
276 lines
5.7 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`A.js 1`] = `
class A {
foo(x:number):void { }
module.exports = A;
class A {
foo(x: number): void {}
module.exports = A;
exports[`B.js 1`] = `
var A = require('./A');
class B extends A { }
let b = new B();
( number); // error, number !~> function
module.exports = B;
var A = require("./A");
class B extends A {}
let b = new B();
( number); // error, number !~> function
module.exports = B;
exports[`C.js 1`] = `
var B = require('./B');
class C extends B {
foo(x:string):void { }
let c = new C();
( number); // error, number !~> function
module.exports = C;
var B = require("./B");
class C extends B {
foo(x: string): void {}
let c = new C();
( number); // error, number !~> function
module.exports = C;
exports[`D.js 1`] = `
class D { }
class E { }
new E().x
class D {}
class E {}
new E().x;
exports[`class_shapes.js 1`] = `
/* @flow */
type Foo = {
a: string; // exists in TestClass
b: string; // doesn't exist
c?: ?string; // exists in TestClass, optional
d?: number; // doesn't exist
class TestClass {
a: string;
c: ?string;
var x = new TestClass();
x.a; // ok
x.b; // error, TestClass has no b
x.c; // ok
x.d; // error, TestClass has no d
var y : Foo = x;
y.b; // error, doesn't exist in TestClass
y.d; // ok, it's optional
class Test2Superclass {
a: number; // conflicts with cast to Foo
c: ?number; // conflicts with cast to Foo
class Test2Class extends Test2Superclass {
b: number; // conflicts with cast to Foo
var z = new Test2Class();
var w : Foo = z;
/* @flow */
type Foo = {
a: string, // exists in TestClass
b: string, // doesn't exist
c?: ?string, // exists in TestClass, optional
d?: number // doesn't exist
class TestClass {
a: string;
c: ?string;
var x = new TestClass();
x.a; // ok
x.b; // error, TestClass has no b
x.c; // ok
x.d; // error, TestClass has no d
var y: Foo = x;
y.b; // error, doesn't exist in TestClass
y.d; // ok, it's optional
class Test2Superclass {
a: number; // conflicts with cast to Foo
c: ?number; // conflicts with cast to Foo
class Test2Class extends Test2Superclass {
b: number; // conflicts with cast to Foo
var z = new Test2Class();
var w: Foo = z;
exports[`expr.js 1`] = `
var Bar = class Foo {
static factory(): Foo { // OK: Foo is a type in this scope
return new Foo() // OK: Foo is a runtime binding in this scope
var bar1: Bar = new Bar() // OK
var bar2: Bar = Bar.factory() // OK
// NB: Don't write expected errors using Foo to avoid error collapse hiding an
// unexpected failure in the above code.
var B = class Baz { }
var b = new Baz(); // error: Baz is not a runtime binding in this scope
var C = class Qux { }
var c: Qux = new C(); // error: Qux is not a type in this scope
// OK: anon classes create no binding, but can be bound manually
var Anon = class { }
var anon: Anon = new Anon();
class Alias { }
var _Alias = class Alias {
static factory(): Alias {
return new Alias();
var alias1: Alias = new _Alias(); // error: bad pun
var alias2: Alias = _Alias.factory(); // error: bad pun
var Bar = class Foo {
static factory(): Foo {
// OK: Foo is a type in this scope
return new Foo(); // OK: Foo is a runtime binding in this scope
var bar1: Bar = new Bar(); // OK
var bar2: Bar = Bar.factory(); // OK
// NB: Don't write expected errors using Foo to avoid error collapse hiding an
// unexpected failure in the above code.
var B = class Baz {};
var b = new Baz(); // error: Baz is not a runtime binding in this scope
var C = class Qux {};
var c: Qux = new C(); // error: Qux is not a type in this scope
// OK: anon classes create no binding, but can be bound manually
var Anon = class {};
var anon: Anon = new Anon();
class Alias {}
var _Alias = class Alias {
static factory(): Alias {
return new Alias();
var alias1: Alias = new _Alias(); // error: bad pun
var alias2: Alias = _Alias.factory(); // error: bad pun
exports[`extends_any.js 1`] = `
const Base: any = class {}
class Derived1 extends Base {}
class Derived2 extends Derived1 {
m() {}
const Base: any = class {};
class Derived1 extends Base {}
class Derived2 extends Derived1 {
m() {}
exports[`loc.js 1`] = `
/* @flow */
type Foo = number
class Foo {} // error, shadows type Foo
/* @flow */
type Foo = number;
class Foo {} // error, shadows type Foo
exports[`statics.js 1`] = `
/* @flow */
class C {
static p: string;
C.p = "hi";
// Class static fields are compatible with object types
(C: {p:string}); // ok
(C: {p:number}); // errors, string ~> number & vice versa (unify)
declare var o: {p:number};
(o: Class<C>); // error, object type incompatible with class type
/* @flow */
class C {
static p: string;
C.p = "hi";
// Class static fields are compatible with object types
(C: { p: string }); // ok
(C: { p: number }); // errors, string ~> number & vice versa (unify)
declare var o: { p: number };
(o: Class<C>); // error, object type incompatible with class type