
211 lines
5.2 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`This.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
/* @providesModule This */
function F() { this.x = 0; }
F.prototype.m = function() { this.y = 0; }
function foo(p:string) { }
var o1 = new F(); // sets o1.x to 0
o1.x = "";
foo(o1.x); // ok by definite assignment
var o2 = new F();
o1.y = 0;
o2.y = "";
foo(o2.y); // setting o1.y to 0 has no effect on o2.y
var o3 = new F();
o3.m(); // sets o3.y to 0
o3.y = "";
foo(o3.y); // ok by definite assignment
foo(o2.y); // setting o3.y to 0 has no effect on o2.y
* this bindings:
/* standard functions may rebind this */
function f1() : number {
return this.x
var f1_1 = f1.bind({x: 0})(); // ok
var f1_2 : string = f1.bind({x: 0})(); // error, number -> string
var f1_3 = f1.bind({x: ""})(); // error, string -> number
// TODO make this error blame the call site, rather than the function body
var f1_4 = f1(); // error, (global object).x
/* arrow functions bind this at point of definition */
/* top level arrow functions bind this to global object */
var a1 = () => {
return this.x
var ax = a1(); // error, (this:mixed).x
/* nested arrows bind enclosing this (which may itself rebind) */
function f2() : number {
var a2 = () => { return this.x };
return a2()
var f2_1 = f2.bind({x: 0})(); // ok
var f2_2 : string = f2.bind({x: 0})(); // error, number -> string
var f2_3 = f2.bind({x: ""})(); // error, string -> number
// TODO make this error blame the call site, rather than the function body
var f2_4 = f2(); // error, (global object).x
(this: void);
module.exports = true;
/* @providesModule This */
function F() {
this.x = 0;
F.prototype.m = function() {
this.y = 0;
function foo(p: string) {}
var o1 = new F(); // sets o1.x to 0
o1.x = "";
foo(o1.x); // ok by definite assignment
var o2 = new F();
o1.y = 0;
o2.y = "";
foo(o2.y); // setting o1.y to 0 has no effect on o2.y
var o3 = new F();
o3.m(); // sets o3.y to 0
o3.y = "";
foo(o3.y); // ok by definite assignment
foo(o2.y); // setting o3.y to 0 has no effect on o2.y
* this bindings:
/* standard functions may rebind this */
function f1(): number {
return this.x;
var f1_1 = f1.bind({ x: 0 })(); // ok
var f1_2: string = f1.bind({ x: 0 })(); // error, number -> string
var f1_3 = f1.bind({ x: "" })(); // error, string -> number
// TODO make this error blame the call site, rather than the function body
var f1_4 = f1(); // error, (global object).x
/* arrow functions bind this at point of definition */
/* top level arrow functions bind this to global object */
var a1 = () => {
return this.x;
var ax = a1(); // error, (this:mixed).x
/* nested arrows bind enclosing this (which may itself rebind) */
function f2(): number {
var a2 = () => {
return this.x;
return a2();
var f2_1 = f2.bind({ x: 0 })(); // ok
var f2_2: string = f2.bind({ x: 0 })(); // error, number -> string
var f2_3 = f2.bind({ x: "" })(); // error, string -> number
// TODO make this error blame the call site, rather than the function body
var f2_4 = f2(); // error, (global object).x
(this: void);
module.exports = true;
exports[`arrows.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
class C {
foo() {
return () => { return; }; // OK, since this: C
bar() { return this; } // return type is C
var c = new C;
var f =;
var i = f(); // OK
(i: C); // OK
class D extends C { }
var d = new D;
var g =;
var j = g(); // OK
(j: D); // error, since return type of bar is C, not the type of \`this\`
class E {
foo(x: number) { }
class F extends E {
foo() { // OK to override with generalization
(() => {""); // find super method, error due to incorrect arg
class C {
foo() {
return () => {
}; // OK, since this: C
bar() {
return this;
} // return type is C
var c = new C();
var f =;
var i = f(); // OK
(i: C); // OK
class D extends C {}
var d = new D();
var g =;
var j = g(); // OK
(j: D); // error, since return type of bar is C, not the type of \`this\`
class E {
foo(x: number) {}
class F extends E {
foo() {
// OK to override with generalization
(() => {""); // find super method, error due to incorrect arg