
74 lines
1.7 KiB

"use strict";
function parseWithFlow(text) {
// Inline the require to avoid loading all the JS if we don't use it
const flowParser = require("flow-parser");
const ast = flowParser.parse(text, {
esproposal_class_instance_fields: true,
esproposal_class_static_fields: true,
esproposal_export_star_as: true
if (ast.errors.length > 0) {
// Construct an error similar to the ones thrown by Babylon.
const loc = {
line: ast.errors[0].loc.start.line,
column: ast.errors[0].loc.start.column
const msg = ast.errors[0].message +
" (" +
loc.line +
":" +
loc.column +
const error = new SyntaxError(msg);
error.loc = loc;
throw error;
return ast;
function parseWithBabylon(text) {
// Inline the require to avoid loading all the JS if we don't use it
const babylon = require("babylon");
return babylon.parse(text, {
sourceType: "module",
allowImportExportEverywhere: false,
allowReturnOutsideFunction: false,
plugins: [
function parseWithTypeScript(text) {
// While we are working on typescript, we are putting it in devDependencies
// so it shouldn't be picked up by static analysis
const r = require;
const parser = r('typescript-eslint-parser')
return parser.parse(text, {
loc: true,
range: true,
tokens: true,
attachComment: true,
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
module.exports = { parseWithFlow, parseWithBabylon, parseWithTypeScript };