"use strict"; const path = require("path"); const runPrettier = require("../runPrettier"); const prettier = require("prettier/local"); expect.addSnapshotSerializer(require("../path-serializer")); describe("resolves configuration from external files", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--end-of-line", "lf", "**/*.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("resolves configuration from external files and overrides by extname", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--end-of-line", "lf", "**/*.ts"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("accepts configuration from --config", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--config", ".prettierrc", "./js/file.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("resolves external configuration from package.json", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["external-config/index.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("resolves configuration file with --find-config-path file", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--find-config-path", "no-config/file.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("resolves json configuration file with --find-config-path file", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--find-config-path", "rc-json/file.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("resolves yaml configuration file with --find-config-path file", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--find-config-path", "rc-yaml/file.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("resolves toml configuration file with --find-config-path file", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", ["--find-config-path", "rc-toml/file.js"]).test({ status: 0 }); }); describe("prints nothing when no file found with --find-config-path", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", [ "--end-of-line", "lf", "--find-config-path", ".." ]).test({ stdout: "", status: 1 }); }); describe("CLI overrides take precedence", () => { runPrettier("cli/config/", [ "--end-of-line", "lf", "--print-width", "1", "**/*.js" ]).test({ status: 0 }); }); test("API resolveConfig with no args", () => { return prettier.resolveConfig().then(result => { expect(result).toBeNull(); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with no args", () => { expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync()).toBeNull(); }); test("API resolveConfig with file arg", () => { const file = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/js/file.js")); return prettier.resolveConfig(file).then(result => { expect(result).toMatchObject({ tabWidth: 8 }); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with file arg", () => { const file = path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/js/file.js")); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toMatchObject({ tabWidth: 8 }); }); test("API resolveConfig with file arg and extension override", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/no-config/file.ts") ); return prettier.resolveConfig(file).then(result => { expect(result).toMatchObject({ semi: true }); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with file arg and extension override", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/no-config/file.ts") ); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toMatchObject({ semi: true }); }); test("API resolveConfig with file arg and .editorconfig", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/file.js") ); return prettier.resolveConfig(file, { editorconfig: true }).then(result => { expect(result).toMatchObject({ useTabs: true, tabWidth: 8, printWidth: 100 }); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with file arg and .editorconfig", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/file.js") ); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toMatchObject({ semi: false }); expect( prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file, { editorconfig: true }) ).toMatchObject({ useTabs: true, tabWidth: 8, printWidth: 100 }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with file arg and .editorconfig (key = unset)", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/tab_width=unset.js") ); expect( prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file, { editorconfig: true }) ).not.toMatchObject({ tabWidth: "unset" }); }); test("API resolveConfig with nested file arg and .editorconfig", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/lib/file.js") ); return prettier.resolveConfig(file, { editorconfig: true }).then(result => { expect(result).toMatchObject({ useTabs: false, tabWidth: 2, printWidth: 100 }); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with nested file arg and .editorconfig", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/lib/file.js") ); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toMatchObject({ semi: false }); expect( prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file, { editorconfig: true }) ).toMatchObject({ useTabs: false, tabWidth: 2, printWidth: 100 }); }); test("API resolveConfig with nested file arg and .editorconfig and indent_size = tab", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/lib/indent_size=tab.js") ); return prettier.resolveConfig(file, { editorconfig: true }).then(result => { expect(result).toMatchObject({ useTabs: false, tabWidth: 8, printWidth: 100 }); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync with nested file arg and .editorconfig and indent_size = tab", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/editorconfig/lib/indent_size=tab.js") ); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toMatchObject({ semi: false }); expect( prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file, { editorconfig: true }) ).toMatchObject({ useTabs: false, tabWidth: 8, printWidth: 100 }); }); test("API clearConfigCache", () => { expect(() => prettier.clearConfigCache()).not.toThrowError(); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync overrides work with absolute paths", () => { // Absolute path const file = path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/filepath/subfolder/file.js"); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toMatchObject({ tabWidth: 6 }); }); test("API resolveConfig removes $schema option", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/$schema/index.js") ); return prettier.resolveConfig(file).then(result => { expect(result).toEqual({ tabWidth: 42 }); }); }); test("API resolveConfig.sync removes $schema option", () => { const file = path.resolve( path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/$schema/index.js") ); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(file)).toEqual({ tabWidth: 42 }); }); test("API resolveConfig resolves relative path values based on config filepath", () => { const currentDir = path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/resolve-relative"); const parentDir = path.resolve(currentDir, ".."); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(`${currentDir}/index.js`)).toMatchObject({ plugins: [path.join(parentDir, "path-to-plugin")], pluginSearchDirs: [path.join(parentDir, "path-to-plugin-search-dir")] }); }); test("API resolveConfig de-references to an external module", () => { const currentDir = path.join(__dirname, "../cli/config/external-config"); expect(prettier.resolveConfig.sync(`${currentDir}/index.js`)).toEqual({ printWidth: 77, semi: false }); });