
428 lines
10 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`abstract_class.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
abstract class AbstractRule {
* @deprecated
* Failures will be filtered based on \`tslint:disable\` comments by tslint.
* This method now does nothing.
filterFailures() {}
abstract class AbstractRule {
* @deprecated
* Failures will be filtered based on \`tslint:disable\` comments by tslint.
* This method now does nothing.
filterFailures() {}
exports[`after_jsx_generic.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
let comp = (
<Component<number> /* comment1 */></Component>
<Component<number> foo /* comment2 */></Component>
<Component<number> /* comment3 */ bar></Component>
<Component<number> foo /* comment4 */ bar></Component>
// comment5
// comment6
// comment7
// comment8
let comp = (
<Component<number> /* comment1 */></Component>
<Component<number> foo /* comment2 */></Component>
<Component<number> /* comment3 */ bar></Component>
<Component<number> foo /* comment4 */ bar></Component>
// comment5
// comment6
// comment7
// comment8
exports[`jsx.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
var example1 = <div>
var example2 = <div>
var example1 = <div>https://test</div>;
var example2 = <div>/*test*/</div>;
exports[`location.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
function x({
}: {
// Hello world.
x: string,
// Yoyo.
y: string,
}) {}
export interface ApplicationEventData {
registerBroadcastReceiver(onReceiveCallback: (
context: any /* android.content.Context */,
intent: any /* android.content.Intent */
) => void): void;
export type WrappedFormUtils = {
getFieldDecorator(id: string, options?: {
/** 子节点的值的属性,如 Checkbox 的是 'checked' */
valuePropName?: string;
/** 子节点的初始值,类型、可选值均由子节点决定 */
initialValue?: any;
/** 收集子节点的值的时机 */
trigger?: string;
/** 可以把 onChange 的参数转化为控件的值,例如 DatePicker 可设为:(date, dateString) => dateString */
getValueFromEvent?: (...args: any[]) => any;
/** 校验子节点值的时机 */
validateTrigger?: string | string[];
/** 校验规则,参见 [async-validator]( */
rules?: ValidationRule[];
/** 是否和其他控件互斥,特别用于 Radio 单选控件 */
exclusive?: boolean;
}): (node: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode;
function x({
}: {
// Hello world.
x: string;
// Yoyo.
y: string;
}) {}
export interface ApplicationEventData {
onReceiveCallback: (
context: any /* android.content.Context */,
intent: any /* android.content.Intent */
) => void
): void;
export type WrappedFormUtils = {
id: string,
options?: {
/** 子节点的值的属性,如 Checkbox 的是 'checked' */
valuePropName?: string;
/** 子节点的初始值,类型、可选值均由子节点决定 */
initialValue?: any;
/** 收集子节点的值的时机 */
trigger?: string;
/** 可以把 onChange 的参数转化为控件的值,例如 DatePicker 可设为:(date, dateString) => dateString */
getValueFromEvent?: (...args: any[]) => any;
/** 校验子节点值的时机 */
validateTrigger?: string | string[];
/** 校验规则,参见 [async-validator]( */
rules?: ValidationRule[];
/** 是否和其他控件互斥,特别用于 Radio 单选控件 */
exclusive?: boolean;
): (node: React.ReactNode) => React.ReactNode;
exports[`mapped_types.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
type A = {
// commentA
[a in A]: string;
type B = {
/* commentB */ [b in B]: string
type C = {
[/* commentC */ c in C]: string
type D = {
[d /* commentD */ in D]: string
type E = {
[e in /* commentE */ E]: string
type F = {
[f in F /* commentF */]: string
type G = {
[g in G] /* commentG */: string
type H = { /* commentH */ [h in H]: string }
type I = { [/* commentI */ i in I]: string }
type J = { [j /* commentJ */ in J]: string }
type K = { [k in /* commentK */ K]: string }
type L = { [l in L /* commentL */]: string }
type M = { [m in M] /* commentG */: string }
type A = {
// commentA
[a in A]: string;
type B = {
/* commentB */ [b in B]: string;
type C = {
[/* commentC */ c in C]: string;
type D = {
[d /* commentD */ in D]: string;
type E = {
[e in /* commentE */ E]: string;
type F = {
[f in F /* commentF */]: string;
type G = {
[g in G /* commentG */]: string;
type H = { [/* commentH */ h in H]: string };
type I = { [/* commentI */ i in I]: string };
type J = { [j /* commentJ */ in J]: string };
type K = { [k in /* commentK */ K]: string };
type L = { [l in L /* commentL */]: string };
type M = { [m in M /* commentG */]: string };
exports[`methods.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
export class Point {
* Does something.
foo() {}
* Does something else.
bar() {}
* Does
* something
* much
* better
* than
* the
* rest.
baz() {}
* Buzz-Fizz.
* Note: This is indented too far.
fizzBuzz() {}
* Turns the given string into pig-latin.
pigLatinize(value: string) {
* This is a block comment inside of a method.
* One
* Two
* Three
* Four
mismatchedIndentation() {}
export class Point {
* Does something.
foo() {}
* Does something else.
bar() {}
* Does
* something
* much
* better
* than
* the
* rest.
baz() {}
* Buzz-Fizz.
* Note: This is indented too far.
fizzBuzz() {}
* Turns the given string into pig-latin.
pigLatinize(value: string) {
* This is a block comment inside of a method.
* One
* Two
* Three
* Four
mismatchedIndentation() {}
exports[`type-parameters.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
functionName<A /* A comment */>();
functionName<A /* A comment */>();
exports[`types.ts 1`] = `
parsers: ["typescript"]
printWidth: 80
| printWidth
(() => {
// swallow error and fallback to using directory as path
}) as string[];
(() => {
// swallow error and fallback to using directory as path
}) as string[];