TypeCastExpression": return concat([ "(", path.call(print, "expression"), path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ")" ]); case "TypeParameterDeclaration": case "TypeParameterInstantiation": { const shouldInline = n.params.length === 1 && n.params[0].type === "ObjectTypeAnnotation"; if (shouldInline) { return concat(["<", join(", ", path.map(print, "params")), ">"]); } return group( concat([ "<", indent( concat([ softline, join(concat([",", line]), path.map(print, "params")) ]) ), softline, ">" ]) ); } case "TypeParameter": var variance = getFlowVariance(n, options); if (variance) { parts.push(variance); } parts.push(path.call(print, "name")); if (n.bound) { parts.push(path.call(print, "bound")); } if (n.constraint) { parts.push(" extends ", path.call(print, "constraint")); } if (n["default"]) { parts.push("=", path.call(print, "default")); } return concat(parts); case "TypeofTypeAnnotation": return concat(["typeof ", path.call(print, "argument")]); case "VoidTypeAnnotation": return "void"; case "NullTypeAnnotation": return "null"; case "InferredPredicate": return "%checks"; // Unhandled types below. If encountered, nodes of these types should // be either left alone or desugared into AST types that are fully // supported by the pretty-printer. case "DeclaredPredicate": return concat(["%checks(", path.call(print, "value"), ")"]); case "TSAnyKeyword": return "any"; case "TSBooleanKeyword": return "boolean"; case "TSNumberKeyword": return "number"; case "TSObjectKeyword": return "object"; case "TSStringKeyword": return "string"; case "TSVoidKeyword": return "void"; case "TSAsExpression": return concat([ path.call(print, "expression"), " as ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSArrayType": return concat([path.call(print, "elementType"), "[]"]); case "TSPropertySignature": parts.push(path.call(print, "name")); parts.push(path.call(print, "typeAnnotation")); return concat(parts); case "TSTypeReference": return concat([path.call(print, "typeName")]); case "TSCallSignature": return concat([ "(", join(", ", path.map(print, "parameters")), "): ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSConstructSignature": return concat([ "new (", join(", ", path.map(print, "parameters")), "): ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); case "TSTypeQuery": return concat(["typeof ", path.call(print, "exprName")]); case "TSParenthesizedType": return concat(["(", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation"), ")"]); case "TSIndexSignature": return concat([ "[", // This should only contain a single element, however TypeScript parses // it using parseDelimitedList that uses commas as delimiter. join(", ", path.map(print, "parameters")), "]: ", path.call(print, "typeAnnotation") ]); // TODO case "ClassHeritage": // TODO case "ComprehensionBlock": // TODO case "ComprehensionExpression": // TODO case "Glob": // TODO case "GeneratorExpression": // TODO case "LetStatement": // TODO case "LetExpression": // TODO case "GraphExpression": // TODO // XML types that nobody cares about or needs to print. case "GraphIndexExpression": case "XMLDefaultDeclaration": case "XMLAnyName": case "XMLQualifiedIdentifier": case "XMLFunctionQualifiedIdentifier": case "XMLAttributeSelector": case "XMLFilterExpression": case "XML": case "XMLElement": case "XMLList": case "XMLEscape": case "XMLText": case "XMLStartTag": case "XMLEndTag": case "XMLPointTag": case "XMLName": case "XMLAttribute": case "XMLCdata": case "XMLComment": case "XMLProcessingInstruction": default: debugger; throw new Error("unknown type: " + JSON.stringify(n.type)); } } function printStatementSequence(path, options, print) { let printed = []; const bodyNode = path.getNode(); const isClass = bodyNode.type === "ClassBody"; path.map((stmtPath, i) => { var stmt = stmtPath.getValue(); // Just in case the AST has been modified to contain falsy // "statements," it's safer simply to skip them. if (!stmt) { return; } // Skip printing EmptyStatement nodes to avoid leaving stray // semicolons lying around. if (stmt.type === "EmptyStatement") { return; } const stmtPrinted = print(stmtPath); const text = options.originalText; const parts = []; // in no-semi mode, prepend statement with semicolon if it might break ASI if (!options.semi && !isClass && stmtNeedsASIProtection(stmtPath)) { if ( stmt.comments && stmt.comments.some(comment => comment.leading) ) { // Note: stmtNeedsASIProtection requires stmtPath to already be printed // as it reads needsParens which is mutated on the instance parts.push(print(stmtPath, { needsSemi: true })); } else { parts.push(";", stmtPrinted); } } else { parts.push(stmtPrinted); } if (!options.semi && isClass) { if (classPropMayCauseASIProblems(stmtPath)) { parts.push(";"); } else if (stmt.type === "ClassProperty") { const nextChild = bodyNode.body[i + 1]; if (classChildNeedsASIProtection(nextChild)) { parts.push(";"); } } } if (util.isNextLineEmpty(text, stmt) && !isLastStatement(stmtPath)) { parts.push(hardline); } printed.push(concat(parts)); }); return join(hardline, printed); } function printPropertyKey(path, options, print) { const node = path.getNode(); const key = node.key; if ( (key.type === "StringLiteral" || (key.type === "Literal" && typeof key.value === "string")) && isIdentifierName(key.value) && !node.computed && // There's a bug in the flow parser where it throws if there are // unquoted unicode literals as keys. Let's quote them for now. (options.parser !== "flow" || key.value.match(/[a-zA-Z0-9$_]/)) ) { // 'a' -> a return path.call( keyPath => comments.printComments(keyPath, p => key.value, options), "key" ); } return path.call(print, "key"); } function printMethod(path, options, print) { var node = path.getNode(); var kind = node.kind; var parts = []; if (node.type === "ObjectMethod" || node.type === "ClassMethod") { node.value = node; } else { namedTypes.FunctionExpression.assert(node.value); } if (node.value.async) { parts.push("async "); } if (!kind || kind === "init" || kind === "method" || kind === "constructor") { if (node.value.generator) { parts.push("*"); } } else { assert.ok(kind === "get" || kind === "set"); parts.push(kind, " "); } var key = printPropertyKey(path, options, print); if (node.computed) { key = concat(["[", key, "]"]); } parts.push( key, path.call(print, "value", "typeParameters"), group( concat([ path.call(function(valuePath) { return printFunctionParams(valuePath, print, options); }, "value"), path.call(p => printReturnType(p, print), "value") ]) ), " ", path.call(print, "value", "body") ); return concat(parts); } function couldGroupArg(arg) { return ( (arg.type === "ObjectExpression" && arg.properties.length > 0) || (arg.type === "ArrayExpression" && arg.elements.length > 0) || arg.type === "FunctionExpression" || (arg.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && (arg.body.type === "BlockStatement" || arg.body.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || arg.body.type === "ObjectExpression" || arg.body.type === "ArrayExpression" || arg.body.type === "CallExpression" || arg.body.type === "JSXElement")) ); } function shouldGroupLastArg(args) { const lastArg = util.getLast(args); const penultimateArg = util.getPenultimate(args); return ( (!lastArg.comments || !lastArg.comments.length) && couldGroupArg(lastArg) && // If the last two arguments are of the same type, // disable last element expansion. (!penultimateArg || penultimateArg.type !== lastArg.type) ); } function shouldGroupFirstArg(args) { if (args.length !== 2) { return false; } const firstArg = args[0]; const secondArg = args[1]; return ( (!firstArg.comments || !firstArg.comments.length) && (firstArg.type === "FunctionExpression" || (firstArg.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && firstArg.body.type === "BlockStatement")) && !couldGroupArg(secondArg) ); } function printArgumentsList(path, options, print) { var printed = path.map(print, "arguments"); if (printed.length === 0) { return concat([ "(", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, /* sameIndent */ true), ")" ]); } const args = path.getValue().arguments; // This is just an optimization; I think we could return the // conditional group for all function calls, but it's more expensive // so only do it for specific forms. const shouldGroupFirst = shouldGroupFirstArg(args); const shouldGroupLast = shouldGroupLastArg(args); if (shouldGroupFirst || shouldGroupLast) { const shouldBreak = shouldGroupFirst ? printed.slice(1).some(willBreak) : printed.slice(0, -1).some(willBreak); // We want to print the last argument with a special flag let printedExpanded; let i = 0; path.each(function(argPath) { if (shouldGroupFirst && i === 0) { printedExpanded = [argPath.call(p => print(p, { expandFirstArg: true }))] .concat(printed.slice(1)); } if (shouldGroupLast && i === args.length - 1) { printedExpanded = printed .slice(0, -1) .concat(argPath.call(p => print(p, { expandLastArg: true }))); } i++; }, "arguments"); return concat([ printed.some(willBreak) ? breakParent : "", conditionalGroup( [ concat(["(", join(concat([", "]), printedExpanded), ")"]), shouldGroupFirst ? concat([ "(", group(printedExpanded[0], { shouldBreak: true }), printed.length > 1 ? ", " : "", join(concat([",", line]), printed.slice(1)), ")" ]) : concat([ "(", join(concat([",", line]), printed.slice(0, -1)), printed.length > 1 ? ", " : "", group(util.getLast(printedExpanded), { shouldBreak: true }), ")" ]), group( concat([ "(", indent(concat([line, join(concat([",", line]), printed)])), shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : "", line, ")" ]), { shouldBreak: true } ) ], { shouldBreak } ) ]); } return group( concat([ "(", indent(concat([softline, join(concat([",", line]), printed)])), ifBreak(shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : ""), softline, ")" ]), { shouldBreak: printed.some(willBreak) } ); } function printFunctionParams(path, print, options, expandArg) { var fun = path.getValue(); // namedTypes.Function.assert(fun); var paramsField = fun.type === "TSFunctionType" ? "parameters" : "params"; var printed = path.map(print, paramsField); if (fun.defaults) { path.each(function(defExprPath) { var i = defExprPath.getName(); var p = printed[i]; if (p && defExprPath.getValue()) { printed[i] = concat([p, " = ", print(defExprPath)]); } }, "defaults"); } if (fun.rest) { printed.push(concat(["...", path.call(print, "rest")])); } if (printed.length === 0) { return concat([ "(", comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, /* sameIndent */ true), ")" ]); } const lastParam = util.getLast(fun[paramsField]); const canHaveTrailingComma = !(lastParam && lastParam.type === "RestElement") && !fun.rest; // If the parent is a call with the first/last argument expansion and this is the // params of the first/last argument, we dont want the arguments to break and instead // want the whole expression to be on a new line. // // Good: Bad: // verylongcall( verylongcall(( // (a, b) => { a, // } b, // }) ) => { // }) if (expandArg) { return group(concat(["(", join(", ", printed), ")"])); } // Single object destructuring should hug // // function({ // a, // b, // c // }) {} if ( fun.params && fun.params.length === 1 && !fun.params[0].comments && (fun.params[0].type === "ObjectPattern" || (fun.params[0].type === "FunctionTypeParam" && fun.params[0].typeAnnotation.type === "ObjectTypeAnnotation")) && !fun.rest ) { return concat(["(", join(", ", printed), ")"]); } const parent = path.getParentNode(); const flowTypeAnnotations = [ "AnyTypeAnnotation", "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation", "NullableTypeAnnotation", "GenericTypeAnnotation", "ThisTypeAnnotation", "NumberTypeAnnotation", "VoidTypeAnnotation", "NullTypeAnnotation", "EmptyTypeAnnotation", "MixedTypeAnnotation", "BooleanTypeAnnotation", "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation", "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation", "StringTypeAnnotation" ]; const isFlowShorthandWithOneArg = (isObjectTypePropertyAFunction(parent) || isTypeAnnotationAFunction(parent) || parent.type === "TypeAlias") && fun[paramsField].length === 1 && fun[paramsField][0].name === null && fun[paramsField][0].typeAnnotation && flowTypeAnnotations.indexOf(fun[paramsField][0].typeAnnotation.type) !== -1 && !fun.rest; return concat([ isFlowShorthandWithOneArg ? "" : "(", indent(concat([softline, join(concat([",", line]), printed)])), ifBreak( canHaveTrailingComma && shouldPrintComma(options, "all") ? "," : "" ), softline, isFlowShorthandWithOneArg ? "" : ")" ]); } function canPrintParamsWithoutParens(node) { return ( node.params.length === 1 && !node.rest && node.params[0].type === "Identifier" && !node.params[0].typeAnnotation && !node.params[0].leadingComments && !node.params[0].trailingComments && !node.params[0].optional && !node.predicate && !node.returnType ); } function printFunctionDeclaration(path, print, options) { var n = path.getValue(); var parts = []; if (n.async) parts.push("async "); parts.push("function"); if (n.generator) parts.push("*"); if (n.id) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "id")); } parts.push( path.call(print, "typeParameters"), group( concat([ printFunctionParams(path, print, options), printReturnType(path, print) ]) ), " ", path.call(print, "body") ); return concat(parts); } function printObjectMethod(path, options, print) { var objMethod = path.getValue(); var parts = []; if (objMethod.async) parts.push("async "); if (objMethod.generator) parts.push("*"); if ( objMethod.method || objMethod.kind === "get" || objMethod.kind === "set" ) { return printMethod(path, options, print); } var key = printPropertyKey(path, options, print); if (objMethod.computed) { parts.push("[", key, "]"); } else { parts.push(key); } if (objMethod.typeParameters) { parts.push(path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } parts.push( group( concat([ printFunctionParams(path, print, options), printReturnType(path, print) ]) ), " ", path.call(print, "body") ); return concat(parts); } function printReturnType(path, print) { const n = path.getValue(); const parts = [path.call(print, "returnType")]; if (n.predicate) { // The return type will already add the colon, but otherwise we // need to do it ourselves parts.push(n.returnType ? " " : ": ", path.call(print, "predicate")); } return concat(parts); } function typeIsFunction(type) { return ( type === "FunctionExpression" || type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" || type === "NewExpression" ); } function printExportDeclaration(path, options, print) { const decl = path.getValue(); const semi = options.semi ? ";" : ""; let parts = ["export "]; namedTypes.Declaration.assert(decl); if (decl["default"] || decl.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { parts.push("default "); } parts.push( comments.printDanglingComments(path, options, /* sameIndent */ true) ); if (decl.declaration) { parts.push(path.call(print, "declaration")); if ( decl.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration" && (decl.declaration.type !== "ClassDeclaration" && decl.declaration.type !== "FunctionDeclaration") ) { parts.push(semi); } } else { if (decl.specifiers && decl.specifiers.length > 0) { if ( decl.specifiers.length === 1 && decl.specifiers[0].type === "ExportBatchSpecifier" ) { parts.push("*"); } else { let specifiers = []; let defaultSpecifiers = []; let namespaceSpecifiers = []; path.map(specifierPath => { const specifierType = path.getValue().type; if (specifierType === "ExportSpecifier") { specifiers.push(print(specifierPath)); } else if (specifierType === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { defaultSpecifiers.push(print(specifierPath)); } else if (specifierType === "ExportNamespaceSpecifier") { namespaceSpecifiers.push(concat(["* as ", print(specifierPath)])); } }, "specifiers"); const isNamespaceFollowed = namespaceSpecifiers.length !== 0 && (specifiers.length !== 0 || defaultSpecifiers.length !== 0); const isDefaultFollowed = defaultSpecifiers.length !== 0 && specifiers.length !== 0; parts.push( decl.exportKind === "type" ? "type " : "", concat(namespaceSpecifiers), concat([isNamespaceFollowed ? ", " : ""]), concat(defaultSpecifiers), concat([isDefaultFollowed ? ", " : ""]), specifiers.length !== 0 ? group( concat([ "{", indent( concat([ options.bracketSpacing ? line : softline, join(concat([",", line]), specifiers) ]) ), ifBreak(shouldPrintComma(options) ? "," : ""), options.bracketSpacing ? line : softline, "}" ]) ) : "" ); } } else { parts.push("{}"); } if (decl.source) { parts.push(" from ", path.call(print, "source")); } parts.push(semi); } return concat(parts); } function printFlowDeclaration(path, parts) { var parentExportDecl = util.getParentExportDeclaration(path); if (parentExportDecl) { assert.strictEqual(parentExportDecl.type, "DeclareExportDeclaration"); } else { // If the parent node has type DeclareExportDeclaration, then it // will be responsible for printing the "declare" token. Otherwise // it needs to be printed with this non-exported declaration node. parts.unshift("declare "); } return concat(parts); } function getFlowVariance(path, options) { if (!path.variance) { return null; } // Babylon 7.0 currently uses variance node type, and flow should // follow suit soon: // https://github.com/babel/babel/issues/4722 const variance = path.variance.kind || path.variance; switch (variance) { case "plus": return "+"; case "minus": return "-"; default: return variance; } } function printClass(path, options, print) { const n = path.getValue(); const parts = ["class"]; if (n.id) { parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "id"), path.call(print, "typeParameters")); } const partsGroup = []; if (n.superClass) { partsGroup.push( line, "extends ", path.call(print, "superClass"), path.call(print, "superTypeParameters") ); } else if (n.extends && n.extends.length > 0) { partsGroup.push(line, "extends ", join(", ", path.map(print, "extends"))); } if (n["implements"] && n["implements"].length > 0) { partsGroup.push( line, "implements ", join(", ", path.map(print, "implements")) ); } if (partsGroup.length > 0) { parts.push(group(indent(concat(partsGroup)))); } parts.push(" ", path.call(print, "body")); return parts; } function printMemberLookup(path, options, print) { const property = path.call(print, "property"); const n = path.getValue(); return concat( n.computed ? [ "[", group(concat([indent(concat([softline, property])), softline])), "]" ] : [".", property] ); } // We detect calls on member expressions specially to format a // comman pattern better. The pattern we are looking for is this: // // arr // .map(x => x + 1) // .filter(x => x > 10) // .some(x => x % 2) // // The way it is structured in the AST is via a nested sequence of // MemberExpression and CallExpression. We need to traverse the AST // and make groups out of it to print it in the desired way. function printMemberChain(path, options, print) { // The first phase is to linearize the AST by traversing it down. // // a().b() // has the following AST structure: // CallExpression(MemberExpression(CallExpression(Identifier))) // and we transform it into // [Identifier, CallExpression, MemberExpression, CallExpression] const printedNodes = []; function rec(path) { const node = path.getValue(); if (node.type === "CallExpression") { printedNodes.unshift({ node: node, printed: comments.printComments( path, p => printArgumentsList(path, options, print), options ) }); path.call(callee => rec(callee), "callee"); } else if (node.type === "MemberExpression") { printedNodes.unshift({ node: node, printed: comments.printComments( path, p => printMemberLookup(path, options, print), options ) }); path.call(object => rec(object), "object"); } else { printedNodes.unshift({ node: node, printed: path.call(print) }); } } // Note: the comments of the root node have already been printed, so we // need to extract this first call without printing them as they would // if handled inside of the recursive call. printedNodes.unshift({ node: path.getValue(), printed: printArgumentsList(path, options, print) }); path.call(callee => rec(callee), "callee"); // Once we have a linear list of printed nodes, we want to create groups out // of it. // // a().b.c().d().e // will be grouped as // [ // [Identifier, CallExpression], // [MemberExpression, MemberExpression, CallExpression], // [MemberExpression, CallExpression], // [MemberExpression], // ] // so that we can print it as // a() // .b.c() // .d() // .e // The first group is the first node followed by // - as many CallExpression as possible // < fn()()() >.something() // - then, as many MemberExpression as possible but the last one // < this.items >.something() var groups = []; var currentGroup = [printedNodes[0]]; var i = 1; for (; i < printedNodes.length; ++i) { if (printedNodes[i].node.type === "CallExpression") { currentGroup.push(printedNodes[i]); } else { break; } } for (; i + 1 < printedNodes.length; ++i) { if ( printedNodes[i].node.type === "MemberExpression" && printedNodes[i + 1].node.type === "MemberExpression" ) { currentGroup.push(printedNodes[i]); } else { break; } } groups.push(currentGroup); currentGroup = []; // Then, each following group is a sequence of MemberExpression followed by // a sequence of CallExpression. To compute it, we keep adding things to the // group until we has seen a CallExpression in the past and reach a // MemberExpression var hasSeenCallExpression = false; for (; i < printedNodes.length; ++i) { if ( hasSeenCallExpression && printedNodes[i].node.type === "MemberExpression" ) { // [0] should be appended at the end of the group instead of the // beginning of the next one if (printedNodes[i].node.computed) { currentGroup.push(printedNodes[i]); continue; } groups.push(currentGroup); currentGroup = []; hasSeenCallExpression = false; } if (printedNodes[i].node.type === "CallExpression") { hasSeenCallExpression = true; } currentGroup.push(printedNodes[i]); } if (currentGroup.length > 0) { groups.push(currentGroup); } // There are cases like Object.keys(), Observable.of(), _.values() where // they are the subject of all the chained calls and therefore should // be kept on the same line: // // Object.keys(items) // .filter(x => x) // .map(x => x) // // In order to detect those cases, we use an heuristic: if the first // node is just an identifier with the name starting with a capital // letter, just a sequence of _$ or this. The rationale is that they are // likely to be factories. const shouldMerge = groups.length >= 2 && !groups[1][0].node.comments && groups[0].length === 1 && (groups[0][0].node.type === "ThisExpression" || (groups[0][0].node.type === "Identifier" && groups[0][0].node.name.match(/(^[A-Z])|^[_$]+$/))); function printGroup(printedGroup) { return concat(printedGroup.map(tuple => tuple.printed)); } function printIndentedGroup(groups) { return indent( group(concat([hardline, join(hardline, groups.map(printGroup))])) ); } const printedGroups = groups.map(printGroup); const oneLine = concat(printedGroups); const hasComment = (groups.length >= 2 && groups[1][0].node.comments) || (groups.length >= 3 && groups[2][0].node.comments); // If we only have a single `.`, we shouldn't do anything fancy and just // render everything concatenated together. if ( groups.length <= (shouldMerge ? 3 : 2) && !hasComment && // (a || b).map() should be break before .map() instead of || groups[0][0].node.type !== "LogicalExpression" ) { return group(oneLine); } const expanded = concat([ printGroup(groups[0]), shouldMerge ? concat(groups.slice(1, 2).map(printGroup)) : "", printIndentedGroup(groups.slice(shouldMerge ? 2 : 1)) ]); // If there's a comment, we don't want to print in one line. if (hasComment) { return group(expanded); } // If any group but the last one has a hard line, we want to force expand // it. If the last group is a function it's okay to inline if it fits. if (printedGroups.slice(0, -1).some(willBreak)) { return group(expanded); } return concat([ // We only need to check `oneLine` because if `expanded` is chosen // that means that the parent group has already been broken // naturally willBreak(oneLine) ? breakParent : "", conditionalGroup([oneLine, expanded]) ]); } function isEmptyJSXElement(node) { if (node.children.length === 0) return true; if (node.children.length > 1) return false; // if there is one child but it's just a newline, treat as empty const value = node.children[0].value; if (!/\S/.test(value) && /\n/.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } } // JSX Children are strange, mostly for two reasons: // 1. JSX reads newlines into string values, instead of skipping them like JS // 2. up to one whitespace between elements within a line is significant, // but not between lines. // // So for one thing, '\n' needs to be parsed out of string literals // and turned into hardlines (with string boundaries otherwise using softline) // // For another, leading, trailing, and lone whitespace all need to // turn themselves into the rather ugly `{' '}` when breaking. function printJSXChildren(path, options, print, jsxWhitespace) { const n = path.getValue(); const children = []; // using `map` instead of `each` because it provides `i` path.map(function(childPath, i) { const child = childPath.getValue(); const isLiteral = namedTypes.Literal.check(child); if (isLiteral && typeof child.value === "string") { // There's a bug in the flow parser where it doesn't unescape the // value field. To workaround this, we can use rawValue which is // correctly escaped (since it parsed). // We really want to use value and re-escape it ourself when possible // though. const partiallyEscapedValue = options.parser === "flow" ? child.raw : util.htmlEscapeInsideAngleBracket(child.value); const value = partiallyEscapedValue.replace(/\u00a0/g, " "); if (/\S/.test(value)) { // treat each line of text as its own entity value.split(/(\r?\n\s*)/).forEach(line => { const newlines = line.match(/\n/g); if (newlines) { children.push(hardline); // allow one extra newline if (newlines.length > 1) { children.push(hardline); } return; } const beginSpace = /^\s+/.test(line); if (beginSpace) { children.push(jsxWhitespace); children.push(softline); } const stripped = line.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""); if (stripped) { children.push(stripped); } const endSpace = /\s+$/.test(line); if (endSpace) { children.push(softline); children.push(jsxWhitespace); } }); if (!isLineNext(util.getLast(children))) { children.push(softline); } } else if (/\n/.test(value)) { children.push(hardline); // allow one extra newline if (value.match(/\n/g).length > 1) { children.push(hardline); } } else if (/\s/.test(value)) { // whitespace-only without newlines, // eg; a single space separating two elements children.push(jsxWhitespace); children.push(softline); } } else { children.push(print(childPath)); // add a line unless it's followed by a JSX newline let next = n.children[i + 1]; if (!(next && /^\s*\n/.test(next.value))) { children.push(softline); } } }, "children"); return children; } // JSX expands children from the inside-out, instead of the outside-in. // This is both to break children before attributes, // and to ensure that when children break, their parents do as well. // // Any element that is written without any newlines and fits on a single line // is left that way. // Not only that, any user-written-line containing multiple JSX siblings // should also be kept on one line if possible, // so each user-written-line is wrapped in its own group. // // Elements that contain newlines or don't fit on a single line (recursively) // are fully-split, using hardline and shouldBreak: true. // // To support that case properly, all leading and trailing spaces // are stripped from the list of children, and replaced with a single hardline. function printJSXElement(path, options, print) { const n = path.getValue(); // Turn
if (isEmptyJSXElement(n)) { n.openingElement.selfClosing = true; delete n.closingElement; } const openingLines = path.call(print, "openingElement"); const closingLines = path.call(print, "closingElement"); if ( n.children.length === 1 && n.children[0].type === "JSXExpressionContainer" && (n.children[0].expression.type === "TemplateLiteral" || n.children[0].expression.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression") ) { return concat([ openingLines, concat(path.map(print, "children")), closingLines ]); } // If no children, just print the opening element if (n.openingElement.selfClosing) { assert.ok(!n.closingElement); return openingLines; } // Record any breaks. Should never go from true to false, only false to true. let forcedBreak = willBreak(openingLines); const jsxWhitespace = options.singleQuote ? ifBreak("{' '}", " ") : ifBreak('{" "}', " "); const children = printJSXChildren(path, options, print, jsxWhitespace); // Trim trailing lines, recording if there was a hardline let numTrailingHard = 0; while (children.length && isLineNext(util.getLast(children))) { if (willBreak(util.getLast(children))) { ++numTrailingHard; forcedBreak = true; } children.pop(); } // allow one extra newline if (numTrailingHard > 1) { children.push(hardline); } // Trim leading lines, recording if there was a hardline let numLeadingHard = 0; while (children.length && isLineNext(children[0])) { if (willBreak(children[0])) { ++numLeadingHard; forcedBreak = true; } children.shift(); } // allow one extra newline if (numLeadingHard > 1) { children.unshift(hardline); } // Group by line, recording if there was a hardline. let groups = [[]]; // Initialize the first line's group children.forEach((child, i) => { // leading and trailing JSX whitespace don't go into a group if (child === jsxWhitespace) { if (i === 0) { groups.unshift(child); return; } else if (i === children.length - 1) { groups.push(child); return; } } let prev = children[i - 1]; if (prev && willBreak(prev)) { forcedBreak = true; // On a new line, so create a new group and put this element in it. groups.push([child]); } else { // Not on a newline, so add this element to the current group. util.getLast(groups).push(child); } // Ensure we record hardline of last element. if (!forcedBreak && i === children.length - 1) { if (willBreak(child)) forcedBreak = true; } }); const childrenGroupedByLine = [ hardline, // Conditional groups suppress break propagation; we want to output // hard lines without breaking up the entire jsx element. // Note that leading and trailing JSX Whitespace don't go into a group. concat( groups.map( contents => (Array.isArray(contents) ? conditionalGroup([concat(contents)]) : contents) ) ) ]; const multiLineElem = group( concat([ openingLines, indent(group(concat(childrenGroupedByLine), { shouldBreak: true })), hardline, closingLines ]) ); if (forcedBreak) { return multiLineElem; } return conditionalGroup([ group(concat([openingLines, concat(children), closingLines])), multiLineElem ]); } function maybeWrapJSXElementInParens(path, elem, options) { const parent = path.getParentNode(); if (!parent) return elem; const NO_WRAP_PARENTS = { ArrayExpression: true, JSXElement: true, JSXExpressionContainer: true, ExpressionStatement: true, CallExpression: true, ConditionalExpression: true, LogicalExpression: true }; if (NO_WRAP_PARENTS[parent.type]) { return elem; } return group( concat([ ifBreak("("), indent(concat([softline, elem])), softline, ifBreak(")") ]) ); } function isBinaryish(node) { return node.type === "BinaryExpression" || node.type === "LogicalExpression"; } function shouldInlineLogicalExpression(node) { return ( node.type === "LogicalExpression" && (node.right.type === "ObjectExpression" || node.right.type === "ArrayExpression") ); } // For binary expressions to be consistent, we need to group // subsequent operators with the same precedence level under a single // group. Otherwise they will be nested such that some of them break // onto new lines but not all. Operators with the same precedence // level should either all break or not. Because we group them by // precedence level and the AST is structured based on precedence // level, things are naturally broken up correctly, i.e. `&&` is // broken before `+`. function printBinaryishExpressions(path, print, options, isNested) { let parts = []; let node = path.getValue(); // We treat BinaryExpression and LogicalExpression nodes the same. if (isBinaryish(node)) { // Put all operators with the same precedence level in the same // group. The reason we only need to do this with the `left` // expression is because given an expression like `1 + 2 - 3`, it // is always parsed like `((1 + 2) - 3)`, meaning the `left` side // is where the rest of the expression will exist. Binary // expressions on the right side mean they have a difference // precedence level and should be treated as a separate group, so // print them normally. (This doesn't hold for the `**` operator, // which is unique in that it is right-associative.) if ( util.getPrecedence(node.left.operator) === util.getPrecedence(node.operator) && node.operator !== "**" ) { // Flatten them out by recursively calling this function. parts = parts.concat( path.call( left => printBinaryishExpressions( left, print, options, /* isNested */ true ), "left" ) ); } else { parts.push(path.call(print, "left")); } const right = concat([ node.operator, shouldInlineLogicalExpression(node) ? " " : line, path.call(print, "right") ]); // If there's only a single binary expression, we want to create a group // in order to avoid having a small right part like -1 be on its own line. const parent = path.getParentNode(); const shouldGroup = parent.type !== node.type && node.left.type !== node.type && node.right.type !== node.type; parts.push(" ", shouldGroup ? group(right) : right); // The root comments are already printed, but we need to manually print // the other ones since we don't call the normal print on BinaryExpression, // only for the left and right parts if (isNested && node.comments) { parts = comments.printComments(path, p => concat(parts), options); } } else { // Our stopping case. Simply print the node normally. parts.push(path.call(print)); } return parts; } function printAssignment( leftNode, printedLeft, operator, rightNode, printedRight, options ) { if (!rightNode) { return printedLeft; } let printed; if (hasLeadingOwnLineComment(options.originalText, rightNode)) { printed = indent(concat([hardline, printedRight])); } else if ( (isBinaryish(rightNode) && !shouldInlineLogicalExpression(rightNode)) || (leftNode.type === "Identifier" || leftNode.type === "MemberExpression") && (rightNode.type === "StringLiteral" || (rightNode.type === "Literal" && typeof rightNode.value === "string") || isMemberExpressionChain(rightNode)) ) { printed = indent(concat([line, printedRight])); } else { printed = concat([" ", printedRight]); } return group(concat([printedLeft, " ", operator, printed])); } function adjustClause(node, clause, forceSpace) { if (node.type === "EmptyStatement") { return ";"; } if (node.type === "BlockStatement" || forceSpace) { return concat([" ", clause]); } return indent(concat([line, clause])); } function shouldTypeScriptTypeAvoidColon(path) { // As the special TS nodes isn't returned by the node helpers, // we use the stack directly to get the parent node. const parent = path.stack[path.stack.length - 3]; switch (parent.type) { case "TSFunctionType": case "TSIndexSignature": case "TSParenthesizedType": case "TSCallSignature": case "TSConstructSignature": case "TSAsExpression": return true; default: return false; } } function nodeStr(node, options) { const str = node.value; isString.assert(str); // Workaround a bug in the Javascript version of the flow parser where // astral unicode characters like \uD801\uDC28 are incorrectly parsed as // a sequence of \uFFFD. if (options.parser === "flow" && str.indexOf("\ufffd") !== -1) { return node.raw; } const raw = node.extra ? node.extra.raw : node.raw; // `rawContent` is the string exactly like it appeared in the input source // code, with its enclosing quote. const rawContent = raw.slice(1, -1); const double = { quote: '"', regex: /"/g }; const single = { quote: "'", regex: /'/g }; const preferred = options.singleQuote ? single : double; const alternate = preferred === single ? double : single; let shouldUseAlternateQuote = false; // If `rawContent` contains at least one of the quote preferred for enclosing // the string, we might want to enclose with the alternate quote instead, to // minimize the number of escaped quotes. if (rawContent.includes(preferred.quote)) { const numPreferredQuotes = (rawContent.match(preferred.regex) || []).length; const numAlternateQuotes = (rawContent.match(alternate.regex) || []).length; shouldUseAlternateQuote = numPreferredQuotes > numAlternateQuotes; } const enclosingQuote = shouldUseAlternateQuote ? alternate.quote : preferred.quote; // It might sound unnecessary to use `makeString` even if `node.raw` already // is enclosed with `enclosingQuote`, but it isn't. `node.raw` could contain // unnecessary escapes (such as in `"\'"`). Always using `makeString` makes // sure that we consistently output the minimum amount of escaped quotes. return makeString(rawContent, enclosingQuote); } function makeString(rawContent, enclosingQuote) { const otherQuote = enclosingQuote === '"' ? "'" : '"'; // Matches _any_ escape and unescaped quotes (both single and double). const regex = /\\([\s\S])|(['"])/g; // Escape and unescape single and double quotes as needed to be able to // enclose `rawContent` with `enclosingQuote`. const newContent = rawContent.replace(regex, (match, escaped, quote) => { // If we matched an escape, and the escaped character is a quote of the // other type than we intend to enclose the string with, there's no need for // it to be escaped, so return it _without_ the backslash. if (escaped === otherQuote) { return escaped; } // If we matched an unescaped quote and it is of the _same_ type as we // intend to enclose the string with, it must be escaped, so return it with // a backslash. if (quote === enclosingQuote) { return "\\" + quote; } // Otherwise return the escape or unescaped quote as-is. return match; }); return enclosingQuote + newContent + enclosingQuote; } function printNumber(rawNumber) { return ( rawNumber .toLowerCase() // Remove unnecessary plus and zeroes from scientific notation. .replace(/^([\d.]+e)(?:\+|(-))?0*(\d)/, "$1$2$3") // Remove unnecessary scientific notation (1e0). .replace(/^([\d.]+)e[+-]?0+$/, "$1") // Make sure numbers always start with a digit. .replace(/^\./, "0.") // Remove trailing dot. .replace(/\.(?=e|$)/, "") ); } function isFirstStatement(path) { const parent = path.getParentNode(); const node = path.getValue(); const body = parent.body; return body && body[0] === node; } function isLastStatement(path) { const parent = path.getParentNode(); const node = path.getValue(); const body = parent.body; return body && body[body.length - 1] === node; } function hasLeadingOwnLineComment(text, node) { const res = node.comments && node.comments.some( comment => comment.leading && util.hasNewline(text, util.locEnd(comment)) ); return res; } function hasNakedLeftSide(node) { return ( node.type === "AssignmentExpression" || node.type === "BinaryExpression" || node.type === "LogicalExpression" || node.type === "ConditionalExpression" || node.type === "CallExpression" || node.type === "MemberExpression" || node.type === "SequenceExpression" || node.type === "TaggedTemplateExpression" ); } function getLeftSide(node) { if (node.expressions) { return node.expressions[0]; } return node.left || node.test || node.callee || node.object || node.tag; } function exprNeedsASIProtection(node) { // HACK: node.needsParens is added in `genericPrint()` for the sole purpose // of being used here. It'd be preferable to find a cleaner way to do this. const maybeASIProblem = node.needsParens || node.type === "ParenthesizedExpression" || node.type === "TypeCastExpression" || (node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && !canPrintParamsWithoutParens(node)) || node.type === "ArrayExpression" || node.type === "ArrayPattern" || (node.type === "UnaryExpression" && node.prefix && (node.operator === "+" || node.operator === "-")) || node.type === "TemplateLiteral" || node.type === "TemplateElement" || node.type === "JSXElement" || node.type === "RegExpLiteral" || (node.type === "Literal" && node.pattern) || (node.type === "Literal" && node.regex); if (maybeASIProblem) { return true; } if (!hasNakedLeftSide(node)) { return false; } return exprNeedsASIProtection(getLeftSide(node)); } function stmtNeedsASIProtection(path) { if (!path) return false; const node = path.getNode(); if (node.type !== "ExpressionStatement") { return false; } return exprNeedsASIProtection(node.expression); } function classPropMayCauseASIProblems(path) { const node = path.getNode(); if (node.type !== "ClassProperty") { return false; } const name = node.key && node.key.name; if (!name) { return false; } // this isn't actually possible yet with most parsers available today // so isn't properly tested yet. if (name === "static" || name === "get" || name === "set") { return true; } } function classChildNeedsASIProtection(node) { if (!node) return; let isAsync, isGenerator; switch (node.type) { case "ClassProperty": return node.computed; // flow case "MethodDefinition": // babylon case "ClassMethod": { const isAsync = node.value ? node.value.async : node.async; const isGenerator = node.value ? node.value.generator : node.generator; if ( isAsync || node.static || node.kind === "get" || node.kind === "set" ) { return false; } if (node.computed || isGenerator) { return true; } } default: return false; } } // This recurses the return argument, looking for the first token // (the leftmost leaf node) and, if it (or its parents) has any // leadingComments, returns true (so it can be wrapped in parens). function returnArgumentHasLeadingComment(options, argument) { if (hasLeadingOwnLineComment(options.originalText, argument)) { return true; } if (hasNakedLeftSide(argument)) { let leftMost = argument; let newLeftMost; while ((newLeftMost = getLeftSide(leftMost))) { leftMost = newLeftMost; if (hasLeadingOwnLineComment(options.originalText, leftMost)) { return true; } } } return false; } function isMemberExpressionChain(node) { if (node.type !== "MemberExpression") { return false; } if (node.object.type === "Identifier") { return true; } return isMemberExpressionChain(node.object); } // Hack to differentiate between the following two which have the same ast // type T = { method: () => void }; // type T = { method(): void }; function isObjectTypePropertyAFunction(node) { return ( node.type === "ObjectTypeProperty" && node.value.type === "FunctionTypeAnnotation" && !node.static && util.locStart(node.key) !== util.locStart(node.value) ); } // Hack to differentiate between the following two which have the same ast // declare function f(a): void; // var f: (a) => void; function isTypeAnnotationAFunction(node) { return ( node.type === "TypeAnnotation" && node.typeAnnotation.type === "FunctionTypeAnnotation" && !node.static && util.locStart(node) !== util.locStart(node.typeAnnotation) ); } function isFlowNodeStartingWithDeclare(node, options) { if (options.parser !== "flow") { return false; } return options.originalText .slice(0, util.locStart(node)) .match(/declare\s*$/); } function printArrayItems(path, options, printPath, print) { const printedElements = []; let separatorParts = []; path.each(function(childPath) { printedElements.push(concat(separatorParts)); printedElements.push(group(print(childPath))); separatorParts = [",", line]; if ( childPath.getValue() && util.isNextLineEmpty(options.originalText, childPath.getValue()) ) { separatorParts.push(softline); } }, printPath); return concat(printedElements); } function printAstToDoc(ast, options) { function printGenerically(path, args) { return comments.printComments( path, p => genericPrint(p, options, printGenerically, args), options, args && args.needsSemi ); } const doc = printGenerically(FastPath.from(ast)); docUtils.propagateBreaks(doc); return doc; } module.exports = { printAstToDoc };