
10339 lines
247 KiB

exports[`test printBinaryExpression.js 1`] = `
"\'use babel\';
/* @flow */
* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in
* the root directory of this source tree.
import type {BinaryExpression} from \'./types\';
function printBinaryExpression(
node: BinaryExpression,
) {
module.exports = printBinaryExpression;
\"use babel\";
/* @flow */
* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the license found in the LICENSE file in
* the root directory of this source tree.
import type { BinaryExpression } from \"./types\";
function printBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression) {
module.exports = printBinaryExpression;
exports[`test types.js 1`] = `
* @flow
\'use strict\';
* Flow types for the Babylon AST.
// Abstract types. Something must extend these.
export type Comment = {
type: \'CommentLine\';
_CommentLine: void;
value: string;
end: number;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
} | {
type: \'CommentBlock\';
_CommentBlock: void;
value: string;
end: number;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
export type Declaration = {
type: \'ClassBody\';
_ClassBody: void;
body: Array<Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ClassDeclaration\';
_ClassDeclaration: void;
body: ClassBody;
id: ?Identifier;
superClass: ?Expression;
decorators: any;
superTypeParameters: any;
typeParameters: any;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'FunctionDeclaration\';
_FunctionDeclaration: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'MethodDefinition\';
_MethodDefinition: void;
computed: boolean;
key: Node;
kind: \'constructor\' | \'method\' | \'get\' | \'set\';
static: boolean;
value: FunctionExpression;
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'VariableDeclaration\';
_VariableDeclaration: void;
declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>;
kind: \'var\' | \'let\' | \'const\';
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ClassProperty\';
_ClassProperty: void;
computed: boolean;
key: Node;
static: boolean;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
value: ?Expression;
decorators: Array<Decorator>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Expression = {
type: \'ArrayExpression\';
_ArrayExpression: void;
elements: Array<?Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'AssignmentExpression\';
_AssignmentExpression: void;
left: Pattern;
operator: AssignmentOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'AwaitExpression\';
_AwaitExpression: void;
all: boolean;
argument: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BinaryExpression\';
_BinaryExpression: void;
left: Expression;
operator: BinaryOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BindExpression\';
_BindExpression: void;
callee: Node;
object: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'CallExpression\';
_CallExpression: void;
arguments: Array<Node>;
callee: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ClassExpression\';
_ClassExpression: void;
body: ClassBody;
id: ?Identifier;
superClass: ?Expression;
decorators: any;
superTypeParameters: any;
typeParameters: any;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ComprehensionExpression\';
_ComprehensionExpression: void;
body: Expression;
blocks: Array<ComprehensionBlock>;
filter: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ConditionalExpression\';
_ConditionalExpression: void;
alternate: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DoExpression\';
_DoExpression: void;
body: Statement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'FunctionExpression\';
_FunctionExpression: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'Identifier\';
_Identifier: void;
name: string;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'Literal\';
_Literal: void;
raw: string;
regex: ?{pattern: string, flags: string};
value: ?(string | boolean | number | RegExp);
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'LogicalExpression\';
_LogicalExpression: void;
left: Expression;
operator: LogicalOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'MemberExpression\';
_MemberExpression: void;
computed: boolean;
object: Expression;
property: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'NewExpression\';
_NewExpression: void;
arguments: Array<Node>;
callee: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectExpression\';
_ObjectExpression: void;
properties: Array<Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'SequenceExpression\';
_SequenceExpression: void;
expression: Array<Expression>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TaggedTemplateExpression\';
_TaggedTemplateExpression: void;
quasi: TemplateLiteral;
tag: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TemplateLiteral\';
_TemplateLiteral: void;
expressions: Array<Expression>;
quasis: Array<TemplateElement>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ThisExpression\';
_ThisExpression: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'UnaryExpression\';
_UnaryExpression: void;
argument: Expression;
operator: UnaryOperator;
prefix: true;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'UpdateExpression\';
_UpdateExpression: void;
argument: Expression;
operator: UpdateOperator;
prefix: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'YieldExpression\';
_YieldExpression: void;
argument: ?Expression;
delegate: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeCastExpression\';
_TypeCastExpression: void;
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXElement\';
_JSXElement: void;
children: Array<Node>;
closingElement: ?JSXClosingElement;
openingElement: JSXOpeningElement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXEmptyExpression\';
_JSXEmptyExpression: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXExpressionContainer\';
_JSXExpressionContainer: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXMemberExpression\';
_JSXMemberExpression: void;
computed: boolean;
object: Node;
property: JSXIdentifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Function = {
type: \'ArrowFunctionExpression\';
_ArrowFunctionExpression: void;
body: Node;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'FunctionDeclaration\';
_FunctionDeclaration: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'FunctionExpression\';
_FunctionExpression: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
export type Node = {
type: \'ArrayExpression\';
_ArrayExpression: void;
elements: Array<?Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ArrayPattern\';
_ArrayPattern: void;
elements: Array<?Node>;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ArrowFunctionExpression\';
_ArrowFunctionExpression: void;
body: Node;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'AssignmentExpression\';
_AssignmentExpression: void;
left: Pattern;
operator: AssignmentOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'AssignmentPattern\';
_AssignmentPattern: void;
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'AwaitExpression\';
_AwaitExpression: void;
all: boolean;
argument: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BinaryExpression\';
_BinaryExpression: void;
left: Expression;
operator: BinaryOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BindExpression\';
_BindExpression: void;
callee: Node;
object: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BlockStatement\';
_BlockStatement: void;
body: Array<Statement>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BreakStatement\';
_BreakStatement: void;
label: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'CallExpression\';
_CallExpression: void;
arguments: Array<Node>;
callee: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'CatchClause\';
_CatchClause: void;
body: BlockStatement;
param: Pattern;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ClassBody\';
_ClassBody: void;
body: Array<Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ClassDeclaration\';
_ClassDeclaration: void;
body: ClassBody;
id: ?Identifier;
superClass: ?Expression;
decorators: any;
superTypeParameters: any;
typeParameters: any;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ClassExpression\';
_ClassExpression: void;
body: ClassBody;
id: ?Identifier;
superClass: ?Expression;
decorators: any;
superTypeParameters: any;
typeParameters: any;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ComprehensionBlock\';
_ComprehensionBlock: void;
each: boolean;
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ComprehensionExpression\';
_ComprehensionExpression: void;
body: Expression;
blocks: Array<ComprehensionBlock>;
filter: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ConditionalExpression\';
_ConditionalExpression: void;
alternate: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ContinueStatement\';
_ContinueStatement: void;
label: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'Decorator\';
_Decorator: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DebuggerStatement\';
_DebuggerStatement: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DoWhileStatement\';
_DoWhileStatement: void;
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DoExpression\';
_DoExpression: void;
body: Statement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'EmptyStatement\';
_EmptyStatement: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ExpressionStatement\';
_ExpressionStatement: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'File\';
_File: void;
program: Program;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ForInStatement\';
_ForInStatement: void;
body: Statement;
left: Node;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ForOfStatement\';
_ForOfStatement: void;
body: Statement;
left: Node;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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} | {
type: \'ForStatement\';
_ForStatement: void;
init: ?Node;
test: ?Expression;
update: ?Expression;
body: Statement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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} | {
type: \'FunctionDeclaration\';
_FunctionDeclaration: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'FunctionExpression\';
_FunctionExpression: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
} | {
type: \'Identifier\';
_Identifier: void;
name: string;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_IfStatement: void;
alternate: ?Statement;
consequent: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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} | {
type: \'ImportDefaultSpecifier\';
_ImportDefaultSpecifier: void;
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end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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} | {
type: \'ImportDeclaration\';
_ImportDeclaration: void;
specifiers: Array<Node>;
source: Literal;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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type: \'ImportSpecifier\';
_ImportSpecifier: void;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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type: \'LabeledStatement\';
_LabeledStatement: void;
body: Statement;
label: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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type: \'Literal\';
_Literal: void;
raw: string;
regex: ?{pattern: string, flags: string};
value: ?(string | boolean | number | RegExp);
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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type: \'LogicalExpression\';
_LogicalExpression: void;
left: Expression;
operator: LogicalOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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type: \'MemberExpression\';
_MemberExpression: void;
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object: Expression;
property: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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type: \'MethodDefinition\';
_MethodDefinition: void;
computed: boolean;
key: Node;
kind: \'constructor\' | \'method\' | \'get\' | \'set\';
static: boolean;
value: FunctionExpression;
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_NewExpression: void;
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callee: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_Noop: void;
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loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_ObjectExpression: void;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_ObjectPattern: void;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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type: \'Program\';
_Program: void;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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kind: \'init\' | \'get\' | \'set\';
method: boolean;
shorthand: boolean;
value: Node;
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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_RestElement: void;
argument: Pattern;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_ReturnStatement: void;
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end: number;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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} | {
type: \'SwitchCase\';
_SwitchCase: void;
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end: number;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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} | {
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_SwitchStatement: void;
cases: Array<SwitchCase>;
discriminant: Expression;
lexical: boolean;
end: number;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_TaggedTemplateExpression: void;
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start: {column: number, line: number},
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start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_TryStatement: void;
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handler: ?CatchClause;
handlers: ?Array<CatchClause>;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
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_VariableDeclarator: void;
id: Pattern;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
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_WhileStatement: void;
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test: Expression;
end: number;
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leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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_WithStatement: void;
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object: Expression;
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
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static: boolean;
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value: ?Expression;
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start: {column: number, line: number},
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_DeclareModule: void;
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id: Node;
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loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
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end: {column: number, line: number},
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} | {
type: \'TupleTypeAnnotation\';
_TupleTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeofTypeAnnotation\';
_TypeofTypeAnnotation: void;
argument: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeAlias\';
_TypeAlias: void;
id: Identifier;
right: Type;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeAnnotation\';
_TypeAnnotation: void;
typeAnnotation: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeCastExpression\';
_TypeCastExpression: void;
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeParameterDeclaration\';
_TypeParameterDeclaration: void;
params: Array<Identifier>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeParameterInstantiation\';
_TypeParameterInstantiation: void;
params: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectTypeAnnotation\';
_ObjectTypeAnnotation: void;
callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>;
indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>;
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectTypeCallProperty\';
_ObjectTypeCallProperty: void;
static: boolean;
value: FunctionTypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectTypeIndexer\';
_ObjectTypeIndexer: void;
id: Identifier;
key: Type;
value: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectTypeProperty\';
_ObjectTypeProperty: void;
key: Node;
optional: boolean;
value: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'QualifiedTypeIdentifier\';
_QualifiedTypeIdentifier: void;
id: Identifier;
qualification: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'UnionTypeAnnotation\';
_UnionTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'VoidTypeAnnotation\';
_VoidTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXAttribute\';
_JSXAttribute: void;
name: Node;
value: ?Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXClosingElement\';
_JSXClosingElement: void;
name: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXElement\';
_JSXElement: void;
children: Array<Node>;
closingElement: ?JSXClosingElement;
openingElement: JSXOpeningElement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXEmptyExpression\';
_JSXEmptyExpression: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXExpressionContainer\';
_JSXExpressionContainer: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXIdentifier\';
_JSXIdentifier: void;
name: string;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXMemberExpression\';
_JSXMemberExpression: void;
computed: boolean;
object: Node;
property: JSXIdentifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXNamespacedName\';
_JSXNamespacedName: void;
name: JSXIdentifier;
namespace: JSXIdentifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXOpeningElement\';
_JSXOpeningElement: void;
attributes: Array<Node>;
name: Array<Node>;
selfClosing: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'JSXSpreadAttribute\';
_JSXSpreadAttribute: void;
argument: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Pattern = {
type: \'ArrayPattern\';
_ArrayPattern: void;
elements: Array<?Node>;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'AssignmentPattern\';
_AssignmentPattern: void;
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'Identifier\';
_Identifier: void;
name: string;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectPattern\';
_ObjectPattern: void;
properties: Array<Node>;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'RestElement\';
_RestElement: void;
argument: Pattern;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Statement = {
type: \'BlockStatement\';
_BlockStatement: void;
body: Array<Statement>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BreakStatement\';
_BreakStatement: void;
label: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ContinueStatement\';
_ContinueStatement: void;
label: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DoWhileStatement\';
_DoWhileStatement: void;
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'EmptyStatement\';
_EmptyStatement: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ExpressionStatement\';
_ExpressionStatement: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ForInStatement\';
_ForInStatement: void;
body: Statement;
left: Node;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ForOfStatement\';
_ForOfStatement: void;
body: Statement;
left: Node;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ForStatement\';
_ForStatement: void;
init: ?Node;
test: ?Expression;
update: ?Expression;
body: Statement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'IfStatement\';
_IfStatement: void;
alternate: ?Statement;
consequent: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'LabeledStatement\';
_LabeledStatement: void;
body: Statement;
label: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ReturnStatement\';
_ReturnStatement: void;
argument: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'SwitchStatement\';
_SwitchStatement: void;
cases: Array<SwitchCase>;
discriminant: Expression;
lexical: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ThrowStatement\';
_ThrowStatement: void;
argument: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TryStatement\';
_TryStatement: void;
block: BlockStatement;
finalizer: ?BlockStatement;
guardedHandlers: Array<CatchClause>;
handler: ?CatchClause;
handlers: ?Array<CatchClause>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'WhileStatement\';
_WhileStatement: void;
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'WithStatement\';
_WithStatement: void;
body: Statement;
object: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DeclareClass\';
_DeclareClass: void;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>;
id: Identifier;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DeclareFunction\';
_DeclareFunction: void;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DeclareModule\';
_DeclareModule: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'DeclareVariable\';
_DeclareVariable: void;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'InterfaceDeclaration\';
_InterfaceDeclaration: void;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>;
id: Identifier;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TypeAlias\';
_TypeAlias: void;
id: Identifier;
right: Type;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Type = {
type: \'AnyTypeAnnotation\';
_AnyTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ArrayTypeAnnotation\';
_ArrayTypeAnnotation: void;
elementType: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation\';
_BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation: void;
raw: string;
value: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'BooleanTypeAnnotation\';
_BooleanTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'FunctionTypeAnnotation\';
_FunctionTypeAnnotation: void;
params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>;
rest: ?FunctionTypeParam;
returnType: Type;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'GenericTypeAnnotation\';
_GenericTypeAnnotation: void;
id: Node;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'IntersectionTypeAnnotation\';
_IntersectionTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'MixedTypeAnnotation\';
_MixedTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'NullableTypeAnnotation\';
_NullableTypeAnnotation: void;
typeAnnotation: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation\';
_NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation: void;
raw: string;
value: number;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'NumberTypeAnnotation\';
_NumberTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'StringLiteralTypeAnnotation\';
_StringLiteralTypeAnnotation: void;
raw: string;
value: string;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'StringTypeAnnotation\';
_StringTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'TupleTypeAnnotation\';
_TupleTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'ObjectTypeAnnotation\';
_ObjectTypeAnnotation: void;
callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>;
indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>;
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'UnionTypeAnnotation\';
_UnionTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
} | {
type: \'VoidTypeAnnotation\';
_VoidTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// Concrete Types. Nothing can extend these.
export type CommentLine = {
type: \'CommentLine\';
_CommentLine: void;
value: string;
end: number;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
export type CommentBlock = {
type: \'CommentBlock\';
_CommentBlock: void;
value: string;
end: number;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
// Babel concrete types.
export type ArrayExpression = {
type: \'ArrayExpression\';
_ArrayExpression: void;
elements: Array<?Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ArrayPattern = {
type: \'ArrayPattern\';
_ArrayPattern: void;
elements: Array<?Node>;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ArrowFunctionExpression = {
type: \'ArrowFunctionExpression\';
_ArrowFunctionExpression: void;
body: Node;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
type AssignmentOperator =
\'=\' |
\'+=\' |
\'-=\' |
\'*=\' |
\'/=\' |
\'%=\' |
\'<<=\' |
\'>>=\' |
\'>>>=\' |
\'|=\' |
\'^=\' |
export type AssignmentExpression = {
type: \'AssignmentExpression\';
_AssignmentExpression: void;
left: Pattern;
operator: AssignmentOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type AssignmentPattern = {
type: \'AssignmentPattern\';
_AssignmentPattern: void;
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type AwaitExpression = {
type: \'AwaitExpression\';
_AwaitExpression: void;
all: boolean;
argument: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
type BinaryOperator =
\'==\' |
\'!=\' |
\'===\' |
\'!==\' |
\'<\' |
\'<=\' |
\'>\' |
\'>=\' |
\'<<\' |
\'>>\' |
\'>>>\' |
\'+\' |
\'-\' |
\'*\' |
\'/\' |
\'%\' |
\'&\' |
\'|\' |
\'^\' |
\'in\' |
\'instanceof\' |
export type BinaryExpression = {
type: \'BinaryExpression\';
_BinaryExpression: void;
left: Expression;
operator: BinaryOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: What is this?
export type BindExpression = {
type: \'BindExpression\';
_BindExpression: void;
callee: Node;
object: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type BlockStatement = {
type: \'BlockStatement\';
_BlockStatement: void;
body: Array<Statement>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type BreakStatement = {
type: \'BreakStatement\';
_BreakStatement: void;
label: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type CallExpression = {
type: \'CallExpression\';
_CallExpression: void;
arguments: Array<Node>;
callee: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type CatchClause = {
type: \'CatchClause\';
_CatchClause: void;
body: BlockStatement;
param: Pattern;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ClassBody = {
type: \'ClassBody\';
_ClassBody: void;
body: Array<Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ClassDeclaration = {
type: \'ClassDeclaration\';
_ClassDeclaration: void;
body: ClassBody;
id: ?Identifier;
superClass: ?Expression;
decorators: any;
superTypeParameters: any;
typeParameters: any;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ClassExpression = {
type: \'ClassExpression\';
_ClassExpression: void;
body: ClassBody;
id: ?Identifier;
superClass: ?Expression;
decorators: any;
superTypeParameters: any;
typeParameters: any;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ComprehensionBlock = {
type: \'ComprehensionBlock\';
_ComprehensionBlock: void;
each: boolean;
left: Pattern;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ComprehensionExpression = {
type: \'ComprehensionExpression\';
_ComprehensionExpression: void;
body: Expression;
blocks: Array<ComprehensionBlock>;
filter: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ConditionalExpression = {
type: \'ConditionalExpression\';
_ConditionalExpression: void;
alternate: Expression;
consequent: Expression;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ContinueStatement = {
type: \'ContinueStatement\';
_ContinueStatement: void;
label: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type Decorator = {
type: \'Decorator\';
_Decorator: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type DebuggerStatement = {
type: \'DebuggerStatement\';
_DebuggerStatement: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type DoWhileStatement = {
type: \'DoWhileStatement\';
_DoWhileStatement: void;
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type DoExpression = {
type: \'DoExpression\';
_DoExpression: void;
body: Statement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type EmptyStatement = {
type: \'EmptyStatement\';
_EmptyStatement: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ExpressionStatement = {
type: \'ExpressionStatement\';
_ExpressionStatement: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type File = {
type: \'File\';
_File: void;
program: Program;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ForInStatement = {
type: \'ForInStatement\';
_ForInStatement: void;
body: Statement;
left: Node;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ForOfStatement = {
type: \'ForOfStatement\';
_ForOfStatement: void;
body: Statement;
left: Node;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ForStatement = {
type: \'ForStatement\';
_ForStatement: void;
init: ?Node;
test: ?Expression;
update: ?Expression;
body: Statement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type FunctionDeclaration = {
type: \'FunctionDeclaration\';
_FunctionDeclaration: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
export type FunctionExpression = {
type: \'FunctionExpression\';
_FunctionExpression: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: ?Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
async: boolean;
defaults: Array<?Expression>;
expression: boolean;
generator: boolean;
params: Array<Pattern>;
rest: ?Identifier;
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
export type Identifier = {
type: \'Identifier\';
_Identifier: void;
name: string;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type IfStatement = {
type: \'IfStatement\';
_IfStatement: void;
alternate: ?Statement;
consequent: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportDefaultSpecifier = {
type: \'ImportDefaultSpecifier\';
_ImportDefaultSpecifier: void;
local: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportNamespaceSpecifier = {
type: \'ImportNamespaceSpecifier\';
_ImportNamespaceSpecifier: void;
local: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportDeclaration = {
type: \'ImportDeclaration\';
_ImportDeclaration: void;
specifiers: Array<Node>;
source: Literal;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportSpecifier = {
type: \'ImportSpecifier\';
_ImportSpecifier: void;
imported: Node;
local: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type LabeledStatement = {
type: \'LabeledStatement\';
_LabeledStatement: void;
body: Statement;
label: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Literal = {
type: \'Literal\';
_Literal: void;
raw: string;
regex: ?{pattern: string, flags: string};
value: ?(string | boolean | number | RegExp);
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
type LogicalOperator = \'||\' | \'&&\';
export type LogicalExpression = {
type: \'LogicalExpression\';
_LogicalExpression: void;
left: Expression;
operator: LogicalOperator;
right: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type MemberExpression = {
type: \'MemberExpression\';
_MemberExpression: void;
computed: boolean;
object: Expression;
property: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type MetaProperty = {
type: \'MetaProperty\';
_MetaProperty: void;
meta: Node;
property: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type MethodDefinition = {
type: \'MethodDefinition\';
_MethodDefinition: void;
computed: boolean;
key: Node;
kind: \'constructor\' | \'method\' | \'get\' | \'set\';
static: boolean;
value: FunctionExpression;
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type NewExpression = {
type: \'NewExpression\';
_NewExpression: void;
arguments: Array<Node>;
callee: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Noop = {
type: \'Noop\';
_Noop: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ObjectExpression = {
type: \'ObjectExpression\';
_ObjectExpression: void;
properties: Array<Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ObjectPattern = {
type: \'ObjectPattern\';
_ObjectPattern: void;
properties: Array<Node>;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Program = {
type: \'Program\';
_Program: void;
body: Array<Statement>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Property = {
type: \'Property\';
_Property: void;
computed: boolean;
key: Node;
kind: \'init\' | \'get\' | \'set\';
method: boolean;
shorthand: boolean;
value: Node;
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type RestElement = {
type: \'RestElement\';
_RestElement: void;
argument: Pattern;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ReturnStatement = {
type: \'ReturnStatement\';
_ReturnStatement: void;
argument: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type SequenceExpression = {
type: \'SequenceExpression\';
_SequenceExpression: void;
expression: Array<Expression>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type SpreadElement = {
type: \'SpreadElement\';
_SpreadElement: void;
argument: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type SpreadProperty = {
type: \'SpreadProperty\';
_SpreadProperty: void;
argument: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type Super = {
type: \'Super\';
_Super: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type SwitchCase = {
type: \'SwitchCase\';
_SwitchCase: void;
consequent: Array<Statement>;
test: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type SwitchStatement = {
type: \'SwitchStatement\';
_SwitchStatement: void;
cases: Array<SwitchCase>;
discriminant: Expression;
lexical: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TaggedTemplateExpression = {
type: \'TaggedTemplateExpression\';
_TaggedTemplateExpression: void;
quasi: TemplateLiteral;
tag: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TemplateElement = {
type: \'TemplateElement\';
_TemplateElement: void;
tail: boolean;
value: {cooked: string, raw: string};
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TemplateLiteral = {
type: \'TemplateLiteral\';
_TemplateLiteral: void;
expressions: Array<Expression>;
quasis: Array<TemplateElement>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ThisExpression = {
type: \'ThisExpression\';
_ThisExpression: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ThrowStatement = {
type: \'ThrowStatement\';
_ThrowStatement: void;
argument: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TryStatement = {
type: \'TryStatement\';
_TryStatement: void;
block: BlockStatement;
finalizer: ?BlockStatement;
guardedHandlers: Array<CatchClause>;
handler: ?CatchClause;
handlers: ?Array<CatchClause>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
type UnaryOperator = \'-\' | \'+\' | \'!\' | \'~\' | \'typeof\' | \'void\' | \'delete\';
export type UnaryExpression = {
type: \'UnaryExpression\';
_UnaryExpression: void;
argument: Expression;
operator: UnaryOperator;
prefix: true;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
type UpdateOperator = \'++\' | \'--\';
export type UpdateExpression = {
type: \'UpdateExpression\';
_UpdateExpression: void;
argument: Expression;
operator: UpdateOperator;
prefix: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type VariableDeclaration = {
type: \'VariableDeclaration\';
_VariableDeclaration: void;
declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>;
kind: \'var\' | \'let\' | \'const\';
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type VariableDeclarator = {
type: \'VariableDeclarator\';
_VariableDeclarator: void;
id: Pattern;
init: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type WhileStatement = {
type: \'WhileStatement\';
_WhileStatement: void;
body: Statement;
test: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type WithStatement = {
type: \'WithStatement\';
_WithStatement: void;
body: Statement;
object: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type YieldExpression = {
type: \'YieldExpression\';
_YieldExpression: void;
argument: ?Expression;
delegate: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportAllDeclaration = {
type: \'ExportAllDeclaration\';
_ExportAllDeclaration: void;
exported: Node;
source: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportDefaultDeclaration = {
type: \'ExportDefaultDeclaration\';
_ExportDefaultDeclaration: void;
declaration: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportNamedDeclaration = {
type: \'ExportNamedDeclaration\';
_ExportNamedDeclaration: void;
declaration: Node;
source: Literal;
specifiers: Array<Node>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportDefaultSpecifier = {
type: \'ExportDefaultSpecifier\';
_ExportDefaultSpecifier: void;
exported: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportNamespaceSpecifier = {
type: \'ExportNamespaceSpecifier\';
_ExportNamespaceSpecifier: void;
exported: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportSpecifier = {
type: \'ExportSpecifier\';
_ExportSpecifier: void;
local: Node;
exported: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type AnyTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'AnyTypeAnnotation\';
_AnyTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ArrayTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'ArrayTypeAnnotation\';
_ArrayTypeAnnotation: void;
elementType: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation\';
_BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation: void;
raw: string;
value: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type BooleanTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'BooleanTypeAnnotation\';
_BooleanTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ClassImplements = {
type: \'ClassImplements\';
_ClassImplements: void;
id: Identifier;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation;
superClass: ?Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ClassProperty = {
type: \'ClassProperty\';
_ClassProperty: void;
computed: boolean;
key: Node;
static: boolean;
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation;
value: ?Expression;
decorators: Array<Decorator>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type DeclareClass = {
type: \'DeclareClass\';
_DeclareClass: void;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>;
id: Identifier;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type DeclareFunction = {
type: \'DeclareFunction\';
_DeclareFunction: void;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type DeclareModule = {
type: \'DeclareModule\';
_DeclareModule: void;
body: BlockStatement;
id: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type DeclareVariable = {
type: \'DeclareVariable\';
_DeclareVariable: void;
id: Identifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type FunctionTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'FunctionTypeAnnotation\';
_FunctionTypeAnnotation: void;
params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>;
rest: ?FunctionTypeParam;
returnType: Type;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type FunctionTypeParam = {
type: \'FunctionTypeParam\';
_FunctionTypeParam: void;
name: Identifier;
optional: boolean;
typeAnnotation: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type GenericTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'GenericTypeAnnotation\';
_GenericTypeAnnotation: void;
id: Node;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type InterfaceExtends = {
type: \'InterfaceExtends\';
_InterfaceExtends: void;
id: Identifier;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type InterfaceDeclaration = {
type: \'InterfaceDeclaration\';
_InterfaceDeclaration: void;
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation;
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>;
id: Identifier;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type IntersectionTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'IntersectionTypeAnnotation\';
_IntersectionTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type MixedTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'MixedTypeAnnotation\';
_MixedTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type NullableTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'NullableTypeAnnotation\';
_NullableTypeAnnotation: void;
typeAnnotation: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation\';
_NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation: void;
raw: string;
value: number;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type NumberTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'NumberTypeAnnotation\';
_NumberTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type StringLiteralTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'StringLiteralTypeAnnotation\';
_StringLiteralTypeAnnotation: void;
raw: string;
value: string;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type StringTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'StringTypeAnnotation\';
_StringTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TupleTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'TupleTypeAnnotation\';
_TupleTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TypeofTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'TypeofTypeAnnotation\';
_TypeofTypeAnnotation: void;
argument: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TypeAlias = {
type: \'TypeAlias\';
_TypeAlias: void;
id: Identifier;
right: Type;
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TypeAnnotation = {
type: \'TypeAnnotation\';
_TypeAnnotation: void;
typeAnnotation: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TypeCastExpression = {
type: \'TypeCastExpression\';
_TypeCastExpression: void;
expression: Expression;
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TypeParameterDeclaration = {
type: \'TypeParameterDeclaration\';
_TypeParameterDeclaration: void;
params: Array<Identifier>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type TypeParameterInstantiation = {
type: \'TypeParameterInstantiation\';
_TypeParameterInstantiation: void;
params: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ObjectTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'ObjectTypeAnnotation\';
_ObjectTypeAnnotation: void;
callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>;
indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>;
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ObjectTypeCallProperty = {
type: \'ObjectTypeCallProperty\';
_ObjectTypeCallProperty: void;
static: boolean;
value: FunctionTypeAnnotation;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ObjectTypeIndexer = {
type: \'ObjectTypeIndexer\';
_ObjectTypeIndexer: void;
id: Identifier;
key: Type;
value: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type ObjectTypeProperty = {
type: \'ObjectTypeProperty\';
_ObjectTypeProperty: void;
key: Node;
optional: boolean;
value: Type;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type QualifiedTypeIdentifier = {
type: \'QualifiedTypeIdentifier\';
_QualifiedTypeIdentifier: void;
id: Identifier;
qualification: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type UnionTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'UnionTypeAnnotation\';
_UnionTypeAnnotation: void;
types: Array<Type>;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type VoidTypeAnnotation = {
type: \'VoidTypeAnnotation\';
_VoidTypeAnnotation: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXAttribute = {
type: \'JSXAttribute\';
_JSXAttribute: void;
name: Node;
value: ?Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXClosingElement = {
type: \'JSXClosingElement\';
_JSXClosingElement: void;
name: Node;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXElement = {
type: \'JSXElement\';
_JSXElement: void;
children: Array<Node>;
closingElement: ?JSXClosingElement;
openingElement: JSXOpeningElement;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXEmptyExpression = {
type: \'JSXEmptyExpression\';
_JSXEmptyExpression: void;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXExpressionContainer = {
type: \'JSXExpressionContainer\';
_JSXExpressionContainer: void;
expression: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXIdentifier = {
type: \'JSXIdentifier\';
_JSXIdentifier: void;
name: string;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXMemberExpression = {
type: \'JSXMemberExpression\';
_JSXMemberExpression: void;
computed: boolean;
object: Node;
property: JSXIdentifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXNamespacedName = {
type: \'JSXNamespacedName\';
_JSXNamespacedName: void;
name: JSXIdentifier;
namespace: JSXIdentifier;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXOpeningElement = {
type: \'JSXOpeningElement\';
_JSXOpeningElement: void;
attributes: Array<Node>;
name: Array<Node>;
selfClosing: boolean;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
export type JSXSpreadAttribute = {
type: \'JSXSpreadAttribute\';
_JSXSpreadAttribute: void;
argument: Expression;
end: number;
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>;
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
loc: {
end: {column: number, line: number},
start: {column: number, line: number},
start: number;
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>;
* @flow
\"use strict\";
* Flow types for the Babylon AST.
// Abstract types. Something must extend these.
export type Comment =
| {
type: \"CommentLine\",
_CommentLine: void,
value: string,
end: number,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number
| {
type: \"CommentBlock\",
_CommentBlock: void,
value: string,
end: number,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number
export type Declaration =
| {
type: \"ClassBody\",
_ClassBody: void,
body: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ClassDeclaration\",
_ClassDeclaration: void,
body: ClassBody,
id: ?Identifier,
superClass: ?Expression,
decorators: any,
superTypeParameters: any,
typeParameters: any,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"FunctionDeclaration\",
_FunctionDeclaration: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"MethodDefinition\",
_MethodDefinition: void,
computed: boolean,
key: Node,
kind: \"constructor\" | \"method\" | \"get\" | \"set\",
static: boolean,
value: FunctionExpression,
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"VariableDeclaration\",
_VariableDeclaration: void,
declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>,
kind: \"var\" | \"let\" | \"const\",
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ClassProperty\",
_ClassProperty: void,
computed: boolean,
key: Node,
static: boolean,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
value: ?Expression,
decorators: Array<Decorator>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Expression =
| {
type: \"ArrayExpression\",
_ArrayExpression: void,
elements: Array<?Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"AssignmentExpression\",
_AssignmentExpression: void,
left: Pattern,
operator: AssignmentOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"AwaitExpression\",
_AwaitExpression: void,
all: boolean,
argument: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BinaryExpression\",
_BinaryExpression: void,
left: Expression,
operator: BinaryOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BindExpression\",
_BindExpression: void,
callee: Node,
object: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"CallExpression\",
_CallExpression: void,
arguments: Array<Node>,
callee: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ClassExpression\",
_ClassExpression: void,
body: ClassBody,
id: ?Identifier,
superClass: ?Expression,
decorators: any,
superTypeParameters: any,
typeParameters: any,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ComprehensionExpression\",
_ComprehensionExpression: void,
body: Expression,
blocks: Array<ComprehensionBlock>,
filter: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ConditionalExpression\",
_ConditionalExpression: void,
alternate: Expression,
consequent: Expression,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DoExpression\",
_DoExpression: void,
body: Statement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"FunctionExpression\",
_FunctionExpression: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"Identifier\",
_Identifier: void,
name: string,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"Literal\",
_Literal: void,
raw: string,
regex: ?{ pattern: string, flags: string },
value: ?(string | boolean | number | RegExp),
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"LogicalExpression\",
_LogicalExpression: void,
left: Expression,
operator: LogicalOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"MemberExpression\",
_MemberExpression: void,
computed: boolean,
object: Expression,
property: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"NewExpression\",
_NewExpression: void,
arguments: Array<Node>,
callee: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ObjectExpression\",
_ObjectExpression: void,
properties: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"SequenceExpression\",
_SequenceExpression: void,
expression: Array<Expression>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"TaggedTemplateExpression\",
_TaggedTemplateExpression: void,
quasi: TemplateLiteral,
tag: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"TemplateLiteral\",
_TemplateLiteral: void,
expressions: Array<Expression>,
quasis: Array<TemplateElement>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ThisExpression\",
_ThisExpression: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"UnaryExpression\",
_UnaryExpression: void,
argument: Expression,
operator: UnaryOperator,
prefix: true,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"UpdateExpression\",
_UpdateExpression: void,
argument: Expression,
operator: UpdateOperator,
prefix: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"YieldExpression\",
_YieldExpression: void,
argument: ?Expression,
delegate: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"TypeCastExpression\",
_TypeCastExpression: void,
expression: Expression,
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"JSXElement\",
_JSXElement: void,
children: Array<Node>,
closingElement: ?JSXClosingElement,
openingElement: JSXOpeningElement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"JSXEmptyExpression\",
_JSXEmptyExpression: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"JSXExpressionContainer\",
_JSXExpressionContainer: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"JSXMemberExpression\",
_JSXMemberExpression: void,
computed: boolean,
object: Node,
property: JSXIdentifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Function =
| {
type: \"ArrowFunctionExpression\",
_ArrowFunctionExpression: void,
body: Node,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"FunctionDeclaration\",
_FunctionDeclaration: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"FunctionExpression\",
_FunctionExpression: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
export type Node =
| {
type: \"ArrayExpression\",
_ArrayExpression: void,
elements: Array<?Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ArrayPattern\",
_ArrayPattern: void,
elements: Array<?Node>,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ArrowFunctionExpression\",
_ArrowFunctionExpression: void,
body: Node,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"AssignmentExpression\",
_AssignmentExpression: void,
left: Pattern,
operator: AssignmentOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"AssignmentPattern\",
_AssignmentPattern: void,
left: Pattern,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"AwaitExpression\",
_AwaitExpression: void,
all: boolean,
argument: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BinaryExpression\",
_BinaryExpression: void,
left: Expression,
operator: BinaryOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BindExpression\",
_BindExpression: void,
callee: Node,
object: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BlockStatement\",
_BlockStatement: void,
body: Array<Statement>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BreakStatement\",
_BreakStatement: void,
label: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"CallExpression\",
_CallExpression: void,
arguments: Array<Node>,
callee: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"CatchClause\",
_CatchClause: void,
body: BlockStatement,
param: Pattern,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ClassBody\",
_ClassBody: void,
body: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ClassDeclaration\",
_ClassDeclaration: void,
body: ClassBody,
id: ?Identifier,
superClass: ?Expression,
decorators: any,
superTypeParameters: any,
typeParameters: any,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ClassExpression\",
_ClassExpression: void,
body: ClassBody,
id: ?Identifier,
superClass: ?Expression,
decorators: any,
superTypeParameters: any,
typeParameters: any,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ComprehensionBlock\",
_ComprehensionBlock: void,
each: boolean,
left: Pattern,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ComprehensionExpression\",
_ComprehensionExpression: void,
body: Expression,
blocks: Array<ComprehensionBlock>,
filter: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ConditionalExpression\",
_ConditionalExpression: void,
alternate: Expression,
consequent: Expression,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ContinueStatement\",
_ContinueStatement: void,
label: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"Decorator\",
_Decorator: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DebuggerStatement\",
_DebuggerStatement: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DoWhileStatement\",
_DoWhileStatement: void,
body: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DoExpression\",
_DoExpression: void,
body: Statement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"EmptyStatement\",
_EmptyStatement: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ExpressionStatement\",
_ExpressionStatement: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"File\",
_File: void,
program: Program,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ForInStatement\",
_ForInStatement: void,
body: Statement,
left: Node,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ForOfStatement\",
_ForOfStatement: void,
body: Statement,
left: Node,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ForStatement\",
_ForStatement: void,
init: ?Node,
test: ?Expression,
update: ?Expression,
body: Statement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"FunctionDeclaration\",
_FunctionDeclaration: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"FunctionExpression\",
_FunctionExpression: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
| {
type: \"Identifier\",
_Identifier: void,
name: string,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"IfStatement\",
_IfStatement: void,
alternate: ?Statement,
consequent: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ImportDefaultSpecifier\",
_ImportDefaultSpecifier: void,
local: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ImportNamespaceSpecifier\",
_ImportNamespaceSpecifier: void,
local: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ImportDeclaration\",
_ImportDeclaration: void,
specifiers: Array<Node>,
source: Literal,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ImportSpecifier\",
_ImportSpecifier: void,
imported: Node,
local: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"LabeledStatement\",
_LabeledStatement: void,
body: Statement,
label: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"Literal\",
_Literal: void,
raw: string,
regex: ?{ pattern: string, flags: string },
value: ?(string | boolean | number | RegExp),
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"LogicalExpression\",
_LogicalExpression: void,
left: Expression,
operator: LogicalOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"MemberExpression\",
_MemberExpression: void,
computed: boolean,
object: Expression,
property: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"MetaProperty\",
_MetaProperty: void,
meta: Node,
property: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"MethodDefinition\",
_MethodDefinition: void,
computed: boolean,
key: Node,
kind: \"constructor\" | \"method\" | \"get\" | \"set\",
static: boolean,
value: FunctionExpression,
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"NewExpression\",
_NewExpression: void,
arguments: Array<Node>,
callee: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"Noop\",
_Noop: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ObjectExpression\",
_ObjectExpression: void,
properties: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
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end: { column: number, line: number },
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loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"JSXOpeningElement\",
_JSXOpeningElement: void,
attributes: Array<Node>,
name: Array<Node>,
selfClosing: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"JSXSpreadAttribute\",
_JSXSpreadAttribute: void,
argument: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Pattern =
| {
type: \"ArrayPattern\",
_ArrayPattern: void,
elements: Array<?Node>,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"AssignmentPattern\",
_AssignmentPattern: void,
left: Pattern,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"Identifier\",
_Identifier: void,
name: string,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ObjectPattern\",
_ObjectPattern: void,
properties: Array<Node>,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"RestElement\",
_RestElement: void,
argument: Pattern,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Statement =
| {
type: \"BlockStatement\",
_BlockStatement: void,
body: Array<Statement>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BreakStatement\",
_BreakStatement: void,
label: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ContinueStatement\",
_ContinueStatement: void,
label: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DoWhileStatement\",
_DoWhileStatement: void,
body: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"EmptyStatement\",
_EmptyStatement: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ExpressionStatement\",
_ExpressionStatement: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ForInStatement\",
_ForInStatement: void,
body: Statement,
left: Node,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ForOfStatement\",
_ForOfStatement: void,
body: Statement,
left: Node,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ForStatement\",
_ForStatement: void,
init: ?Node,
test: ?Expression,
update: ?Expression,
body: Statement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"IfStatement\",
_IfStatement: void,
alternate: ?Statement,
consequent: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"LabeledStatement\",
_LabeledStatement: void,
body: Statement,
label: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ReturnStatement\",
_ReturnStatement: void,
argument: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"SwitchStatement\",
_SwitchStatement: void,
cases: Array<SwitchCase>,
discriminant: Expression,
lexical: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ThrowStatement\",
_ThrowStatement: void,
argument: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"TryStatement\",
_TryStatement: void,
block: BlockStatement,
finalizer: ?BlockStatement,
guardedHandlers: Array<CatchClause>,
handler: ?CatchClause,
handlers: ?Array<CatchClause>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"WhileStatement\",
_WhileStatement: void,
body: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"WithStatement\",
_WithStatement: void,
body: Statement,
object: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DeclareClass\",
_DeclareClass: void,
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation,
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>,
id: Identifier,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DeclareFunction\",
_DeclareFunction: void,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DeclareModule\",
_DeclareModule: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"DeclareVariable\",
_DeclareVariable: void,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"InterfaceDeclaration\",
_InterfaceDeclaration: void,
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation,
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>,
id: Identifier,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"TypeAlias\",
_TypeAlias: void,
id: Identifier,
right: Type,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Type =
| {
type: \"AnyTypeAnnotation\",
_AnyTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ArrayTypeAnnotation\",
_ArrayTypeAnnotation: void,
elementType: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation\",
_BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation: void,
raw: string,
value: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"BooleanTypeAnnotation\",
_BooleanTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"FunctionTypeAnnotation\",
_FunctionTypeAnnotation: void,
params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>,
rest: ?FunctionTypeParam,
returnType: Type,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"GenericTypeAnnotation\",
_GenericTypeAnnotation: void,
id: Node,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"IntersectionTypeAnnotation\",
_IntersectionTypeAnnotation: void,
types: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"MixedTypeAnnotation\",
_MixedTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"NullableTypeAnnotation\",
_NullableTypeAnnotation: void,
typeAnnotation: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation\",
_NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation: void,
raw: string,
value: number,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"NumberTypeAnnotation\",
_NumberTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"StringLiteralTypeAnnotation\",
_StringLiteralTypeAnnotation: void,
raw: string,
value: string,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"StringTypeAnnotation\",
_StringTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"TupleTypeAnnotation\",
_TupleTypeAnnotation: void,
types: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"ObjectTypeAnnotation\",
_ObjectTypeAnnotation: void,
callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>,
indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>,
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"UnionTypeAnnotation\",
_UnionTypeAnnotation: void,
types: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
| {
type: \"VoidTypeAnnotation\",
_VoidTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// Concrete Types. Nothing can extend these.
export type CommentLine = {
type: \"CommentLine\",
_CommentLine: void,
value: string,
end: number,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number
export type CommentBlock = {
type: \"CommentBlock\",
_CommentBlock: void,
value: string,
end: number,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number
// Babel concrete types.
export type ArrayExpression = {
type: \"ArrayExpression\",
_ArrayExpression: void,
elements: Array<?Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ArrayPattern = {
type: \"ArrayPattern\",
_ArrayPattern: void,
elements: Array<?Node>,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ArrowFunctionExpression = {
type: \"ArrowFunctionExpression\",
_ArrowFunctionExpression: void,
body: Node,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
type AssignmentOperator =
| \"=\"
| \"+=\"
| \"-=\"
| \"*=\"
| \"/=\"
| \"%=\"
| \"<<=\"
| \">>=\"
| \">>>=\"
| \"|=\"
| \"^=\"
| \"&=\";
export type AssignmentExpression = {
type: \"AssignmentExpression\",
_AssignmentExpression: void,
left: Pattern,
operator: AssignmentOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type AssignmentPattern = {
type: \"AssignmentPattern\",
_AssignmentPattern: void,
left: Pattern,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type AwaitExpression = {
type: \"AwaitExpression\",
_AwaitExpression: void,
all: boolean,
argument: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
type BinaryOperator =
| \"==\"
| \"!=\"
| \"===\"
| \"!==\"
| \"<\"
| \"<=\"
| \">\"
| \">=\"
| \"<<\"
| \">>\"
| \">>>\"
| \"+\"
| \"-\"
| \"*\"
| \"/\"
| \"%\"
| \"&\"
| \"|\"
| \"^\"
| \"in\"
| \"instanceof\"
| \"..\";
export type BinaryExpression = {
type: \"BinaryExpression\",
_BinaryExpression: void,
left: Expression,
operator: BinaryOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: What is this?
export type BindExpression = {
type: \"BindExpression\",
_BindExpression: void,
callee: Node,
object: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type BlockStatement = {
type: \"BlockStatement\",
_BlockStatement: void,
body: Array<Statement>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type BreakStatement = {
type: \"BreakStatement\",
_BreakStatement: void,
label: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type CallExpression = {
type: \"CallExpression\",
_CallExpression: void,
arguments: Array<Node>,
callee: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type CatchClause = {
type: \"CatchClause\",
_CatchClause: void,
body: BlockStatement,
param: Pattern,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ClassBody = {
type: \"ClassBody\",
_ClassBody: void,
body: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ClassDeclaration = {
type: \"ClassDeclaration\",
_ClassDeclaration: void,
body: ClassBody,
id: ?Identifier,
superClass: ?Expression,
decorators: any,
superTypeParameters: any,
typeParameters: any,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ClassExpression = {
type: \"ClassExpression\",
_ClassExpression: void,
body: ClassBody,
id: ?Identifier,
superClass: ?Expression,
decorators: any,
superTypeParameters: any,
typeParameters: any,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ComprehensionBlock = {
type: \"ComprehensionBlock\",
_ComprehensionBlock: void,
each: boolean,
left: Pattern,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ComprehensionExpression = {
type: \"ComprehensionExpression\",
_ComprehensionExpression: void,
body: Expression,
blocks: Array<ComprehensionBlock>,
filter: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ConditionalExpression = {
type: \"ConditionalExpression\",
_ConditionalExpression: void,
alternate: Expression,
consequent: Expression,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ContinueStatement = {
type: \"ContinueStatement\",
_ContinueStatement: void,
label: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type Decorator = {
type: \"Decorator\",
_Decorator: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type DebuggerStatement = {
type: \"DebuggerStatement\",
_DebuggerStatement: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type DoWhileStatement = {
type: \"DoWhileStatement\",
_DoWhileStatement: void,
body: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type DoExpression = {
type: \"DoExpression\",
_DoExpression: void,
body: Statement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type EmptyStatement = {
type: \"EmptyStatement\",
_EmptyStatement: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ExpressionStatement = {
type: \"ExpressionStatement\",
_ExpressionStatement: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type File = {
type: \"File\",
_File: void,
program: Program,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ForInStatement = {
type: \"ForInStatement\",
_ForInStatement: void,
body: Statement,
left: Node,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ForOfStatement = {
type: \"ForOfStatement\",
_ForOfStatement: void,
body: Statement,
left: Node,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ForStatement = {
type: \"ForStatement\",
_ForStatement: void,
init: ?Node,
test: ?Expression,
update: ?Expression,
body: Statement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type FunctionDeclaration = {
type: \"FunctionDeclaration\",
_FunctionDeclaration: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
export type FunctionExpression = {
type: \"FunctionExpression\",
_FunctionExpression: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: ?Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
async: boolean,
defaults: Array<?Expression>,
expression: boolean,
generator: boolean,
params: Array<Pattern>,
rest: ?Identifier,
returnType: ?TypeAnnotation,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration
export type Identifier = {
type: \"Identifier\",
_Identifier: void,
name: string,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type IfStatement = {
type: \"IfStatement\",
_IfStatement: void,
alternate: ?Statement,
consequent: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportDefaultSpecifier = {
type: \"ImportDefaultSpecifier\",
_ImportDefaultSpecifier: void,
local: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportNamespaceSpecifier = {
type: \"ImportNamespaceSpecifier\",
_ImportNamespaceSpecifier: void,
local: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportDeclaration = {
type: \"ImportDeclaration\",
_ImportDeclaration: void,
specifiers: Array<Node>,
source: Literal,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ImportSpecifier = {
type: \"ImportSpecifier\",
_ImportSpecifier: void,
imported: Node,
local: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type LabeledStatement = {
type: \"LabeledStatement\",
_LabeledStatement: void,
body: Statement,
label: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Literal = {
type: \"Literal\",
_Literal: void,
raw: string,
regex: ?{ pattern: string, flags: string },
value: ?(string | boolean | number | RegExp),
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
type LogicalOperator = \"||\" | \"&&\";
export type LogicalExpression = {
type: \"LogicalExpression\",
_LogicalExpression: void,
left: Expression,
operator: LogicalOperator,
right: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type MemberExpression = {
type: \"MemberExpression\",
_MemberExpression: void,
computed: boolean,
object: Expression,
property: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type MetaProperty = {
type: \"MetaProperty\",
_MetaProperty: void,
meta: Node,
property: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type MethodDefinition = {
type: \"MethodDefinition\",
_MethodDefinition: void,
computed: boolean,
key: Node,
kind: \"constructor\" | \"method\" | \"get\" | \"set\",
static: boolean,
value: FunctionExpression,
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type NewExpression = {
type: \"NewExpression\",
_NewExpression: void,
arguments: Array<Node>,
callee: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Noop = {
type: \"Noop\",
_Noop: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ObjectExpression = {
type: \"ObjectExpression\",
_ObjectExpression: void,
properties: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ObjectPattern = {
type: \"ObjectPattern\",
_ObjectPattern: void,
properties: Array<Node>,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Program = {
type: \"Program\",
_Program: void,
body: Array<Statement>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Property = {
type: \"Property\",
_Property: void,
computed: boolean,
key: Node,
kind: \"init\" | \"get\" | \"set\",
method: boolean,
shorthand: boolean,
value: Node,
decorators: ?Array<Decorator>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type RestElement = {
type: \"RestElement\",
_RestElement: void,
argument: Pattern,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ReturnStatement = {
type: \"ReturnStatement\",
_ReturnStatement: void,
argument: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type SequenceExpression = {
type: \"SequenceExpression\",
_SequenceExpression: void,
expression: Array<Expression>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type SpreadElement = {
type: \"SpreadElement\",
_SpreadElement: void,
argument: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type SpreadProperty = {
type: \"SpreadProperty\",
_SpreadProperty: void,
argument: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type Super = {
type: \"Super\",
_Super: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type SwitchCase = {
type: \"SwitchCase\",
_SwitchCase: void,
consequent: Array<Statement>,
test: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type SwitchStatement = {
type: \"SwitchStatement\",
_SwitchStatement: void,
cases: Array<SwitchCase>,
discriminant: Expression,
lexical: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TaggedTemplateExpression = {
type: \"TaggedTemplateExpression\",
_TaggedTemplateExpression: void,
quasi: TemplateLiteral,
tag: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TemplateElement = {
type: \"TemplateElement\",
_TemplateElement: void,
tail: boolean,
value: { cooked: string, raw: string },
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TemplateLiteral = {
type: \"TemplateLiteral\",
_TemplateLiteral: void,
expressions: Array<Expression>,
quasis: Array<TemplateElement>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ThisExpression = {
type: \"ThisExpression\",
_ThisExpression: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ThrowStatement = {
type: \"ThrowStatement\",
_ThrowStatement: void,
argument: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TryStatement = {
type: \"TryStatement\",
_TryStatement: void,
block: BlockStatement,
finalizer: ?BlockStatement,
guardedHandlers: Array<CatchClause>,
handler: ?CatchClause,
handlers: ?Array<CatchClause>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
type UnaryOperator = \"-\" | \"+\" | \"!\" | \"~\" | \"typeof\" | \"void\" | \"delete\";
export type UnaryExpression = {
type: \"UnaryExpression\",
_UnaryExpression: void,
argument: Expression,
operator: UnaryOperator,
prefix: true,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
type UpdateOperator = \"++\" | \"--\";
export type UpdateExpression = {
type: \"UpdateExpression\",
_UpdateExpression: void,
argument: Expression,
operator: UpdateOperator,
prefix: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type VariableDeclaration = {
type: \"VariableDeclaration\",
_VariableDeclaration: void,
declarations: Array<VariableDeclarator>,
kind: \"var\" | \"let\" | \"const\",
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type VariableDeclarator = {
type: \"VariableDeclarator\",
_VariableDeclarator: void,
id: Pattern,
init: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type WhileStatement = {
type: \"WhileStatement\",
_WhileStatement: void,
body: Statement,
test: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type WithStatement = {
type: \"WithStatement\",
_WithStatement: void,
body: Statement,
object: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type YieldExpression = {
type: \"YieldExpression\",
_YieldExpression: void,
argument: ?Expression,
delegate: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportAllDeclaration = {
type: \"ExportAllDeclaration\",
_ExportAllDeclaration: void,
exported: Node,
source: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportDefaultDeclaration = {
type: \"ExportDefaultDeclaration\",
_ExportDefaultDeclaration: void,
declaration: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportNamedDeclaration = {
type: \"ExportNamedDeclaration\",
_ExportNamedDeclaration: void,
declaration: Node,
source: Literal,
specifiers: Array<Node>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportDefaultSpecifier = {
type: \"ExportDefaultSpecifier\",
_ExportDefaultSpecifier: void,
exported: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportNamespaceSpecifier = {
type: \"ExportNamespaceSpecifier\",
_ExportNamespaceSpecifier: void,
exported: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type ExportSpecifier = {
type: \"ExportSpecifier\",
_ExportSpecifier: void,
local: Node,
exported: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type AnyTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"AnyTypeAnnotation\",
_AnyTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ArrayTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"ArrayTypeAnnotation\",
_ArrayTypeAnnotation: void,
elementType: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation\",
_BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation: void,
raw: string,
value: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type BooleanTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"BooleanTypeAnnotation\",
_BooleanTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ClassImplements = {
type: \"ClassImplements\",
_ClassImplements: void,
id: Identifier,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation,
superClass: ?Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ClassProperty = {
type: \"ClassProperty\",
_ClassProperty: void,
computed: boolean,
key: Node,
static: boolean,
typeAnnotation: ?TypeAnnotation,
value: ?Expression,
decorators: Array<Decorator>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type DeclareClass = {
type: \"DeclareClass\",
_DeclareClass: void,
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation,
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>,
id: Identifier,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type DeclareFunction = {
type: \"DeclareFunction\",
_DeclareFunction: void,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type DeclareModule = {
type: \"DeclareModule\",
_DeclareModule: void,
body: BlockStatement,
id: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
// TODO: Make this correct.
export type DeclareVariable = {
type: \"DeclareVariable\",
_DeclareVariable: void,
id: Identifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type FunctionTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"FunctionTypeAnnotation\",
_FunctionTypeAnnotation: void,
params: Array<FunctionTypeParam>,
rest: ?FunctionTypeParam,
returnType: Type,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type FunctionTypeParam = {
type: \"FunctionTypeParam\",
_FunctionTypeParam: void,
name: Identifier,
optional: boolean,
typeAnnotation: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type GenericTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"GenericTypeAnnotation\",
_GenericTypeAnnotation: void,
id: Node,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type InterfaceExtends = {
type: \"InterfaceExtends\",
_InterfaceExtends: void,
id: Identifier,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterInstantiation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type InterfaceDeclaration = {
type: \"InterfaceDeclaration\",
_InterfaceDeclaration: void,
body: ObjectTypeAnnotation,
extends: Array<InterfaceExtends>,
id: Identifier,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type IntersectionTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"IntersectionTypeAnnotation\",
_IntersectionTypeAnnotation: void,
types: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type MixedTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"MixedTypeAnnotation\",
_MixedTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type NullableTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"NullableTypeAnnotation\",
_NullableTypeAnnotation: void,
typeAnnotation: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation\",
_NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation: void,
raw: string,
value: number,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type NumberTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"NumberTypeAnnotation\",
_NumberTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type StringLiteralTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"StringLiteralTypeAnnotation\",
_StringLiteralTypeAnnotation: void,
raw: string,
value: string,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type StringTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"StringTypeAnnotation\",
_StringTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TupleTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"TupleTypeAnnotation\",
_TupleTypeAnnotation: void,
types: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TypeofTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"TypeofTypeAnnotation\",
_TypeofTypeAnnotation: void,
argument: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TypeAlias = {
type: \"TypeAlias\",
_TypeAlias: void,
id: Identifier,
right: Type,
typeParameters: ?TypeParameterDeclaration,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TypeAnnotation = {
type: \"TypeAnnotation\",
_TypeAnnotation: void,
typeAnnotation: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TypeCastExpression = {
type: \"TypeCastExpression\",
_TypeCastExpression: void,
expression: Expression,
typeAnnotation: TypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TypeParameterDeclaration = {
type: \"TypeParameterDeclaration\",
_TypeParameterDeclaration: void,
params: Array<Identifier>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type TypeParameterInstantiation = {
type: \"TypeParameterInstantiation\",
_TypeParameterInstantiation: void,
params: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ObjectTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"ObjectTypeAnnotation\",
_ObjectTypeAnnotation: void,
callProperties: Array<ObjectTypeCallProperty>,
indexers: Array<ObjectTypeIndexer>,
properties: Array<ObjectTypeProperty>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ObjectTypeCallProperty = {
type: \"ObjectTypeCallProperty\",
_ObjectTypeCallProperty: void,
static: boolean,
value: FunctionTypeAnnotation,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ObjectTypeIndexer = {
type: \"ObjectTypeIndexer\",
_ObjectTypeIndexer: void,
id: Identifier,
key: Type,
value: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type ObjectTypeProperty = {
type: \"ObjectTypeProperty\",
_ObjectTypeProperty: void,
key: Node,
optional: boolean,
value: Type,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type QualifiedTypeIdentifier = {
type: \"QualifiedTypeIdentifier\",
_QualifiedTypeIdentifier: void,
id: Identifier,
qualification: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type UnionTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"UnionTypeAnnotation\",
_UnionTypeAnnotation: void,
types: Array<Type>,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type VoidTypeAnnotation = {
type: \"VoidTypeAnnotation\",
_VoidTypeAnnotation: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXAttribute = {
type: \"JSXAttribute\",
_JSXAttribute: void,
name: Node,
value: ?Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXClosingElement = {
type: \"JSXClosingElement\",
_JSXClosingElement: void,
name: Node,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXElement = {
type: \"JSXElement\",
_JSXElement: void,
children: Array<Node>,
closingElement: ?JSXClosingElement,
openingElement: JSXOpeningElement,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXEmptyExpression = {
type: \"JSXEmptyExpression\",
_JSXEmptyExpression: void,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXExpressionContainer = {
type: \"JSXExpressionContainer\",
_JSXExpressionContainer: void,
expression: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXIdentifier = {
type: \"JSXIdentifier\",
_JSXIdentifier: void,
name: string,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXMemberExpression = {
type: \"JSXMemberExpression\",
_JSXMemberExpression: void,
computed: boolean,
object: Node,
property: JSXIdentifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXNamespacedName = {
type: \"JSXNamespacedName\",
_JSXNamespacedName: void,
name: JSXIdentifier,
namespace: JSXIdentifier,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXOpeningElement = {
type: \"JSXOpeningElement\",
_JSXOpeningElement: void,
attributes: Array<Node>,
name: Array<Node>,
selfClosing: boolean,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>
export type JSXSpreadAttribute = {
type: \"JSXSpreadAttribute\",
_JSXSpreadAttribute: void,
argument: Expression,
end: number,
innerComments: ?Array<Comment>,
leadingComments: ?Array<Comment>,
loc: {
end: { column: number, line: number },
start: { column: number, line: number }
start: number,
trailingComments: ?Array<Comment>