
207 lines
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// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`annot.js 1`] = `
class A<X> { }
new A; // OK, implicitly inferred type args
class B extends A { } // OK, same as above
function foo(b): A<any> { // ok but unsafe, caller may assume any type arg
return b ? (new A: A<number>): (new A: A<string>);
function bar(): A<*> { // error, * can't be {} and {x: string} at the same time
return (new A: A<{}>) || (new A: A<{x: string}>);
class A<X> {}
new A(); // OK, implicitly inferred type args
class B extends A {} // OK, same as above
function foo(b): A<any> {
// ok but unsafe, caller may assume any type arg
return b ? (new A(): A<number>) : (new A(): A<string>);
function bar(): A<*> {
// error, * can't be {} and {x: string} at the same time
return (new A(): A<{}>) || (new A(): A<{ x: string }>);
exports[`implicit_bounded_instantiation.js 1`] = `
// @flow
class Base {}
class Middle extends Base {}
class Child extends Middle {}
class C<T: Middle> {
meth(a: T): T {
return a;
// T is implicitly (bounded by) Middle in constructor call if not provided.
// Explicit type arg is required in annotation - here a wildcard captures it.
var a: C<*> = new C();
a.meth(new Middle());
a.meth(new Child());
a.meth(42); // Error: number ~> Middle
a.meth(new Base()); // Error: Base ~> Middle
// @flow
class Base {}
class Middle extends Base {}
class Child extends Middle {}
class C<T: Middle> {
meth(a: T): T {
return a;
// T is implicitly (bounded by) Middle in constructor call if not provided.
// Explicit type arg is required in annotation - here a wildcard captures it.
var a: C<*> = new C();
a.meth(new Middle());
a.meth(new Child());
a.meth(42); // Error: number ~> Middle
a.meth(new Base()); // Error: Base ~> Middle
exports[`issue-1029.js 1`] = `
// @flow
// naive unification causes combinatorial explosion here,
// effectively hangs
declare type Box<T> = {
map1<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>;
map2<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>;
map3<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>;
map4<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>;
map5<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>;
declare var bool: Box<boolean>;
declare function unbox<A>(box: Box<A>): A
// @flow
// naive unification causes combinatorial explosion here,
// effectively hangs
declare type Box<T> = {
map1<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>,
map2<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>,
map3<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>,
map4<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>,
map5<U>(f: (x: T) => U): Box<U>
declare var bool: Box<boolean>;
declare function unbox<A>(box: Box<A>): A;
exports[`poly.js 1`] = `
class Foo<T> {
constructor(x:T) { this.x = x; }
function bar<S>(foo:Foo<S>,y:S):Foo<S> { return new Foo(y); }
var P = {
bar: bar
declare var Q: {
var foo = new Foo(0);
var x:string = foo.x;
var z:Foo<number> =,"");
class Foo<T> {
x: T;
constructor(x: T) {
this.x = x;
function bar<S>(foo: Foo<S>, y: S): Foo<S> {
return new Foo(y);
var P = {
bar: bar
declare var Q: {
bar<S>(foo: Foo<S>, y: S): Foo<S>
var foo = new Foo(0);
var x: string = foo.x;
var z: Foo<number> =, "");
exports[`test.js 1`] = `
class C {
foo<X>(x: X): X { return x; }
foo_<X: number>(x: X): number { return x; }
bar<X>(x: X): X { return x; }
qux(x: number): number { return x; }
class D extends C {
foo(x: number): number { return x; } // error (specialization, see below)
foo_(x: number): number { return x; } // OK, but only because the overridden foo accepts no more than number and returns exactly number
bar<X>(x: X): X { return x; } // OK
qux<X>(x: X): X { return x; } // OK (generalization)
class C {
foo<X>(x: X): X {
return x;
foo_<X: number>(x: X): number {
return x;
bar<X>(x: X): X {
return x;
qux(x: number): number {
return x;
class D extends C {
foo(x: number): number {
return x;
} // error (specialization, see below)
foo_(x: number): number {
return x;
} // OK, but only because the overridden foo accepts no more than number and returns exactly number
bar<X>(x: X): X {
return x;
} // OK
qux<X>(x: X): X {
return x;
} // OK (generalization)