
380 lines
9.2 KiB

// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`quotes.css - css-verify 1`] = `
@charset "UTF-8";
/* @charset must always have double quotes: */
/* Also, it has to be the very first thing in the file, but here are some more tests anyway: */
@charset 'UTF-8'; /* Single quotes are invalid here. Keep them since we don't know what the user is doing. */
@supports (content: one "two" three 'four') {
a[href="foo" y],
abbr[title^='It\\'s a trap!'],
img[src=""] {
/* Simple strings. */
content: "abc";
content: 'abc';
/* Escape. */
content: '\\A';
/* Emoji. */
content: '🐶';
/* Empty string. */
content: "";
content: '';
/* Single double quote. */
content: "\\"";
content: '"';
/* Single single quote. */
content: "'";
content: '\\'';
/* One of each. */
content: "\\"'";
content: '"\\'';
/* One of each with unnecessary escapes. */
content: "\\"\\'";
content: '\\"\\'';
/* More double quotes than single quotes. */
content: "\\"'\\"";
content: '"\\'"';
/* More single quotes than double quotes. */
content: "\\"''";
content: '"\\'\\'';
/* Two of each. */
content: "\\"\\"''";
content: '""\\'\\'';
/* Single backslash. */
content: '\\\\';
content: "\\\\";
/* Backslases. */
content: "\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\" '\\'\\\\'\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\'";
content: '\\'\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\' "\\"\\\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\"';
/* Somewhat more real-word example. */
content: "He's sayin': \\"How's it goin'?\\" Don't ask me why.";
content: 'He\\'s sayin\\': "How\\'s it goin\\'?" Don\\'t ask me why.';
/* Somewhat more real-word example 2. */
content: "var backslash = \\"\\\\\\", doubleQuote = '\\"';";
content: 'var backslash = "\\\\", doubleQuote = \\'"\\';';
/* Leave all "escapes" alone. */
content: "\\Abc4 foo \\n" /* "comment" */ "\\end";
content: '\\Abc4 foo \\n' /* 'comment' */ '\\end';
@import "file.css";
@import 'file.css';
@import url("foo.css");
@import url('foo.css');
@import "foo.css" screen and (orientation: landscape);
@import 'foo.css' screen and (orientation: landscape);
@foo "one";
@foo 'one';
@foo "one" two 'three';
@foo ("one");
@foo ('one');
@foo ("one" two 'three');
one "two" three {}
one 'two' three {}
@charset "UTF-8";
/* @charset must always have double quotes: */
/* Also, it has to be the very first thing in the file, but here are some more tests anyway: */
@charset 'UTF-8'; /* Single quotes are invalid here. Keep them since we don't know what the user is doing. */
@supports (content: one "two" three "four") {
a[href="foo" y],
abbr[title^="It's a trap!"],
img[src=""] {
/* Simple strings. */
content: "abc";
content: "abc";
/* Escape. */
content: "\\A";
/* Emoji. */
content: "🐶";
/* Empty string. */
content: "";
content: "";
/* Single double quote. */
content: '"';
content: '"';
/* Single single quote. */
content: "'";
content: "'";
/* One of each. */
content: "\\"'";
content: "\\"'";
/* One of each with unnecessary escapes. */
content: "\\"'";
content: "\\"'";
/* More double quotes than single quotes. */
content: '"\\'"';
content: '"\\'"';
/* More single quotes than double quotes. */
content: "\\"''";
content: "\\"''";
/* Two of each. */
content: "\\"\\"''";
content: "\\"\\"''";
/* Single backslash. */
content: "\\\\";
content: "\\\\";
/* Backslases. */
content: "\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\" ''\\\\'\\\\'\\\\\\\\'";
content: '\\'\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\' ""\\\\"\\\\"\\\\\\\\"';
/* Somewhat more real-word example. */
content: "He's sayin': \\"How's it goin'?\\" Don't ask me why.";
content: "He's sayin': \\"How's it goin'?\\" Don't ask me why.";
/* Somewhat more real-word example 2. */
content: 'var backslash = "\\\\", doubleQuote = \\'"\\';';
content: 'var backslash = "\\\\", doubleQuote = \\'"\\';';
/* Leave all "escapes" alone. */
content: "\\Abc4 foo \\n" /* "comment" */ "\\end";
content: "\\Abc4 foo \\n" /* 'comment' */ "\\end";
@import "file.css";
@import "file.css";
@import url("foo.css");
@import url("foo.css");
@import "foo.css" screen and (orientation: landscape);
@import "foo.css" screen and (orientation: landscape);
@foo "one";
@foo 'one';
@foo "one" two 'three';
@foo ("one");
@foo ('one');
@foo ("one" two 'three');
one "two" three {
one "two" three {
exports[`quotes.css - css-verify 2`] = `
@charset "UTF-8";
/* @charset must always have double quotes: */
/* Also, it has to be the very first thing in the file, but here are some more tests anyway: */
@charset 'UTF-8'; /* Single quotes are invalid here. Keep them since we don't know what the user is doing. */
@supports (content: one "two" three 'four') {
a[href="foo" y],
abbr[title^='It\\'s a trap!'],
img[src=""] {
/* Simple strings. */
content: "abc";
content: 'abc';
/* Escape. */
content: '\\A';
/* Emoji. */
content: '🐶';
/* Empty string. */
content: "";
content: '';
/* Single double quote. */
content: "\\"";
content: '"';
/* Single single quote. */
content: "'";
content: '\\'';
/* One of each. */
content: "\\"'";
content: '"\\'';
/* One of each with unnecessary escapes. */
content: "\\"\\'";
content: '\\"\\'';
/* More double quotes than single quotes. */
content: "\\"'\\"";
content: '"\\'"';
/* More single quotes than double quotes. */
content: "\\"''";
content: '"\\'\\'';
/* Two of each. */
content: "\\"\\"''";
content: '""\\'\\'';
/* Single backslash. */
content: '\\\\';
content: "\\\\";
/* Backslases. */
content: "\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\" '\\'\\\\'\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\'";
content: '\\'\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\' "\\"\\\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\"';
/* Somewhat more real-word example. */
content: "He's sayin': \\"How's it goin'?\\" Don't ask me why.";
content: 'He\\'s sayin\\': "How\\'s it goin\\'?" Don\\'t ask me why.';
/* Somewhat more real-word example 2. */
content: "var backslash = \\"\\\\\\", doubleQuote = '\\"';";
content: 'var backslash = "\\\\", doubleQuote = \\'"\\';';
/* Leave all "escapes" alone. */
content: "\\Abc4 foo \\n" /* "comment" */ "\\end";
content: '\\Abc4 foo \\n' /* 'comment' */ '\\end';
@import "file.css";
@import 'file.css';
@import url("foo.css");
@import url('foo.css');
@import "foo.css" screen and (orientation: landscape);
@import 'foo.css' screen and (orientation: landscape);
@foo "one";
@foo 'one';
@foo "one" two 'three';
@foo ("one");
@foo ('one');
@foo ("one" two 'three');
one "two" three {}
one 'two' three {}
@charset "UTF-8";
/* @charset must always have double quotes: */
/* Also, it has to be the very first thing in the file, but here are some more tests anyway: */
@charset 'UTF-8'; /* Single quotes are invalid here. Keep them since we don't know what the user is doing. */
@supports (content: one 'two' three 'four') {
a[href='foo' y],
abbr[title^="It's a trap!"],
img[src=''] {
/* Simple strings. */
content: 'abc';
content: 'abc';
/* Escape. */
content: '\\A';
/* Emoji. */
content: '🐶';
/* Empty string. */
content: '';
content: '';
/* Single double quote. */
content: '"';
content: '"';
/* Single single quote. */
content: "'";
content: "'";
/* One of each. */
content: '"\\'';
content: '"\\'';
/* One of each with unnecessary escapes. */
content: '"\\'';
content: '"\\'';
/* More double quotes than single quotes. */
content: '"\\'"';
content: '"\\'"';
/* More single quotes than double quotes. */
content: "\\"''";
content: "\\"''";
/* Two of each. */
content: '""\\'\\'';
content: '""\\'\\'';
/* Single backslash. */
content: '\\\\';
content: '\\\\';
/* Backslases. */
content: "\\"\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\\\" ''\\\\'\\\\'\\\\\\\\'";
content: '\\'\\\\\\'\\\\\\\\\\' ""\\\\"\\\\"\\\\\\\\"';
/* Somewhat more real-word example. */
content: "He's sayin': \\"How's it goin'?\\" Don't ask me why.";
content: "He's sayin': \\"How's it goin'?\\" Don't ask me why.";
/* Somewhat more real-word example 2. */
content: 'var backslash = "\\\\", doubleQuote = \\'"\\';';
content: 'var backslash = "\\\\", doubleQuote = \\'"\\';';
/* Leave all "escapes" alone. */
content: '\\Abc4 foo \\n' /* "comment" */ '\\end';
content: '\\Abc4 foo \\n' /* 'comment' */ '\\end';
@import 'file.css';
@import 'file.css';
@import url('foo.css');
@import url('foo.css');
@import 'foo.css' screen and (orientation: landscape);
@import 'foo.css' screen and (orientation: landscape);
@foo "one";
@foo 'one';
@foo "one" two 'three';
@foo ("one");
@foo ('one');
@foo ("one" two 'three');
one 'two' three {
one 'two' three {