// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`test.js 1`] = ` const comp1 = (
Keep the wrapping parens.
); const comp2 =
Create wrapping parens.
; comp2A =
Create wrapping parens.
; const comp3 =
Bump to next line without parens
; const comp4 =
Create wrapping parens and indent all the things.
; const comp5 =
Keep it on one line.
; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ const comp1 = (
Keep the wrapping parens.
); const comp2 = (
Create wrapping parens.
); comp2A = (
Create wrapping parens.
); const comp3 = (
Bump to next line without parens
); const comp4 = (
Create wrapping parens and indent all the things.
); const comp5 =
Keep it on one line.
; `;