// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`array-iter.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

) const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== '') .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

); const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== "") .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
; `; exports[`array-iter.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

) const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== '') .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

); const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== "") .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
; `; exports[`array-iter.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

) const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== '') .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

); const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== '') .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
; `; exports[`array-iter.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

) const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== '') .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const UsersList = ({ users }) => (

Users list

); const TodoList = ({ todos }) => (
{scopes .filter(scope => scope.value !== '') .map((scope, i) => ( ))}
; `; exports[`attr-comments.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; `; exports[`attr-comments.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; `; exports[`attr-comments.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; `; exports[`attr-comments.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ fn(arg) } propArrowWithBreak={ // comment arg => fn({ makeItBreak }) } propArray={ // comment [el1, el2] } propObj={ // comment { key: val } } propTemplate={ // comment \`text\` } />; `; exports[`conditional-expression.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b"; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : "c"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( "jsx mode from element breaking" ) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( "a" ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( "satellite" ) : public ? ( "affairs" ) : network ? (
) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( "public" ) : affairs ? ( "network" ) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b"; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : "c"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( "jsx mode from element breaking" ) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( "a" ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( "satellite" ) : public ? ( "affairs" ) : network ? (
) : ( "dunno" ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( "public" ) : affairs ? ( "network" ) : ( "dunno" ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; `; exports[`conditional-expression.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b"; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : "c"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( "jsx mode from element breaking" ) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( "a" ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( "satellite" ) : public ? ( "affairs" ) : network ? (
) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( "public" ) : affairs ? ( "network" ) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b"; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : "c"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( "jsx mode from element breaking" ) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( "a" ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( "satellite" ) : public ? ( "affairs" ) : network ? (
) : ( "dunno" ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( "public" ) : affairs ? ( "network" ) : ( "dunno" ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; `; exports[`conditional-expression.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b"; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : "c"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( "jsx mode from element breaking" ) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( "a" ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( "satellite" ) : public ? ( "affairs" ) : network ? (
) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( "public" ) : affairs ? ( "network" ) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? 'a' : 'b'; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : 'c'; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : 'a'; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: 'a'; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? 'a' :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( 'jsx mode from element breaking' ) : ( 'a' ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( 'a' ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( 'a' ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? 'a' : b ? 'b' : 'c'}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? 'satellite' : public ? 'affairs' : network ? : 'dunno'; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( 'satellite' ) : public ? ( 'affairs' ) : network ? (
) : ( 'dunno' ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( 'public' ) : affairs ? ( 'network' ) : ( 'dunno' ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; `; exports[`conditional-expression.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? "a" : "b"; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : "c"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: "a"; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? "a" :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( "jsx mode from element breaking" ) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( "a" ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( "a" ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? "a" : b ? "b" : "c"}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? "satellite" : public ? "affairs" : network ? : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( "satellite" ) : public ? ( "affairs" ) : network ? (
) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( "public" ) : affairs ? ( "network" ) : "dunno"; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // There are two ways to print ConditionalExpressions: "normal mode" and // "JSX mode". This is normal mode (when breaking): // // test // ? consequent // : alternate; // // And this is JSX mode (when breaking): // // test ? ( // consequent // ) : ( // alternate // ); // // When non-breaking, they look the same: // // test ? consequent : alternate; // // We only print a conditional expression in JSX mode if its test, // consequent, or alternate are JSXElements. // Otherwise, we print in normal mode. // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // The line does not break. normalModeNonBreaking ? 'a' : 'b'; // This ConditionalExpression has no JSXElements so it prints in normal mode. // Its consequent is very long, so it breaks out to multiple lines. normalModeBreaking ? johnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtHisNameIsMyNameTooWheneverWeGoOutThePeopleAlwaysShoutThereGoesJohnJacobJingleHeimerSchmidtYaDaDaDaDaDaDa : 'c'; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking : 'a'; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ?
: 'a'; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is non-breaking. jsxModeFromElementNonBreaking ? 'a' :
; // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its test is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. // Note: I have never, ever seen someone use a JSXElement as the test in a // ConditionalExpression. But this test is included for completeness.
? ( 'jsx mode from element breaking' ) : ( 'a' ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its consequent is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? (
) : ( 'a' ); // This ConditionalExpression prints in JSX mode because its alternate is a // JSXElement. It is breaking. jsxModeFromElementBreaking ? ( 'a' ) : (
); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because the parent of // the outermost ConditionalExpression is a JSXExpressionContainer. It is // non-breaking.
{a ? 'a' : b ? 'b' : 'c'}
; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is non-breaking. cable ? 'satellite' : public ? 'affairs' : network ? : 'dunno'; // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the end). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? ( 'satellite' ) : public ? ( 'affairs' ) : network ? (
) : ( 'dunno' ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain (in this case, at the beginning). It is // breaking; notice the consequents and alternates in the entire chain get // wrapped in parens. cable ? (
) : sateline ? ( 'public' ) : affairs ? ( 'network' ) : ( 'dunno' ); // This chain of ConditionalExpressions prints in JSX mode because there is a // JSX element somewhere in the chain. It is breaking; notice the consequents // and alternates in the entire chain get wrapped in parens.
{properties.length > 1 || (properties.length === 1 && properties[0].apps.size > 1) ? ( draggingApp == null || newPropertyName == null ? ( ) : ( ) ) : null}
; `; exports[`expression.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test }/>; doLogClick("short", "short", data)} />; doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } />; { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} />; , ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick("short", "short", data)} ; {data => doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } ; {data => { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} ; {( key: "possible_key_1" | "possible_key_2" | "possible_key_3", value: string | Immutable.List, ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test} />; doLogClick("short", "short", data)} />; doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ) } />; { doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ); }} />; ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick("short", "short", data)} ; {data => doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ) } ; {data => { doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ); }} ; {( key: "possible_key_1" | "possible_key_2" | "possible_key_3", value: string | Immutable.List ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; `; exports[`expression.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test }/>; doLogClick("short", "short", data)} />; doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } />; { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} />; , ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick("short", "short", data)} ; {data => doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } ; {data => { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} ; {( key: "possible_key_1" | "possible_key_2" | "possible_key_3", value: string | Immutable.List, ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test} />; doLogClick("short", "short", data)} />; doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ) } />; { doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ); }} />; ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick("short", "short", data)} ; {data => doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ) } ; {data => { doLogClick( "long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data ); }} ; {( key: "possible_key_1" | "possible_key_2" | "possible_key_3", value: string | Immutable.List ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; `; exports[`expression.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test }/>; doLogClick("short", "short", data)} />; doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } />; { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} />; , ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick("short", "short", data)} ; {data => doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } ; {data => { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} ; {( key: "possible_key_1" | "possible_key_2" | "possible_key_3", value: string | Immutable.List, ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test} />; doLogClick('short', 'short', data)} />; doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ) } />; { doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ); }} />; ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick('short', 'short', data)} ; {data => doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ) } ; {data => { doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ); }} ; {( key: 'possible_key_1' | 'possible_key_2' | 'possible_key_3', value: string | Immutable.List ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; `; exports[`expression.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test }/>; doLogClick("short", "short", data)} />; doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } />; { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} />; , ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick("short", "short", data)} ; {data => doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) } ; {data => { doLogClick("long_name_long_name_long_name", "long_name_long_name_long_name", data) }} ; {( key: "possible_key_1" | "possible_key_2" | "possible_key_3", value: string | Immutable.List, ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; ; {() => ( )} ; {items.map(item => ( ))} ; {function() { return ( ); }} ; ; test} />; doLogClick('short', 'short', data)} />; doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ) } />; { doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ); }} />; ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} />; {data => doLogClick('short', 'short', data)} ; {data => doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ) } ; {data => { doLogClick( 'long_name_long_name_long_name', 'long_name_long_name_long_name', data ); }} ; {( key: 'possible_key_1' | 'possible_key_2' | 'possible_key_3', value: string | Immutable.List ) => { this.setState({ updatedTask: this.state.updatedTask.set(key, value) }); }} ;
{Array(20) .fill() .map((_, i) => (

{i + 1}

; `; exports[`flow_fix_me.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); `; exports[`flow_fix_me.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); `; exports[`flow_fix_me.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); `; exports[`flow_fix_me.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const aDiv = ( /* $FlowFixMe */
Foo bar
); `; exports[`html_escape.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` export default () => ; () => ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export default () => ; () => ; `; exports[`html_escape.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` export default () => ; () => ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export default () => ; () => ; `; exports[`html_escape.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` export default () => ; () => ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export default () => ; () => ; `; exports[`html_escape.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` export default () => ; () => ; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ export default () => ; () => ; `; exports[`hug.js - flow-verify 1`] = `
{__DEV__ ? this.renderDevApp() :
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ &&
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? '()' : '')}
{__DEV__ ? ( this.renderDevApp() ) : (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ && (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? "()" : "")}
; `; exports[`hug.js - flow-verify 2`] = `
{__DEV__ ? this.renderDevApp() :
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ &&
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? '()' : '')}
{__DEV__ ? ( this.renderDevApp() ) : (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ && (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? "()" : "")}
; `; exports[`hug.js - flow-verify 3`] = `
{__DEV__ ? this.renderDevApp() :
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ &&
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? '()' : '')}
{__DEV__ ? ( this.renderDevApp() ) : (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ && (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? '()' : '')}
; `; exports[`hug.js - flow-verify 4`] = `
{__DEV__ ? this.renderDevApp() :
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ &&
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? '()' : '')}
{__DEV__ ? ( this.renderDevApp() ) : (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{__DEV__ && (
{routes.map(route => ( ))}
{member.memberName.memberSomething + (member.memberDef.memberSomething.signatures ? '()' : '')}
; `; exports[`logical-expression.js - flow-verify 1`] = `
{a || "b"}
{a && "b"}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a && b && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a &&
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{a || "b"}
{a && "b"}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && b && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && (
; `; exports[`logical-expression.js - flow-verify 2`] = `
{a || "b"}
{a && "b"}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a && b && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a &&
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{a || "b"}
{a && "b"}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && b && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && (
; `; exports[`logical-expression.js - flow-verify 3`] = `
{a || "b"}
{a && "b"}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a && b && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a &&
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{a || 'b'}
{a && 'b'}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && b && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && (
; `; exports[`logical-expression.js - flow-verify 4`] = `
{a || "b"}
{a && "b"}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a && b && make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line}
{a &&
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
{a || 'b'}
{a && 'b'}
{a || }
{a && }
{a && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && b && ( make this text just so long enough to break this to the next line )}
{a && (
; `; exports[`object-property.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` const tabs = [ { title: "General Info", content: ( ) } ]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const tabs = [ { title: "General Info", content: ( ) } ]; `; exports[`object-property.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` const tabs = [ { title: "General Info", content: ( ) } ]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const tabs = [ { title: "General Info", content: ( ) } ]; `; exports[`object-property.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` const tabs = [ { title: "General Info", content: ( ) } ]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const tabs = [ { title: 'General Info', content: ( ) } ]; `; exports[`object-property.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` const tabs = [ { title: "General Info", content: ( ) } ]; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const tabs = [ { title: 'General Info', content: ( ) } ]; `; exports[`open-break.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` { a }}>{header}{showSort}; { a }}>{header}; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { a; }} > {header} {showSort} ; { a; }} > {header} ; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; `; exports[`open-break.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` { a }}>{header}{showSort}; { a }}>{header}; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { a; }} > {header} {showSort} ; { a; }} > {header} ; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; `; exports[`open-break.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` { a }}>{header}{showSort}; { a }}>{header}; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { a; }} > {header} {showSort} ; { a; }} > {header} ; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; `; exports[`open-break.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` { a }}>{header}{showSort}; { a }}>{header}; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ { a; }} > {header} {showSort} ; { a; }} > {header} ; {\` a very long text that does not break \`}; `; exports[`parens.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` a = [ , , ];
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a = [ , ];
; `; exports[`parens.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` a = [ , , ];
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a = [ , ];
; `; exports[`parens.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` a = [ , , ];
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a = [ , ];
; `; exports[`parens.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` a = [ , , ];
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a = [ , ];
; `; exports[`quotes.js - flow-verify 1`] = `
"'} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{' '}{' '}

""} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{" "}{" "}

; `; exports[`quotes.js - flow-verify 2`] = `
"'} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{' '}{' '}

""} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{" "}{" "}

; `; exports[`quotes.js - flow-verify 3`] = `
"'} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{' '}{' '}

"'} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{' '}{' '}

; `; exports[`quotes.js - flow-verify 4`] = `
"'} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{' '}{' '}

"'} />;

GitHub Desktop has encountered an unrecoverable error and will need to 1231231 restart. This has been reported to the team, but if youencounter this121312331 repeatedly please report this issue to the GitHub 12312312312312313{' '}{' '}

; `; exports[`return-statement.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () =>
bla bla bla
; const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
); }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
bla bla bla
}; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return (
); }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return
bla bla bla
}; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
); } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
bla bla bla
; } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () => (
bla bla bla
); const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
; }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
bla bla bla
); }; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return
; }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return (
bla bla bla
); }; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
; } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
bla bla bla
); } } `; exports[`return-statement.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () =>
bla bla bla
; const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
); }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
bla bla bla
}; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return (
); }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return
bla bla bla
}; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
); } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
bla bla bla
; } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () => (
bla bla bla
); const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
; }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
bla bla bla
); }; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return
; }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return (
bla bla bla
); }; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
; } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
bla bla bla
); } } `; exports[`return-statement.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () =>
bla bla bla
; const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
); }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
bla bla bla
}; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return (
); }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return
bla bla bla
}; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
); } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
bla bla bla
; } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () => (
bla bla bla
); const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
; }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
bla bla bla
); }; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return
; }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return (
bla bla bla
); }; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
; } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
bla bla bla
); } } `; exports[`return-statement.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () =>
bla bla bla
; const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
); }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
bla bla bla
}; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return (
); }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return
bla bla bla
}; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
); } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
bla bla bla
; } } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const NonBreakingArrowExpression = () =>
; const BreakingArrowExpression = () => (
bla bla bla
); const NonBreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return
; }; const BreakingArrowExpressionWBody = () => { return (
bla bla bla
); }; const NonBreakingFunction = function() { return
; }; const BreakingFunction = function() { return (
bla bla bla
); }; class NonBreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return
; } } class BreakingClass extends React.component { render() { return (
bla bla bla
); } } `; exports[`spacing.js - flow-verify 1`] = ` const Labels = { label1: ( Label 1 ), label2: ( Label 2 ), label3: ( Label 3 ), }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const Labels = { label1: Label 1, label2: Label 2, label3: Label 3 }; `; exports[`spacing.js - flow-verify 2`] = ` const Labels = { label1: ( Label 1 ), label2: ( Label 2 ), label3: ( Label 3 ), }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const Labels = { label1: Label 1, label2: Label 2, label3: Label 3 }; `; exports[`spacing.js - flow-verify 3`] = ` const Labels = { label1: ( Label 1 ), label2: ( Label 2 ), label3: ( Label 3 ), }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const Labels = { label1: Label 1, label2: Label 2, label3: Label 3 }; `; exports[`spacing.js - flow-verify 4`] = ` const Labels = { label1: ( Label 1 ), label2: ( Label 2 ), label3: ( Label 3 ), }; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const Labels = { label1: Label 1, label2: Label 2, label3: Label 3 }; `;