
52 lines
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// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`should_fail_without_weak.js 1`] = `
/* @flow */
// This should fail without weak mode, because of the glaring type error.
function returns_a_string() {
return "Hello";
function expects_an_int() {
return returns_a_string() * 10;
/* @flow */
// This should fail without weak mode, because of the glaring type error.
function returns_a_string() {
return "Hello";
function expects_an_int() {
return returns_a_string() * 10;
exports[`should_pass_with_weak.js 1`] = `
/* @flow weak */
// This should fail without weak mode, because of the glaring type error.
function returns_a_string() {
return "Hello";
function expects_an_int() {
return returns_a_string() * 10;
/* @flow weak */
// This should fail without weak mode, because of the glaring type error.
function returns_a_string() {
return "Hello";
function expects_an_int() {
return returns_a_string() * 10;