// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`0-indent-js.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` - 1 - 2 - 3 \`\`\`js md\` # this is the root indent # this is the root indent # this is the root indent \` something\` asd asd asd \` \`\`\` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - 1 - 2 - 3 \`\`\`js md\` # this is the root indent # this is the root indent # this is the root indent \`; something\` asd asd asd \`; \`\`\` `; exports[`additional-space.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` 1. Fork the repo and create your branch from \`master\`. Open terminal (e.g. Terminal, iTerm, Git Bash or Git Shell) and type: \`\`\`sh git clone https://github.com//jest cd jest git checkout -b my_branch \`\`\` Note: Replace \`\` with your GitHub username 3. Run \`yarn install\`. On Windows: To install [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install#windows-tab) on Windows you may need to download either node.js or Chocolatey
\`\`\`sh yarn install \`\`\` To check your version of Yarn and ensure it's installed you can type: \`\`\`sh yarn --version \`\`\`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Fork the repo and create your branch from \`master\`. Open terminal (e.g. Terminal, iTerm, Git Bash or Git Shell) and type: \`\`\`sh git clone https://github.com//jest cd jest git checkout -b my_branch \`\`\` Note: Replace \`\` with your GitHub username 2. Run \`yarn install\`. On Windows: To install [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install#windows-tab) on Windows you may need to download either node.js or Chocolatey
\`\`\`sh yarn install \`\`\` To check your version of Yarn and ensure it's installed you can type: \`\`\`sh yarn --version \`\`\` `; exports[`backtick.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` \`\`\`js console.log("hello world!"); \`\`\` \`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\`\` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \`\`\`\` \`\`\`js console.log("hello world!"); \`\`\` \`\`\`\` `; exports[`format.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` \`\`\`js const foo = 'bar' console .log( 213 ) \`\`\` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \`\`\`js const foo = "bar"; console.log(213); \`\`\` `; exports[`indent.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` Indented Code Block Indented Code Block Indented Code Block Indented Code Block Indented Code Block - \`\`\` Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block \`\`\` 1. Change to your home directory: cd 2. List the contents: ls -l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indented Code Block Indented Code Block Indented Code Block Indented Code Block Indented Code Block - \`\`\` Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block Fenced Code Block \`\`\` 1. Change to your home directory: cd 2. List the contents: ls -l `; exports[`lang.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` \`\`\`js console.log("hello world"); \`\`\` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \`\`\`js console.log("hello world"); \`\`\` `; exports[`simple.md - markdown-verify 1`] = ` \`\`\` hello world \`\`\` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \`\`\` hello world \`\`\` `;