"use strict"; const path = require("path"); /** * @typedef {Object} Bundle * @property {string} input - input of the bundle * @property {string?} output - path of the output file in the `dist/` folder * @property {string?} name - name for the UMD bundle (for plugins, it'll be `prettierPlugins.${name}`) * @property {'node' | 'universal'} target - should generate a CJS only for node or UMD bundle * @property {'core' | 'plugin'} type - it's a plugin bundle or core part of prettier * @property {'rollup' | 'webpack'} [bundler='rollup'] - define which bundler to use * @property {CommonJSConfig} [commonjs={}] - options for `rollup-plugin-commonjs` * @property {string[]} external - array of paths that should not be included in the final bundle * @property {Object.} replace - map of strings to replace when processing the bundle * @property {string[]} babelPlugins - babel plugins * @typedef {Object} CommonJSConfig * @property {Object} namedExports - for cases where rollup can't infer what's exported * @property {string[]} ignore - paths of CJS modules to ignore */ /** @type {Bundle[]} */ const parsers = [ { input: "src/language-js/parser-babylon.js", target: "universal" }, { input: "src/language-js/parser-flow.js", target: "universal", strict: false }, { input: "src/language-js/parser-typescript.js", target: "universal" }, { input: "src/language-css/parser-postcss.js", target: "universal", // postcss has dependency cycles that don't work with rollup bundler: "webpack" }, { input: "src/language-graphql/parser-graphql.js", target: "universal" }, { input: "src/language-markdown/parser-markdown.js", target: "universal" }, { input: "src/language-vue/parser-vue.js", target: "universal" }, { input: "src/language-handlebars/parser-glimmer.js", target: "universal", commonjs: { namedExports: { "node_modules/handlebars/lib/index.js": ["parse"], "node_modules/@glimmer/syntax/dist/modules/es2017/index.js": "default" }, ignore: ["source-map"] } }, { input: "src/language-html/parser-parse5.js", target: "node" }, { input: "src/language-yaml/parser-yaml.js", target: "universal", alias: { // Force using the CJS file, instead of ESM; i.e. get the file // from `"main"` instead of `"module"` (rollup default) of package.json "lines-and-columns": require.resolve("lines-and-columns") }, babelPlugins: [ require.resolve("./babel-plugins/replace-array-includes-with-indexof") ] } ].map(parser => { const name = getFileOutput(parser) .replace(/\.js$/, "") .split("-")[1]; return Object.assign(parser, { type: "plugin", name }); }); /** @type {Bundle[]} */ const coreBundles = [ { input: "index.js", type: "core", target: "node", external: [path.resolve("src/common/third-party.js")] }, { input: "standalone.js", name: "prettier", type: "core", target: "universal" }, { input: "bin/prettier.js", type: "core", output: "bin-prettier.js", target: "node", external: [path.resolve("src/common/third-party.js")] }, { input: "src/common/third-party.js", type: "core", target: "node", replace: { // cosmiconfig@5 uses `require` to resolve js config, which caused Error: // Dynamic requires are not currently supported by rollup-plugin-commonjs. "require(filepath)": "eval('require')(filepath)" } } ]; function getFileOutput(bundle) { return bundle.output || path.basename(bundle.input); } module.exports = coreBundles .concat(parsers) .map(b => Object.assign(b, { output: getFileOutput(b) }));