// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`css-prop.js 1`] = ` function SomeComponent (props) { // Create styles as if you're calling css and the class will be applied to the component return (
This will be blue until hovered.
This font size will be 20px
) } const TestComponent = ({ children, ...props }) => (
); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function SomeComponent(props) { // Create styles as if you're calling css and the class will be applied to the component return (
This will be blue until hovered.
This font size will be 20px
); } const TestComponent = ({ children, ...props }) => (
); `; exports[`expressions.js 1`] = ` const long = \`long \${a//comment .b} long longlong \${a.b.c.d.e} long longlong \${a.b.c.d.e} long longlong \${a.b.c.d.e} long long\`; const long = \`long \${a.b.c.d.e} long longlong \${loooooooooooooooooong} long longlong \${loooooooooooooooooong} long longlong \${loooooooooooooooooong} long long\`; const long = \`long long long long long long long long long long long \${a.b.c.d.e} long long long long long long long long long long long long long\`; const description = \`The value of the \${cssName} css of the \${this._name} element\`; const foo = \`such a long template string \${foo.bar.baz} that prettier will want to wrap it\`; x = \`mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield \${className} \${content.length > 0 ? 'is-dirty' : ''} combo-box__input\` function testing() { const p = {}; // faking some tabs since I can't paste my real code in if(true) { if(false) { return \`\${process.env.OPENID_URL}/something/something/something?\${Object.keys(p) .map(k => \`\${encodeURIComponent(k)}=\${encodeURIComponent(p[k])}\`) .join("&")}\`; } } } console.log( \`Trying update appcast for \${app.name} (\${app.cask.appcast}) -> (\${app.cask.appcastGenerated})\` ) console.log(\`brew cask audit --download \${_.map(definitions, 'caskName').join(' ')}\`) console.log(\`\\nApparently jetbrains changed the release artifact for \${app.name}@\${app.jetbrains.version}.\\n\`); descirbe('something', () => { test(\`{pass: false} expect(\${small}).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(\${big})\`, () => {}); }) throw new Error(\`pretty-format: Option "theme" has a key "\${key}" whose value "\${value}" is undefined in ansi-styles.\`,) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const long = \`long \${ a.b //comment } long longlong \${a.b.c.d.e} long longlong \${a.b.c.d.e} long longlong \${ a.b.c.d.e } long long\`; const long = \`long \${ a.b.c.d.e } long longlong \${loooooooooooooooooong} long longlong \${loooooooooooooooooong} long longlong \${loooooooooooooooooong} long long\`; const long = \`long long long long long long long long long long long \${ a.b.c.d.e } long long long long long long long long long long long long long\`; const description = \`The value of the \${cssName} css of the \${ this._name } element\`; const foo = \`such a long template string \${ foo.bar.baz } that prettier will want to wrap it\`; x = \`mdl-textfield mdl-js-textfield \${className} \${ content.length > 0 ? "is-dirty" : "" } combo-box__input\`; function testing() { const p = {}; // faking some tabs since I can't paste my real code in if (true) { if (false) { return \`\${ process.env.OPENID_URL }/something/something/something?\${Object.keys(p) .map(k => \`\${encodeURIComponent(k)}=\${encodeURIComponent(p[k])}\`) .join("&")}\`; } } } console.log( \`Trying update appcast for \${app.name} (\${app.cask.appcast}) -> (\${ app.cask.appcastGenerated })\` ); console.log( \`brew cask audit --download \${_.map(definitions, "caskName").join(" ")}\` ); console.log( \`\\nApparently jetbrains changed the release artifact for \${app.name}@\${ app.jetbrains.version }.\\n\` ); descirbe("something", () => { test(\`{pass: false} expect(\${small}).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(\${big})\`, () => {}); }); throw new Error( \`pretty-format: Option "theme" has a key "\${key}" whose value "\${value}" is undefined in ansi-styles.\` ); `; exports[`styled-components-with-expressions.js 1`] = ` const Button = styled.a\` /* Comment */ display: \${props=>props.display}; \`; styled.div\` display: \${props=>props.display}; border: \${props=>props.border}px; margin: 10px \${props=>props.border}px ; \`; const EqualDivider = styled.div\` margin: 0.5rem; padding: 1rem; background: papayawhip ; > * { flex: 1; &:not(:first-child) { \${props => props.vertical ? 'margin-top' : 'margin-left'}: 1rem; } } \`; const header = css\` .top-bar {background:black; margin: 0; position: fixed; top: 0;left:0; width: 100%; text-align: center ; padding: 15px 0 0 1em; z-index: 9999; } .top-bar .logo { height: 30px; margin: auto; position: absolute; left: 0;right: 0; } \`; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const Button = styled.a\` /* Comment */ display: \${props => props.display}; \`; styled.div\` display: \${props => props.display}; border: \${props => props.border}px; margin: 10px \${props => props.border}px; \`; const EqualDivider = styled.div\` margin: 0.5rem; padding: 1rem; background: papayawhip; > * { flex: 1; &:not(:first-child) { \${props => (props.vertical ? "margin-top" : "margin-left")}: 1rem; } } \`; const header = css\` .top-bar { background: black; margin: 0; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center; padding: 15px 0 0 1em; z-index: 9999; } .top-bar .logo { height: 30px; margin: auto; position: absolute; left: 0; right: 0; } \`; `; exports[`styled-jsx.js 1`] = ` ;
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;
; `; exports[`styled-jsx-with-expressions.js 1`] = ` ; ; ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; ; `;