
236 lines
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// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`intersection.js 1`] = `
function foo(x: $All<Error,{type:number}>): number {
return x.type;
function bar(x: Error & {type:number}): number {
return x.type;
function foo(x: $All<Error, { type: number }>): number {
return x.type;
function bar(x: Error & { type: number }): number {
return x.type;
exports[`objassign.js 1`] = `
* Test intersection of objects flowing to spread assignment.
* Definitions in lib/lib.js
* @noflow
declare var x: ObjAssignT;
let y: ObjAssignT = { ...x }; // should be fine
* Test intersection of objects flowing to spread assignment.
* Definitions in lib/lib.js
* @noflow
declare var x: ObjAssignT;
let y: ObjAssignT = { ...x }; // should be fine
exports[`pred.js 1`] = `
* Test interaction of object intersections and predicates.
* Definitions in lib/lib.js
* @flow
type DuplexStreamOptions = ReadableStreamOptions & WritableStreamOptions & {
allowHalfOpen? : boolean,
readableObjectMode? : boolean,
writableObjectMode? : boolean
function hasObjectMode_bad(options: DuplexStreamOptions): boolean {
return options.objectMode
|| options.readableObjectMode
|| options.writableObjectMode; // error, undefined ~> boolean
function hasObjectMode_ok(options: DuplexStreamOptions): boolean {
return !!(options.objectMode
|| options.readableObjectMode
|| options.writableObjectMode);
* Test interaction of object intersections and predicates.
* Definitions in lib/lib.js
* @flow
type DuplexStreamOptions = ReadableStreamOptions &
WritableStreamOptions & {
allowHalfOpen?: boolean,
readableObjectMode?: boolean,
writableObjectMode?: boolean
function hasObjectMode_bad(options: DuplexStreamOptions): boolean {
return (
options.objectMode ||
options.readableObjectMode ||
); // error, undefined ~> boolean
function hasObjectMode_ok(options: DuplexStreamOptions): boolean {
return !!(
options.objectMode ||
options.readableObjectMode ||
exports[`test_fun.js 1`] = `
* Tests for intersections of function types.
* Note: Flow abuses intersection types to model
* function overloading, which precludes using a
* correct intersection of return types in the result.
* Here we test the special case where return types
* are equal. Tests of the overloading behavior can
* be found in tests/overload
* Definitions lin lib/lib.js
* @noflow
// intersection of function types satisfies union of param types
type F = (_: ObjA) => void;
type G = (_: ObjB) => void;
type FG = (_: ObjA | ObjB) => void;
declare var fun1 : F & G;
(fun1 : FG);
var fun2 : FG = fun1;
// simpler variation
declare var f : ((_: number) => void) & ((_: string) => void);
var g: (_: number | string) => void = f;
* Tests for intersections of function types.
* Note: Flow abuses intersection types to model
* function overloading, which precludes using a
* correct intersection of return types in the result.
* Here we test the special case where return types
* are equal. Tests of the overloading behavior can
* be found in tests/overload
* Definitions lin lib/lib.js
* @noflow
// intersection of function types satisfies union of param types
type F = (_: ObjA) => void;
type G = (_: ObjB) => void;
type FG = (_: ObjA | ObjB) => void;
declare var fun1: F & G;
(fun1: FG);
var fun2: FG = fun1;
// simpler variation
declare var f: ((_: number) => void) & ((_: string) => void);
var g: (_: number | string) => void = f;
exports[`test_obj.js 1`] = `
* Tests for intersections of object types
* @noflow
// TODO we should give explicit errors for incompatibilities
// which make an intersection uninhabitable:
// - shared mutable properties with different types
// - different dictionary types
// Currently we give no such errors. Instead, we rely on
// the impossibility of providing a value for such a type
// to produce errors on value inflows. This is clearly
// suboptimal, since eg declared vars require no explicit
// provision of values. This leaves the impossible types
// free to flow downstream and satisfy impossible constraints.
// intersection of object types satisfies union of properties
declare var a: A;
var b: B = a;
// intersection of dictionary types:
declare var c: C;
var d: D = c; // ok
// dict type mismatch
type E = { [key: string]: string };
var e: E = c; // error
* Tests for intersections of object types
* @noflow
// TODO we should give explicit errors for incompatibilities
// which make an intersection uninhabitable:
// - shared mutable properties with different types
// - different dictionary types
// Currently we give no such errors. Instead, we rely on
// the impossibility of providing a value for such a type
// to produce errors on value inflows. This is clearly
// suboptimal, since eg declared vars require no explicit
// provision of values. This leaves the impossible types
// free to flow downstream and satisfy impossible constraints.
// intersection of object types satisfies union of properties
declare var a: A;
var b: B = a;
// intersection of dictionary types:
declare var c: C;
var d: D = c; // ok
// dict type mismatch
type E = { [key: string]: string };
var e: E = c; // error