"use strict"; // Docs: https://docusaurus.io/docs/en/site-config.html const parseYaml = require("js-yaml").safeLoad; const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs"); const PACKAGE = require("../package"); const GITHUB_URL = `https://github.com/${PACKAGE.repository}`; function loadYaml(fsPath) { return parseYaml(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, fsPath), "utf8")); } const users = loadYaml("./data/users.yml"); const editors = loadYaml("./data/editors.yml"); const supportedLanguages = loadYaml("./data/languages.yml"); const siteConfig = { title: "Prettier", tagline: "Opinionated Code Formatter", githubUrl: GITHUB_URL, url: PACKAGE.homepage, baseUrl: "/", projectName: PACKAGE.name, repo: PACKAGE.repository, cname: "prettier.io", users, editors, supportedLanguages, /* base url for editing docs, usage example: editUrl + 'en/doc1.md' */ editUrl: `${GITHUB_URL}/edit/master/docs/`, headerLinks: [ { href: "/playground/", label: "Playground" }, { doc: "index", label: "About" }, { doc: "install", label: "Usage" }, { blog: true, label: "Blog" }, { search: true }, { href: GITHUB_URL, label: "GitHub" } ], /* path to images for header/footer */ headerIcon: "icon.png", footerIcon: "icon.png", favicon: "icon.png", /* colors for website */ colors: { primaryColor: "#1A2B34", secondaryColor: "#808080" }, highlight: { theme: "default" }, useEnglishUrl: true, scripts: ["https://buttons.github.io/buttons.js"], algolia: { apiKey: process.env.ALGOLIA_PRETTIER_API_KEY, indexName: "prettier" }, markdownPlugins: [ // ignore `` before passing into Docusaurus to avoid mis-parsing (#3322) md => { md.block.ruler.before( "htmlblock", "prettierignore", (state, startLine) => { const pos = state.bMarks[startLine]; const max = state.eMarks[startLine]; if (//.test(state.src.slice(pos, max))) { state.line += 1; return true; } return false; } ); } ], separateCss: ["static/separate-css"], gaTrackingId: "UA-111350464-1", twitter: true }; module.exports = siteConfig;