# Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. # # This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the # LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. query queryName($foo: ComplexType, $site: Site = MOBILE) { whoever123is: node(id: [123, 456]) { id , ... on User @defer { field2 { id , alias: field1(first:10, after:$foo,) @include(if: $foo) { id, ...frag } } } ... @skip(unless: $foo) { id } ... { id } } } mutation likeStory { like(story: 123) @defer { story { id } } } subscription StoryLikeSubscription($input: StoryLikeSubscribeInput) { storyLikeSubscribe(input: $input) { story { likers { count } likeSentence { text } } } } fragment frag on Friend { foo(size: $size, bar: $b, obj: {key: "value", block: """ block string uses \""" """}) } { unnamed(truthy: true, falsey: false, nullish: null), query }