// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[`directives.css 1`] = ` @import (multiple) "foo.less"; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @import (multiple) "foo.less"; `; exports[`multiple.css 1`] = ` /* This isn't valid CSS, SCSS or Less, but we should be lenient and make sure /* that nothing is lost when printing. */ @import "one" two "three"; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /* This isn't valid CSS, SCSS or Less, but we should be lenient and make sure /* that nothing is lost when printing. */ @import "one" two "three"; `; exports[`nodes.css 1`] = ` @import "test.less" {} @import "test.less" { a: b; c: d; } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @import "test.less" { } @import "test.less" { a: b; c: d; } `; exports[`url.css 1`] = ` @import url('foo'); $dir: 'fonts'; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @import url("foo"); $dir: "fonts"; `;