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// example 1
type Type = Name | ListType;
type Name = {kind: 'Name', value: string};
type ListType = {kind: 'ListType', name: string};
function getTypeASTName(typeAST: Type): string {
if (typeAST.kind === 'Name') {
return typeAST.value; // OK, since typeAST: Name
} else {
return; // OK, since typeAST: ListType
// example 2
import type {ASTNode} from './ast_node';
var Node = require('./node1'); // Node = "Node1"
function foo(x: ASTNode) {
if (x.kind === Node) {
return x.prop1.charAt(0); // typeAST: Node1, but x.prop1 may be undefined
return null;
// example 3
type Apple = { kind: 'Fruit', taste: 'Bad' }
type Orange = { kind: 'Fruit', taste: 'Good' }
type Broccoli = { kind: 'Veg', taste: 'Bad', raw: 'No' }
type Carrot = { kind: 'Veg', taste: 'Good', raw: 'Maybe' }
type Breakfast = Apple | Orange | Broccoli | Carrot
function bar(x: Breakfast) {
if (x.kind === 'Fruit') { (x.taste: 'Good'); } // error, Apple.taste = Bad
else (x.raw: 'No'); // error, Carrot.raw = Maybe
function qux(x: Breakfast) {
if (x.taste === 'Good') {
(x.raw: 'Yes' | 'No'); // 2 errors:
// Orange.raw doesn't exist
// Carrot.raw is neither Yes nor No
// example 4
function list(n) {
if (n > 0) return { kind: "cons", next: list(n-1) };
return { kind: "nil" };
function length(l) {
switch (l.kind) {
case "cons": return 1 + length(;
default: return 0;
function check(n) {
if (n >= 0) return (n === (length(list(n))));
return true;
// example 5
var EnumKind = { A: 1, B: 2, C: 3};
type A = { kind: 1, A: number };
type B = { kind: 2, B: number };
type C = { kind: 3, C: number };
function kind(x: A | B | C): number {
switch (x.kind) {
case EnumKind.A: return x.A;
case EnumKind.B: return x.B;
default: return x.A; // error, x: C and property A not found in type C
kind({ kind: EnumKind.A, A: 1 });
// example 6
type Citizen = { citizen: true };
type NonCitizen = { citizen: false, nationality: string }
function nationality(x: Citizen | NonCitizen) {
if (x.citizen) return "Shire"
else return x.nationality;
let tests = [
// non-existent props
function test7(x: A) {
if (x.kindTypo === 1) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(x.kindTypo: string); // typos can't be used, though
// nested objects
function test8(x: {foo: {bar: 1}}) {
if ( === 1) {}
if ( === 1) {} // error, fooTypo doesn't exist
// invalid RHS
function(x: A) {
if (x.kind === (null).toString()) {} // error, method on null
if ({kind: 1}.kind === (null).toString()) {} // error, method on null
// non-objects on LHS
x: Array<string>, y: string, z: number, q: boolean,
r: Object, s: Function, t: () => void
) {
if (x.length === 0) {}
if (x.legnth === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(x.legnth: number); // inside the block, it's a number
(x.legnth: string); // error: number literal 0 !~> string
if (y.length === 0) {}
if (y.legnth === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(y.legnth: number); // inside the block, it's a number
(y.legnth: string); // error: number literal 0 !~> string
if (z.toString === 0) {}
if (z.toStirng === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(z.toStirng: number); // inside the block, it's a number
(z.toStirng: string); // error: number literal 0 !~> string
if (q.valueOf === 0) {}
if (q.valeuOf === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(q.valeuOf: number); // inside the block, it's a number
(q.valeuOf: string); // error: number literal 0 !~> string
if (r.toStirng === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(r.toStirng: empty); // props on AnyObjT are `any`
if ( === 0) {}
if (s.calll === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(t.calll: empty); // ok, props on functions are `any` :/
if ( === 0) {}
if (t.calll === 0) { // typos are allowed to be tested
(t.calll: empty); // ok, props on functions are `any` :/
// sentinel props become the RHS
function(x: { str: string, num: number, bool: boolean }) {
if (x.str === 'str') {
(x.str: 'not str'); // error: 'str' !~> 'not str'
if (x.num === 123) {
(x.num: 456); // error: 123 !~> 456
if (x.bool === true) {
(x.bool: false); // error: true !~> false
// even if it doesn't exist...
if (x.badStr === 'bad') {
(x.badStr: empty); // error: 'bad' !~> empty
if (x.badNum === 123) {
(x.badNum: empty); // error: 123 !~> empty
if (x.badBool === true) {
(x.badBool: empty); // error: true !~> empty
// type mismatch
function(x: { foo: 123, y: string } | { foo: 'foo', z: string }) {
if ( === 123) {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error
} else {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
if ( === 'foo') {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
} else {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error
// type mismatch, but one is not a literal
function(x: { foo: number, y: string } | { foo: 'foo', z: string }) {
if ( === 123) {
(x.y: string); // ok, because 123 !== 'foo'
x.z; // error
} else {
x.y; // error: could be a string
x.z; // error: could still be either case (if foo was a different number)
if ( === 'foo') {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
} else {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error
// type mismatch, neither is a literal
function(x: { foo: number, y: string } | { foo: string, z: string }) {
if ( === 123) {
(x.y: string); // ok, because 123 !== string
x.z; // error
} else {
x.y; // error: could be a string
x.z; // error: could still be either case (if foo was a different number)
if ( === 'foo') {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
} else {
x.y; // error: could be a different string
x.z; // error: could be a number
// type mismatch, neither is a literal, test is not a literal either
x: { foo: number, y: string } | { foo: string, z: string },
num: number
) {
if ( === num) {
x.y; // error: flow isn't smart enough to figure this out yet
x.z; // error
// null
function(x: { foo: null, y: string } | { foo: 'foo', z: string }) {
if ( === null) {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error
} else {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
if ( === 'foo') {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
} else {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error
// void
function(x: { foo: void, y: string } | { foo: 'foo', z: string }) {
if ( === undefined) {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error
} else {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
if ( === 'foo') {
(x.z: string);
x.y; // error
} else {
(x.y: string);
x.z; // error