// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`break-last-call.js 1`] = ` "export default store => { return callApi(endpoint, schema).then( response => next(actionWith({ response, type: successType })), error => next(actionWith({ type: failureType, error: error.message || 'Something bad happened' })) ) } it('should group messages with same created time', () => { expect( groupMessages(messages).toJS(), ).toEqual({ '11/01/2017 13:36': [ {message: 'test', messageType: 'SMS', status: 'Unknown', created: '11/01/2017 13:36'}, {message: 'test', messageType: 'Email', status: 'Unknown', created: '11/01/2017 13:36'}, ], '09/01/2017 17:25': [ {message: 'te', messageType: 'SMS', status: 'Unknown', created: '09/01/2017 17:25'}, {message: 'te', messageType: 'Email', status: 'Unknown', created: '09/01/2017 17:25'}, ], '11/01/2017 13:33': [ {message: 'test', messageType: 'SMS', status: 'Unknown', created: '11/01/2017 13:33'}, {message: 'test', messageType: 'Email', status: 'Unknown', created: '11/01/2017 13:33'}, ], '11/01/2017 13:37': [ {message: 'test', messageType: 'SMS', status: 'Unknown', created: '11/01/2017 13:37'}, {message: 'test', messageType: 'Email', status: 'Unknown', created: '11/01/2017 13:37'}, ], }); }); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export default store => { return callApi(endpoint, schema).then( response => next( actionWith({ response, type: successType }) ), error => next( actionWith({ type: failureType, error: error.message || \\"Something bad happened\\" }) ) ); }; it(\\"should group messages with same created time\\", () => { expect(groupMessages(messages).toJS()).toEqual({ \\"11/01/2017 13:36\\": [ { message: \\"test\\", messageType: \\"SMS\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"11/01/2017 13:36\\" }, { message: \\"test\\", messageType: \\"Email\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"11/01/2017 13:36\\" } ], \\"09/01/2017 17:25\\": [ { message: \\"te\\", messageType: \\"SMS\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"09/01/2017 17:25\\" }, { message: \\"te\\", messageType: \\"Email\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"09/01/2017 17:25\\" } ], \\"11/01/2017 13:33\\": [ { message: \\"test\\", messageType: \\"SMS\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"11/01/2017 13:33\\" }, { message: \\"test\\", messageType: \\"Email\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"11/01/2017 13:33\\" } ], \\"11/01/2017 13:37\\": [ { message: \\"test\\", messageType: \\"SMS\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"11/01/2017 13:37\\" }, { message: \\"test\\", messageType: \\"Email\\", status: \\"Unknown\\", created: \\"11/01/2017 13:37\\" } ] }); }); " `; exports[`comment.js 1`] = ` "function f() { return observableFromSubscribeFunction() // Debounce manually rather than using editor.onDidStopChanging so that the debounce time is // configurable. .debounceTime(debounceInterval); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ function f() { return observableFromSubscribeFunction() // Debounce manually rather than using editor.onDidStopChanging so that the debounce time is // configurable. .debounceTime(debounceInterval); } " `; exports[`first_long.js 1`] = ` "export default function theFunction(action$, store) { return action$.ofType(THE_ACTION).switchMap(action => Observable .webSocket({ url: THE_URL, more: stuff(), evenMore: stuff({ value1: true, value2: false, value3: false }) }) .filter(data => theFilter(data)) .map(({ theType, ...data }) => theMap(theType, data)) .retryWhen(errors => errors)); } function f() { return this._getWorker(workerOptions)({ filePath, hasteImplModulePath: this._options.hasteImplModulePath, }).then( metadata => { // \`1\` for truthy values instead of \`true\` to save cache space. fileMetadata[H.VISITED] = 1; const metadataId = metadata.id; const metadataModule = metadata.module; if (metadataId && metadataModule) { fileMetadata[H.ID] = metadataId; setModule(metadataId, metadataModule); } fileMetadata[H.DEPENDENCIES] = metadata.dependencies || []; } ); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export default function theFunction(action$, store) { return action$.ofType(THE_ACTION).switchMap(action => Observable.webSocket({ url: THE_URL, more: stuff(), evenMore: stuff({ value1: true, value2: false, value3: false }) }) .filter(data => theFilter(data)) .map(({ theType, ...data }) => theMap(theType, data)) .retryWhen(errors => errors)); } function f() { return this._getWorker(workerOptions)({ filePath, hasteImplModulePath: this._options.hasteImplModulePath }) .then(metadata => { // \`1\` for truthy values instead of \`true\` to save cache space. fileMetadata[H.VISITED] = 1; const metadataId = metadata.id; const metadataModule = metadata.module; if (metadataId && metadataModule) { fileMetadata[H.ID] = metadataId; setModule(metadataId, metadataModule); } fileMetadata[H.DEPENDENCIES] = metadata.dependencies || []; }); } " `; exports[`multiple-members.js 1`] = ` "if (testConfig.ENABLE_ONLINE_TESTS === \\"true\\") { describe(\\"POST /users/me/pet\\", function() { it(\\"saves pet\\", function() { function assert(pet) { expect(pet).to.have.property(\\"OwnerAddress\\").that.deep.equals({ AddressLine1: \\"Alexanderstrasse\\", AddressLine2: \\"\\", PostalCode: \\"10999\\", Region: \\"Berlin\\", City: \\"Berlin\\", Country: \\"DE\\" }); } }); }); } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ if (testConfig.ENABLE_ONLINE_TESTS === \\"true\\") { describe(\\"POST /users/me/pet\\", function() { it(\\"saves pet\\", function() { function assert(pet) { expect(pet).to.have.property(\\"OwnerAddress\\").that.deep.equals({ AddressLine1: \\"Alexanderstrasse\\", AddressLine2: \\"\\", PostalCode: \\"10999\\", Region: \\"Berlin\\", City: \\"Berlin\\", Country: \\"DE\\" }); } }); }); } " `; exports[`square_0.js 1`] = ` "const version = someLongString .split('jest version =') .pop() .split(EOL)[0] .trim(); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const version = someLongString .split(\\"jest version =\\") .pop() .split(EOL)[0] .trim(); " `; exports[`test.js 1`] = ` "method().then(x => x) [\\"abc\\"](x => x) [abc](x => x); ({}.a().b()); ({}).a().b(); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method().then(x => x)[\\"abc\\"](x => x)[abc](x => x); ({}).a().b(); ({}).a().b(); " `; exports[`this.js 1`] = ` "const sel = this.connections .concat(this.activities.concat(this.operators)) .filter(x => x.selected); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const sel = this.connections .concat(this.activities.concat(this.operators)) .filter(x => x.selected); " `;