
243 lines
7.4 KiB

export default function(parser) {
switch (parser) {
case "babylon":
return [
'function HelloWorld({greeting = "hello", greeted = \'"World"\', silent = false, onMouseOver,}) {',
" if(!greeting){return null};",
" // TODO: Don't use random in render",
' let num = Math.floor (Math.random() * 1E+7).toString().replace(/\\.\\d+/ig, "")',
" return <div className='HelloWorld' title={`You are visitor number ${ num }`} onMouseOver={onMouseOver}>",
" <strong>{ greeting.slice( 0, 1 ).toUpperCase() + greeting.slice(1).toLowerCase() }</strong>",
' {greeting.endsWith(",") ? " " : <span style={{color: \'\\grey\'}}>", "</span> }',
" <em>",
"\t{ greeted }",
" { (silent)",
' ? "."',
' : "!"}',
" </div>;",
case "flow":
return [
"declare export function graphql<Props, Variables, Component: React$ComponentType<Props>>",
" (query: GQLDocument, config?: Config<Props, QueryConfigOptions<Variables>>):",
" (Component: Component) => React$ComponentType<$Diff<React$ElementConfig<Component>, {",
" data: Object|void,",
" mutate: Function|void",
" }>>",
'declare type FetchPolicy = "cache-first" | "cache-and-network" | "network-only" | "cache-only"'
case "typescript":
return [
"interface MyInterface {",
" foo(): string,",
" bar: Array<number>,",
"export abstract class Foo implements MyInterface {",
" foo() {",
" // TODO: return an actual value here",
" return 'hello'",
" }",
" get bar() {",
" return [ 1,",
" 2, 3,",
" ]",
" }",
"type RequestType = 'GET' | 'HEAD' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'OPTIONS' | 'CONNECT' | 'DELETE' | 'TRACE'"
case "css":
// Excerpted from the Bootstrap source, which is licensed under the MIT license:
return [
"@media (max-width: 480px) {",
" .bd-examples {margin-right: -.75rem;margin-left: -.75rem",
" }",
" ",
' .bd-examples>[class^="col-"] {',
" padding-right: .75rem;",
" padding-left: .75rem;",
" ",
" }",
case "scss":
// Excerpted from the Bootstrap source, which is licensed under the MIT license:
return [
"@function color-yiq($color) {",
" $r: red($color);$g: green($color);$b: blue($color);",
" $yiq: (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000;",
" @if ($yiq >= $yiq-contrasted-threshold) {",
" @return $yiq-text-dark;",
"} @else {",
" @return $yiq-text-light;",
" }",
"@each $color, $value in $colors {",
" .swatch-#{$color} {",
" color: color-yiq($value);",
" background-color: #{$value};",
" }",
case "less":
// Copied from
return [
"@my-ruleset: {",
" .my-selector {",
" @media tv {",
" background-color: black;",
" }",
" }",
" };",
"@media (orientation:portrait) {",
" @my-ruleset();",
case "json":
case "json5":
case "json-stringify":
// Excerpted & adapted from Wikipedia, under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License
return [
'{"allOn": "Single", "Line": "example",',
' "quote": {',
" 'singleQuote': 'example',",
' "indented": true,',
" },",
' "phoneNumbers": [',
' {"type": "home",',
' "number": "212 555-1234"},',
' {"type": "office",',
' "trailing": "commas by accident"},',
" ],",
case "graphql":
return [
"query Browse($offset: Int, $limit: Int, $categories: [String!], $search: String) {",
" browse(limit: $limit, offset: $offset, categories: $categories, search: $search) {",
" total,",
" results {",
" title",
" price",
" }",
" }",
case "markdown":
return [
"_Look,_ code blocks are formatted *too!*",
"``` js",
"function identity(x) { return x }",
"John Doe|SKG|1338",
"Jane Roe|JFK|314",
"- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -",
"+ List",
" + with a [link] (/to/somewhere)",
"+ and [another one]",
" [another one]: 'Example title'",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
"Curabitur consectetur maximus risus, sed maximus tellus tincidunt et."
case "vue":
return [
" <p>Templates are not formatted yet ...",
" </p>",
"let Prettier = format => { your.js('though') }",
".and { css: too !important }",
case "yaml":
// modified from
return [
"invoice : 34843",
"date : 2001-01-23",
"bill-to: &id001",
" given : Chris",
" family : Dumars",
" address:",
" lines: |",
" 458 Walkman Dr.",
" Suite #292",
" city : Royal Oak",
" state : MI",
" postal : 48046",
"ship-to: *id001",
" - ",
" ",
" sku : BL394D",
" ? quantity ",
" : 4",
" description : Basketball",
" ? price ",
" : 450.00",
" ",
" ",
" - ",
" sku : BL4438H",
" quantity : 1",
" description: Super Hoop",
" price : 2392.00",
" ",
" ",
"tax : 251.42",
"total : 4443.52",
"comments: >",
" Late afternoon is best.",
" Backup contact is Nancy",
" Billsmer @ 338-4338.",
case "glimmer":
// modified from
return [
' <div class="entry" >',
" <h1>{{ title }}</h1>",
' <div class="body">',
" {{ body }}",
"</div> </div>"
return "";