
389 lines
11 KiB

exports[`test ExportCJSDefault_Class.js 1`] = `
* @flow
class ClassFoo3 {
givesANum(): number { return 42; }
static givesAFoo3(): ClassFoo3 {
return new ClassFoo3();
module.exports = ClassFoo3;
* @flow
class ClassFoo3 {
givesANum(): number {
return 42;
static givesAFoo3(): ClassFoo3 {
return new ClassFoo3();
module.exports = ClassFoo3;
exports[`test ExportCJSDefault_Number.js 1`] = `
"/* @flow */
module.exports = 42;
/* @flow */
module.exports = 42;
exports[`test ExportCJSNamed_Class.js 1`] = `
* @flow
class ClassFoo4 {}
exports.ClassFoo4 = ClassFoo4;
* @flow
class ClassFoo4 {}
exports.ClassFoo4 = ClassFoo4;
exports[`test ExportCJSNamed_Number.js 1`] = `
"/* @flow */
exports.num = 42;
/* @flow */
exports.num = 42;
exports[`test ExportDefault_Class.js 1`] = `
* @flow
class ClassFoo1 {
returnsANumber(): number { return 42; }
export default ClassFoo1;
* @flow
class ClassFoo1 {
returnsANumber(): number {
return 42;
export default ClassFoo1;
exports[`test ExportDefault_Number.js 1`] = `
"/* @flow */
export default 42;
/* @flow */
export default 42
exports[`test ExportNamed_Alias.js 1`] = `
* @flow
export type AliasFoo3 = {
givesANum(): number
export function givesAFoo3Obj(): AliasFoo3 {
return {
givesANum(): number { return 42; }
* @flow
export type AliasFoo3 = { givesANum(): number };
export function givesAFoo3Obj(): AliasFoo3 {
return {
givesANum(): number {
return 42;
exports[`test ExportNamed_Class.js 1`] = `
* @flow
class ClassFoo2 {
returnsANumber(): number { return 42; }
export {ClassFoo2};
* @flow
class ClassFoo2 {
returnsANumber(): number {
return 42;
export { ClassFoo2 };
exports[`test ExportNamed_Multi.js 1`] = `
"// @flow
export var num = 42;
export var str = \'asdf\';
// @flow
export var num = 42;
export var str = \"asdf\";
exports[`test ExportNamed_Number.js 1`] = `
"/* @flow */
export var num = 42;
/* @flow */
export var num = 42;
exports[`test import_typeof.js 1`] = `
* @flow
// == Importing Class Typeof (Default Export) == //
import typeof ClassFoo1T from \"./ExportDefault_Class\";
import ClassFoo1 from \"./ExportDefault_Class\";
var a1: ClassFoo1T = ClassFoo1;
var a2: ClassFoo1T = new ClassFoo1(); // Error: ClassFoo1 (inst) ~> ClassFoo1 (class)
new ClassFoo1T(); // Error: ClassFoo1T is not bound to a value
// == Importing Class Typeof (Named Export) == //
import typeof {ClassFoo2 as ClassFoo2T} from \"./ExportNamed_Class\";
import {ClassFoo2} from \"./ExportNamed_Class\";
var b1: ClassFoo2T = ClassFoo2;
var b2: ClassFoo2T = new ClassFoo2(); // Error: ClassFoo2 (inst) ~> ClassFoo2 (class)
new ClassFoo2T(); // Error: ClassFoo2T is not bound to a value
// == Importing Class Typeof (CJS Default Export) == //
import typeof ClassFoo3T from \"./ExportCJSDefault_Class\";
import ClassFoo3 from \"./ExportCJSDefault_Class\";
var c1: ClassFoo3T = ClassFoo3;
var c2: ClassFoo3T = new ClassFoo3(); // Error: ClassFoo3 (inst) ~> ClassFoo3 (class)
// == Importing Class Typeof (CJS Named Export) == //
import typeof {ClassFoo4 as ClassFoo4T} from \"./ExportCJSNamed_Class\";
import {ClassFoo4} from \"./ExportCJSNamed_Class\";
var d1: ClassFoo4T = ClassFoo4;
var d2: ClassFoo4T = new ClassFoo4(); // Error: ClassFoo4 (inst) ~> ClassFoo4 (class)
// == Import Typeof Alias (Named Export) == //
import typeof {AliasFoo3} from \"./ExportNamed_Alias\"; // Error: Can\'t \`import typeof\` type aliases!
// == Import Typeof Alias (Default Export) == //
// TODO: No support for this right now. It\'s most likely possible, but it\'s
// unclear how useful it is at the moment and it entails a little
// more work than named type exports, so I\'m punting on it for now.
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (Default Export) == //
import typeof num_default from \"./ExportDefault_Number\";
var f1: num_default = 42;
var f2: num_default = \'asdf\'; // Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (Named Export) == //
import typeof {num as num_named} from \"./ExportNamed_Number\";
var g1: num_named = 42;
var g2: num_named = \'asdf\'; // Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (CJS Default Export) == //
import typeof num_cjs_default from \"./ExportCJSDefault_Number\";
var h1: num_cjs_default = 42;
var h2: num_cjs_default = \'asdf\'; // Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (CJS Named Export) == //
import typeof {num as num_cjs_named} from \"./ExportCJSNamed_Number\";
var i1: num_cjs_named = 42;
var i2: num_cjs_named = \'asdf\'; // Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof ModuleNamespaceObject == //
import typeof * as ModuleNSObjT from \"./ExportNamed_Multi\";
var j1: ModuleNSObjT = {num: 42, str: \'asdf\'};
var j2: ModuleNSObjT = {num: 42, str: 42}; // Error: number ~> string
* @flow
// == Importing Class Typeof (Default Export) == //
import typeof ClassFoo1T from \"./ExportDefault_Class\";
import ClassFoo1 from \"./ExportDefault_Class\";
var a1: ClassFoo1T = ClassFoo1;
var a2: ClassFoo1T = new ClassFoo1();
// Error: ClassFoo1 (inst) ~> ClassFoo1 (class)
new ClassFoo1T();
// Error: ClassFoo1T is not bound to a value
// == Importing Class Typeof (Named Export) == //
import typeof { ClassFoo2 as ClassFoo2T } from \"./ExportNamed_Class\";
import { ClassFoo2 } from \"./ExportNamed_Class\";
var b1: ClassFoo2T = ClassFoo2;
var b2: ClassFoo2T = new ClassFoo2();
// Error: ClassFoo2 (inst) ~> ClassFoo2 (class)
new ClassFoo2T();
// Error: ClassFoo2T is not bound to a value
// == Importing Class Typeof (CJS Default Export) == //
import typeof ClassFoo3T from \"./ExportCJSDefault_Class\";
import ClassFoo3 from \"./ExportCJSDefault_Class\";
var c1: ClassFoo3T = ClassFoo3;
var c2: ClassFoo3T = new ClassFoo3();
// Error: ClassFoo3 (inst) ~> ClassFoo3 (class)
// == Importing Class Typeof (CJS Named Export) == //
import typeof { ClassFoo4 as ClassFoo4T } from \"./ExportCJSNamed_Class\";
import { ClassFoo4 } from \"./ExportCJSNamed_Class\";
var d1: ClassFoo4T = ClassFoo4;
var d2: ClassFoo4T = new ClassFoo4();
// Error: ClassFoo4 (inst) ~> ClassFoo4 (class)
// == Import Typeof Alias (Named Export) == //
import typeof { AliasFoo3 } from \"./ExportNamed_Alias\";
// Error: Can\'t \`import typeof\` type aliases!
// == Import Typeof Alias (Default Export) == //
// TODO: No support for this right now. It\'s most likely possible, but it\'s
// unclear how useful it is at the moment and it entails a little
// more work than named type exports, so I\'m punting on it for now.
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (Default Export) == //
import typeof num_default from \"./ExportDefault_Number\";
var f1: num_default = 42;
var f2: num_default = \"asdf\";
// Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (Named Export) == //
import typeof { num as num_named } from \"./ExportNamed_Number\";
var g1: num_named = 42;
var g2: num_named = \"asdf\";
// Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (CJS Default Export) == //
import typeof num_cjs_default from \"./ExportCJSDefault_Number\";
var h1: num_cjs_default = 42;
var h2: num_cjs_default = \"asdf\";
// Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof With Non-Class Value (CJS Named Export) == //
import typeof { num as num_cjs_named } from \"./ExportCJSNamed_Number\";
var i1: num_cjs_named = 42;
var i2: num_cjs_named = \"asdf\";
// Error: string ~> number
// == Import Typeof ModuleNamespaceObject == //
import typeof * as ModuleNSObjT from \"./ExportNamed_Multi\";
var j1: ModuleNSObjT = { num: 42, str: \"asdf\" };
var j2: ModuleNSObjT = { num: 42, str: 42 }; // Error: number ~> string