
193 lines
6.0 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`arrow.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
// Error
const beep = (data/*: Object */) => {}
// OK
const beep = (data/*: Object */, secondData/*: Object */) => {}
const beep = (data/*: /* this is an object *-/ Object */) => {};
const run = (cmd /*: string */) /*: Promise<void> */ => {}
// Error
const beep = (data /*: Object */) => {};
// OK
const beep = (data /*: Object */, secondData /*: Object */) => {};
const beep = (data /*: /* this is an object *-/ Object */) => {};
const run = (cmd /*: string */) /*: Promise<void> */ => {};
exports[`class.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
class A {
x /*: string */;
method(a /*: T */, b /*: T */) /*: T */ {}
class A {
x /*: string */;
method(a /*: T */, b /*: T */) /*: T */ {}
exports[`functions.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
function foo<T>(bar /*: T[] */, baz /*: T */) /*: S */ {}
function foo<T>(bar /*: T[] */, baz /*: T */) /*: S */ {}
exports[`generics.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
const Component = branch/*:: <Props, ExternalProps> */(
({ src }) => !src,
// $FlowFixMe
const C = b/*:: <A> */(foo) + c/*:: <B> */(bar);
const Component = branch/*:: <Props, ExternalProps> */(
({ src }) => !src,
// $FlowFixMe
const C = b/*:: <A> */(foo) + c/*:: <B> */(bar);
foo/*:: <bar> */(baz);
foo/*:: <bar> */();
exports[`let.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
let foo /*: Groups<T> */;
let foo /*: string */ = 'a';
let foo /*: Groups<T> */;
let foo /*: string */ = "a";
exports[`object_type_annotation.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
type Props = // (DispatchProps & StateProps); WHY DON'T YOU WORK FLOW!!!!!!!!!
isPlaying: boolean,
type Props = { // (DispatchProps & StateProps); WHY DON'T YOU WORK FLOW!!!!!!!!!
isPlaying: boolean
type Props = {
// (DispatchProps & StateProps); WHY DON'T YOU WORK FLOW!!!!!!!!!
isPlaying: boolean
// (DispatchProps & StateProps); WHY DON'T YOU WORK FLOW!!!!!!!!!
type Props = {
isPlaying: boolean
type Props = {
// (DispatchProps & StateProps); WHY DON'T YOU WORK FLOW!!!!!!!!!
isPlaying: boolean
type Props = {
// (DispatchProps & StateProps); WHY DON'T YOU WORK FLOW!!!!!!!!!
isPlaying: boolean
exports[`type_annotations.js 1`] = `
parsers: ["flow", "babel"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
new (window.Request/*: Class<Request> */)("");
(this/*: any */).foo = 5;
(this/* : any */).foo = 5;
// This next example illustrates that Prettier will not remove a line break
// and unintentionally create a type annotation that was not there before.
: any */).foo = 5;
const x = (input /*: string */) /*: string */ => {};
new (window.Request /*: Class<Request> */)("");
(this /*: any */).foo = 5;
(this /*: any */).foo = 5;
// This next example illustrates that Prettier will not remove a line break
// and unintentionally create a type annotation that was not there before.
this /*
: any */.foo = 5;
const x = (input /*: string */) /*: string */ => {};