"use strict"; const dedent = require("dedent"); const CATEGORY_CONFIG = "Config"; const CATEGORY_EDITOR = "Editor"; const CATEGORY_FORMAT = "Format"; const CATEGORY_OTHER = "Other"; const CATEGORY_OUTPUT = "Output"; const CATEGORY_GLOBAL = "Global"; const CATEGORY_SPECIAL = "Special"; /** * @typedef {Object} OptionInfo * @property {string} since - available since version * @property {string} category * @property {'int' | 'boolean' | 'choice' | 'path'} type * @property {boolean} array - indicate it's an array of the specified type * @property {boolean?} deprecated - deprecated since version * @property {OptionRedirectInfo?} redirect - redirect deprecated option * @property {string} description * @property {string?} oppositeDescription - for `false` option * @property {OptionValueInfo} default * @property {OptionRangeInfo?} range - for type int * @property {OptionChoiceInfo?} choices - for type choice * @property {(value: any) => boolean} exception * * @typedef {number | boolean | string} OptionValue * @typedef {OptionValue | [{ value: OptionValue[] }] | Array<{ since: string, value: OptionValue}>} OptionValueInfo * * @typedef {Object} OptionRedirectInfo * @property {string} option * @property {OptionValue} value * * @typedef {Object} OptionRangeInfo * @property {number} start - recommended range start * @property {number} end - recommended range end * @property {number} step - recommended range step * * @typedef {Object} OptionChoiceInfo * @property {boolean | string} value - boolean for the option that is originally boolean type * @property {string?} description - undefined if redirect * @property {string?} since - undefined if available since the first version of the option * @property {string?} deprecated - deprecated since version * @property {OptionValueInfo?} redirect - redirect deprecated value * * @property {string?} cliName * @property {string?} cliCategory * @property {string?} cliDescription */ /** @type {{ [name: string]: OptionInfo } */ const options = { cursorOffset: { since: "1.4.0", category: CATEGORY_SPECIAL, type: "int", default: -1, range: { start: -1, end: Infinity, step: 1 }, description: dedent` Print (to stderr) where a cursor at the given position would move to after formatting. This option cannot be used with --range-start and --range-end. `, cliCategory: CATEGORY_EDITOR }, filepath: { since: "1.4.0", category: CATEGORY_SPECIAL, type: "path", default: undefined, description: "Specify the input filepath. This will be used to do parser inference.", cliName: "stdin-filepath", cliCategory: CATEGORY_OTHER, cliDescription: "Path to the file to pretend that stdin comes from." }, insertPragma: { since: "1.8.0", category: CATEGORY_SPECIAL, type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Insert @format pragma into file's first docblock comment.", cliCategory: CATEGORY_OTHER }, parser: { since: "0.0.10", category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, type: "choice", default: [ { since: "0.0.10", value: "babylon" }, { since: "1.13.0", value: undefined } ], description: "Which parser to use.", exception: value => typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "function", choices: [ { value: "flow", description: "Flow" }, { value: "babylon", description: "JavaScript" }, { value: "typescript", since: "1.4.0", description: "TypeScript" }, { value: "css", since: "1.7.1", description: "CSS" }, { value: "postcss", since: "1.4.0", description: "CSS/Less/SCSS", deprecated: "1.7.1", redirect: "css" }, { value: "less", since: "1.7.1", description: "Less" }, { value: "scss", since: "1.7.1", description: "SCSS" }, { value: "json", since: "1.5.0", description: "JSON" }, { value: "json5", since: "1.13.0", description: "JSON5" }, { value: "json-stringify", since: "1.13.0", description: "JSON.stringify" }, { value: "graphql", since: "1.5.0", description: "GraphQL" }, { value: "markdown", since: "1.8.0", description: "Markdown" }, { value: "vue", since: "1.10.0", description: "Vue" } ] }, plugins: { since: "1.10.0", type: "path", array: true, default: [{ value: [] }], category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, description: "Add a plugin. Multiple plugins can be passed as separate `--plugin`s.", exception: value => typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "object", cliName: "plugin", cliCategory: CATEGORY_CONFIG }, pluginSearchDirs: { since: "1.13.0", type: "path", array: true, default: [{ value: [] }], category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, description: dedent` Custom directory that contains prettier plugins in node_modules subdirectory. Overrides default behavior when plugins are searched relatively to the location of Prettier. Multiple values are accepted. `, exception: value => typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "object", cliName: "plugin-search-dir", cliCategory: CATEGORY_CONFIG }, printWidth: { since: "0.0.0", category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, type: "int", default: 80, description: "The line length where Prettier will try wrap.", range: { start: 0, end: Infinity, step: 1 } }, rangeEnd: { since: "1.4.0", category: CATEGORY_SPECIAL, type: "int", default: Infinity, range: { start: 0, end: Infinity, step: 1 }, description: dedent` Format code ending at a given character offset (exclusive). The range will extend forwards to the end of the selected statement. This option cannot be used with --cursor-offset. `, cliCategory: CATEGORY_EDITOR }, rangeStart: { since: "1.4.0", category: CATEGORY_SPECIAL, type: "int", default: 0, range: { start: 0, end: Infinity, step: 1 }, description: dedent` Format code starting at a given character offset. The range will extend backwards to the start of the first line containing the selected statement. This option cannot be used with --cursor-offset. `, cliCategory: CATEGORY_EDITOR }, requirePragma: { since: "1.7.0", category: CATEGORY_SPECIAL, type: "boolean", default: false, description: dedent` Require either '@prettier' or '@format' to be present in the file's first docblock comment in order for it to be formatted. `, cliCategory: CATEGORY_OTHER }, tabWidth: { type: "int", category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, default: 2, description: "Number of spaces per indentation level.", range: { start: 0, end: Infinity, step: 1 } }, useFlowParser: { since: "0.0.0", category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, type: "boolean", default: false, deprecated: "0.0.10", description: "Use flow parser.", redirect: { option: "parser", value: "flow" }, cliName: "flow-parser" }, useTabs: { since: "1.0.0", category: CATEGORY_GLOBAL, type: "boolean", default: false, description: "Indent with tabs instead of spaces." } }; module.exports = { CATEGORY_CONFIG, CATEGORY_EDITOR, CATEGORY_FORMAT, CATEGORY_OTHER, CATEGORY_OUTPUT, CATEGORY_GLOBAL, CATEGORY_SPECIAL, options };