"use strict"; const privateUtil = require("../common/util"); const embed = require("./embed"); const pragma = require("./pragma"); const preprocess = require("./preprocess"); const { builders: { breakParent, concat, join, line, literalline, markAsRoot, hardline, softline, ifBreak, fill, align, indent, group }, utils: { mapDoc }, printer: { printDocToString } } = require("../doc"); const { getFencedCodeBlockValue, getOrderedListItemInfo, splitText, punctuationPattern, INLINE_NODE_TYPES, INLINE_NODE_WRAPPER_TYPES } = require("./utils"); const { replaceEndOfLineWith } = require("../common/util"); const TRAILING_HARDLINE_NODES = ["importExport"]; const SINGLE_LINE_NODE_TYPES = ["heading", "tableCell", "link"]; const SIBLING_NODE_TYPES = ["listItem", "definition", "footnoteDefinition"]; function genericPrint(path, options, print) { const node = path.getValue(); if (shouldRemainTheSameContent(path)) { return concat( splitText( options.originalText.slice( node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset ), options ).map(node => node.type === "word" ? node.value : node.value === "" ? "" : printLine(path, node.value, options) ) ); } switch (node.type) { case "root": if (node.children.length === 0) { return ""; } return concat([ normalizeDoc(printRoot(path, options, print)), TRAILING_HARDLINE_NODES.indexOf(getLastDescendantNode(node).type) === -1 ? hardline : "" ]); case "paragraph": return printChildren(path, options, print, { postprocessor: fill }); case "sentence": return printChildren(path, options, print); case "word": return node.value .replace(/[*$]/g, "\\$&") // escape all `*` and `$` (math) .replace( new RegExp( [ `(^|${punctuationPattern})(_+)`, `(_+)(${punctuationPattern}|$)` ].join("|"), "g" ), (_, text1, underscore1, underscore2, text2) => (underscore1 ? `${text1}${underscore1}` : `${underscore2}${text2}` ).replace(/_/g, "\\_") ); // escape all `_` except concating with non-punctuation, e.g. `1_2_3` is not considered emphasis case "whitespace": { const parentNode = path.getParentNode(); const index = parentNode.children.indexOf(node); const nextNode = parentNode.children[index + 1]; const proseWrap = // leading char that may cause different syntax nextNode && /^>|^([-+*]|#{1,6}|[0-9]+[.)])$/.test(nextNode.value) ? "never" : options.proseWrap; return printLine(path, node.value, { proseWrap }); } case "emphasis": { const parentNode = path.getParentNode(); const index = parentNode.children.indexOf(node); const prevNode = parentNode.children[index - 1]; const nextNode = parentNode.children[index + 1]; const hasPrevOrNextWord = // `1*2*3` is considered emphais but `1_2_3` is not (prevNode && prevNode.type === "sentence" && prevNode.children.length > 0 && privateUtil.getLast(prevNode.children).type === "word" && !privateUtil.getLast(prevNode.children).hasTrailingPunctuation) || (nextNode && nextNode.type === "sentence" && nextNode.children.length > 0 && nextNode.children[0].type === "word" && !nextNode.children[0].hasLeadingPunctuation); const style = hasPrevOrNextWord || getAncestorNode(path, "emphasis") ? "*" : "_"; return concat([style, printChildren(path, options, print), style]); } case "strong": return concat(["**", printChildren(path, options, print), "**"]); case "delete": return concat(["~~", printChildren(path, options, print), "~~"]); case "inlineCode": { const backtickCount = privateUtil.getMinNotPresentContinuousCount( node.value, "`" ); const style = "`".repeat(backtickCount || 1); const gap = backtickCount ? " " : ""; return concat([style, gap, node.value, gap, style]); } case "link": switch (options.originalText[node.position.start.offset]) { case "<": { const mailto = "mailto:"; const url = // is parsed as { url: "mailto:hello@example.com" } node.url.startsWith(mailto) && options.originalText.slice( node.position.start.offset + 1, node.position.start.offset + 1 + mailto.length ) !== mailto ? node.url.slice(mailto.length) : node.url; return concat(["<", url, ">"]); } case "[": return concat([ "[", printChildren(path, options, print), "](", printUrl(node.url, ")"), printTitle(node.title, options), ")" ]); default: return options.originalText.slice( node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset ); } case "image": return concat([ "![", node.alt || "", "](", printUrl(node.url, ")"), printTitle(node.title, options), ")" ]); case "blockquote": return concat(["> ", align("> ", printChildren(path, options, print))]); case "heading": return concat([ "#".repeat(node.depth) + " ", printChildren(path, options, print) ]); case "code": { if (node.isIndented) { // indented code block const alignment = " ".repeat(4); return align( alignment, concat([ alignment, concat(replaceEndOfLineWith(node.value, hardline)) ]) ); } // fenced code block const styleUnit = options.__inJsTemplate ? "~" : "`"; const style = styleUnit.repeat( Math.max( 3, privateUtil.getMaxContinuousCount(node.value, styleUnit) + 1 ) ); return concat([ style, node.lang || "", hardline, concat( replaceEndOfLineWith( getFencedCodeBlockValue(node, options.originalText), hardline ) ), hardline, style ]); } case "yaml": case "toml": return options.originalText.slice( node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset ); case "html": { const parentNode = path.getParentNode(); const value = parentNode.type === "root" && privateUtil.getLast(parentNode.children) === node ? node.value.trimRight() : node.value; const isHtmlComment = /^$/.test(value); return concat( replaceEndOfLineWith( value, isHtmlComment ? hardline : markAsRoot(literalline) ) ); } case "list": { const nthSiblingIndex = getNthListSiblingIndex( node, path.getParentNode() ); const isGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList = node.ordered && node.children.length > 1 && +getOrderedListItemInfo(node.children[1], options.originalText) .numberText === 1; return printChildren(path, options, print, { processor: (childPath, index) => { const prefix = getPrefix(); return concat([ prefix, align( " ".repeat(prefix.length), printListItem(childPath, options, print, prefix) ) ]); function getPrefix() { const rawPrefix = node.ordered ? (index === 0 ? node.start : isGitDiffFriendlyOrderedList ? 1 : node.start + index) + (nthSiblingIndex % 2 === 0 ? ". " : ") ") : nthSiblingIndex % 2 === 0 ? "- " : "* "; return node.isAligned || /* workaround for https://github.com/remarkjs/remark/issues/315 */ node.hasIndentedCodeblock ? alignListPrefix(rawPrefix, options) : rawPrefix; } } }); } case "thematicBreak": { const counter = getAncestorCounter(path, "list"); if (counter === -1) { return "---"; } const nthSiblingIndex = getNthListSiblingIndex( path.getParentNode(counter), path.getParentNode(counter + 1) ); return nthSiblingIndex % 2 === 0 ? "***" : "---"; } case "linkReference": return concat([ "[", printChildren(path, options, print), "]", node.referenceType === "full" ? concat(["[", node.identifier, "]"]) : node.referenceType === "collapsed" ? "[]" : "" ]); case "imageReference": switch (node.referenceType) { case "full": return concat(["![", node.alt || "", "][", node.identifier, "]"]); default: return concat([ "![", node.alt, "]", node.referenceType === "collapsed" ? "[]" : "" ]); } case "definition": { const lineOrSpace = options.proseWrap === "always" ? line : " "; return group( concat([ concat(["[", node.identifier, "]:"]), indent( concat([ lineOrSpace, printUrl(node.url), node.title === null ? "" : concat([lineOrSpace, printTitle(node.title, options, false)]) ]) ) ]) ); } case "footnote": return concat(["[^", printChildren(path, options, print), "]"]); case "footnoteReference": return concat(["[^", node.identifier, "]"]); case "footnoteDefinition": { const nextNode = path.getParentNode().children[path.getName() + 1]; const shouldInlineFootnote = node.children.length === 1 && node.children[0].type === "paragraph" && (options.proseWrap === "never" || (options.proseWrap === "preserve" && node.children[0].position.start.line === node.children[0].position.end.line)); return concat([ "[^", node.identifier, "]: ", shouldInlineFootnote ? printChildren(path, options, print) : group( concat([ align( " ".repeat(options.tabWidth), printChildren(path, options, print, { processor: (childPath, index) => index === 0 ? group( concat([softline, softline, childPath.call(print)]) ) : childPath.call(print) }) ), nextNode && nextNode.type === "footnoteDefinition" ? softline : "" ]) ) ]); } case "table": return printTable(path, options, print); case "tableCell": return printChildren(path, options, print); case "break": return /\s/.test(options.originalText[node.position.start.offset]) ? concat([" ", markAsRoot(literalline)]) : concat(["\\", hardline]); case "liquidNode": return concat(replaceEndOfLineWith(node.value, hardline)); // MDX case "importExport": case "jsx": return node.value; // fallback to the original text if multiparser failed case "math": return concat([ "$$", hardline, node.value ? concat([ concat(replaceEndOfLineWith(node.value, hardline)), hardline ]) : "", "$$" ]); case "inlineMath": { // remark-math trims content but we don't want to remove whitespaces // since it's very possible that it's recognized as math accidentally return options.originalText.slice( options.locStart(node), options.locEnd(node) ); } case "tableRow": // handled in "table" case "listItem": // handled in "list" default: throw new Error(`Unknown markdown type ${JSON.stringify(node.type)}`); } } function printListItem(path, options, print, listPrefix) { const node = path.getValue(); const prefix = node.checked === null ? "" : node.checked ? "[x] " : "[ ] "; return concat([ prefix, printChildren(path, options, print, { processor: (childPath, index) => { if (index === 0 && childPath.getValue().type !== "list") { return align(" ".repeat(prefix.length), childPath.call(print)); } const alignment = " ".repeat( clamp(options.tabWidth - listPrefix.length, 0, 3) // 4+ will cause indented code block ); return concat([alignment, align(alignment, childPath.call(print))]); } }) ]); } function alignListPrefix(prefix, options) { const additionalSpaces = getAdditionalSpaces(); return ( prefix + " ".repeat( additionalSpaces >= 4 ? 0 : additionalSpaces // 4+ will cause indented code block ) ); function getAdditionalSpaces() { const restSpaces = prefix.length % options.tabWidth; return restSpaces === 0 ? 0 : options.tabWidth - restSpaces; } } function getNthListSiblingIndex(node, parentNode) { return getNthSiblingIndex( node, parentNode, siblingNode => siblingNode.ordered === node.ordered ); } function getNthSiblingIndex(node, parentNode, condition) { condition = condition || (() => true); let index = -1; for (const childNode of parentNode.children) { if (childNode.type === node.type && condition(childNode)) { index++; } else { index = -1; } if (childNode === node) { return index; } } } function getAncestorCounter(path, typeOrTypes) { const types = [].concat(typeOrTypes); let counter = -1; let ancestorNode; while ((ancestorNode = path.getParentNode(++counter))) { if (types.indexOf(ancestorNode.type) !== -1) { return counter; } } return -1; } function getAncestorNode(path, typeOrTypes) { const counter = getAncestorCounter(path, typeOrTypes); return counter === -1 ? null : path.getParentNode(counter); } function printLine(path, value, options) { if (options.proseWrap === "preserve" && value === "\n") { return hardline; } const isBreakable = options.proseWrap === "always" && !getAncestorNode(path, SINGLE_LINE_NODE_TYPES); return value !== "" ? isBreakable ? line : " " : isBreakable ? softline : ""; } function printTable(path, options, print) { const hardlineWithoutBreakParent = hardline.parts[0]; const node = path.getValue(); const contents = []; // { [rowIndex: number]: { [columnIndex: number]: string } } path.map(rowPath => { const rowContents = []; rowPath.map(cellPath => { rowContents.push( printDocToString(cellPath.call(print), options).formatted ); }, "children"); contents.push(rowContents); }, "children"); // Get the width of each column const columnMaxWidths = contents.reduce( (currentWidths, rowContents) => currentWidths.map((width, columnIndex) => Math.max(width, privateUtil.getStringWidth(rowContents[columnIndex])) ), contents[0].map(() => 3) // minimum width = 3 (---, :--, :-:, --:) ); const alignedTable = join(hardlineWithoutBreakParent, [ printRow(contents[0]), printSeparator(), join( hardlineWithoutBreakParent, contents.slice(1).map(rowContents => printRow(rowContents)) ) ]); if (options.proseWrap !== "never") { return concat([breakParent, alignedTable]); } // Only if the --prose-wrap never is set and it exceeds the print width. const compactTable = join(hardlineWithoutBreakParent, [ printRow(contents[0], /* isCompact */ true), printSeparator(/* isCompact */ true), join( hardlineWithoutBreakParent, contents .slice(1) .map(rowContents => printRow(rowContents, /* isCompact */ true)) ) ]); return concat([breakParent, group(ifBreak(compactTable, alignedTable))]); function printSeparator(isCompact) { return concat([ "| ", join( " | ", columnMaxWidths.map((width, index) => { const spaces = isCompact ? 3 : width; switch (node.align[index]) { case "left": return ":" + "-".repeat(spaces - 1); case "right": return "-".repeat(spaces - 1) + ":"; case "center": return ":" + "-".repeat(spaces - 2) + ":"; default: return "-".repeat(spaces); } }) ), " |" ]); } function printRow(rowContents, isCompact) { return concat([ "| ", join( " | ", isCompact ? rowContents : rowContents.map((rowContent, columnIndex) => { switch (node.align[columnIndex]) { case "right": return alignRight(rowContent, columnMaxWidths[columnIndex]); case "center": return alignCenter(rowContent, columnMaxWidths[columnIndex]); default: return alignLeft(rowContent, columnMaxWidths[columnIndex]); } }) ), " |" ]); } function alignLeft(text, width) { const spaces = width - privateUtil.getStringWidth(text); return concat([text, " ".repeat(spaces)]); } function alignRight(text, width) { const spaces = width - privateUtil.getStringWidth(text); return concat([" ".repeat(spaces), text]); } function alignCenter(text, width) { const spaces = width - privateUtil.getStringWidth(text); const left = Math.floor(spaces / 2); const right = spaces - left; return concat([" ".repeat(left), text, " ".repeat(right)]); } } function printRoot(path, options, print) { /** @typedef {{ index: number, offset: number }} IgnorePosition */ /** @type {Array<{start: IgnorePosition, end: IgnorePosition}>} */ const ignoreRanges = []; /** @type {IgnorePosition | null} */ let ignoreStart = null; const children = path.getValue().children; children.forEach((childNode, index) => { switch (isPrettierIgnore(childNode)) { case "start": if (ignoreStart === null) { ignoreStart = { index, offset: childNode.position.end.offset }; } break; case "end": if (ignoreStart !== null) { ignoreRanges.push({ start: ignoreStart, end: { index, offset: childNode.position.start.offset } }); ignoreStart = null; } break; default: // do nothing break; } }); return printChildren(path, options, print, { processor: (childPath, index) => { if (ignoreRanges.length !== 0) { const ignoreRange = ignoreRanges[0]; if (index === ignoreRange.start.index) { return concat([ children[ignoreRange.start.index].value, options.originalText.slice( ignoreRange.start.offset, ignoreRange.end.offset ), children[ignoreRange.end.index].value ]); } if (ignoreRange.start.index < index && index < ignoreRange.end.index) { return false; } if (index === ignoreRange.end.index) { ignoreRanges.shift(); return false; } } return childPath.call(print); } }); } function printChildren(path, options, print, events) { events = events || {}; const postprocessor = events.postprocessor || concat; const processor = events.processor || (childPath => childPath.call(print)); const node = path.getValue(); const parts = []; let lastChildNode; path.map((childPath, index) => { const childNode = childPath.getValue(); const result = processor(childPath, index); if (result !== false) { const data = { parts, prevNode: lastChildNode, parentNode: node, options }; if (!shouldNotPrePrintHardline(childNode, data)) { parts.push(hardline); if ( lastChildNode && TRAILING_HARDLINE_NODES.indexOf(lastChildNode.type) !== -1 ) { if (shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(childNode, data)) { parts.push(hardline); } } else { if ( shouldPrePrintDoubleHardline(childNode, data) || shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(childNode, data) ) { parts.push(hardline); } if (shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(childNode, data)) { parts.push(hardline); } } } parts.push(result); lastChildNode = childNode; } }, "children"); return postprocessor(parts); } function getLastDescendantNode(node) { let current = node; while (current.children && current.children.length !== 0) { current = current.children[current.children.length - 1]; } return current; } /** @return {false | 'next' | 'start' | 'end'} */ function isPrettierIgnore(node) { if (node.type !== "html") { return false; } const match = node.value.match( /^$/ ); return match === null ? false : match[1] ? match[1] : "next"; } function shouldNotPrePrintHardline(node, data) { const isFirstNode = data.parts.length === 0; const isInlineNode = INLINE_NODE_TYPES.indexOf(node.type) !== -1; const isInlineHTML = node.type === "html" && INLINE_NODE_WRAPPER_TYPES.indexOf(data.parentNode.type) !== -1; return isFirstNode || isInlineNode || isInlineHTML; } function shouldPrePrintDoubleHardline(node, data) { const isSequence = (data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type) === node.type; const isSiblingNode = isSequence && SIBLING_NODE_TYPES.indexOf(node.type) !== -1; const isInTightListItem = data.parentNode.type === "listItem" && !data.parentNode.loose; const isPrevNodeLooseListItem = data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "listItem" && data.prevNode.loose; const isPrevNodePrettierIgnore = isPrettierIgnore(data.prevNode) === "next"; const isBlockHtmlWithoutBlankLineBetweenPrevHtml = node.type === "html" && data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "html" && data.prevNode.position.end.line + 1 === node.position.start.line; return ( isPrevNodeLooseListItem || !( isSiblingNode || isInTightListItem || isPrevNodePrettierIgnore || isBlockHtmlWithoutBlankLineBetweenPrevHtml ) ); } function shouldPrePrintTripleHardline(node, data) { const isPrevNodeList = data.prevNode && data.prevNode.type === "list"; const isIndentedCode = node.type === "code" && node.isIndented; return isPrevNodeList && isIndentedCode; } function shouldRemainTheSameContent(path) { const ancestorNode = getAncestorNode(path, [ "linkReference", "imageReference" ]); return ( ancestorNode && (ancestorNode.type !== "linkReference" || ancestorNode.referenceType !== "full") ); } function normalizeDoc(doc) { return mapDoc(doc, currentDoc => { if (!currentDoc.parts) { return currentDoc; } if (currentDoc.type === "concat" && currentDoc.parts.length === 1) { return currentDoc.parts[0]; } const parts = []; currentDoc.parts.forEach(part => { if (part.type === "concat") { parts.push.apply(parts, part.parts); } else if (part !== "") { parts.push(part); } }); return Object.assign({}, currentDoc, { parts: normalizeParts(parts) }); }); } function printUrl(url, dangerousCharOrChars) { const dangerousChars = [" "].concat(dangerousCharOrChars || []); return new RegExp(dangerousChars.map(x => `\\${x}`).join("|")).test(url) ? `<${url}>` : url; } function printTitle(title, options, printSpace) { if (printSpace == null) { printSpace = true; } if (!title) { return ""; } if (printSpace) { return " " + printTitle(title, options, false); } if (title.includes('"') && title.includes("'") && !title.includes(")")) { return `(${title})`; // avoid escaped quotes } // faster than using RegExps: https://jsperf.com/performance-of-match-vs-split const singleCount = title.split("'").length - 1; const doubleCount = title.split('"').length - 1; const quote = singleCount > doubleCount ? '"' : doubleCount > singleCount ? "'" : options.singleQuote ? "'" : '"'; title = title.replace(new RegExp(`(${quote})`, "g"), "\\$1"); return `${quote}${title}${quote}`; } function normalizeParts(parts) { return parts.reduce((current, part) => { const lastPart = privateUtil.getLast(current); if (typeof lastPart === "string" && typeof part === "string") { current.splice(-1, 1, lastPart + part); } else { current.push(part); } return current; }, []); } function clamp(value, min, max) { return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value; } function clean(ast, newObj, parent) { delete newObj.position; delete newObj.raw; // front-matter // for codeblock if ( ast.type === "code" || ast.type === "yaml" || ast.type === "import" || ast.type === "export" || ast.type === "jsx" ) { delete newObj.value; } if (ast.type === "list") { delete newObj.isAligned; } // texts can be splitted or merged if (ast.type === "text") { return null; } if (ast.type === "inlineCode") { newObj.value = ast.value.replace(/[ \t\n]+/g, " "); } // for insert pragma if ( parent && parent.type === "root" && parent.children.length > 0 && (parent.children[0] === ast || ((parent.children[0].type === "yaml" || parent.children[0].type === "toml") && parent.children[1] === ast)) && ast.type === "html" && pragma.startWithPragma(ast.value) ) { return null; } } function hasPrettierIgnore(path) { const index = +path.getName(); if (index === 0) { return false; } const prevNode = path.getParentNode().children[index - 1]; return isPrettierIgnore(prevNode) === "next"; } module.exports = { preprocess, print: genericPrint, embed, massageAstNode: clean, hasPrettierIgnore, insertPragma: pragma.insertPragma };