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2015-10-29 07:48:59 +03:00
# App Bar
The app bar is a special kind of toolbar thats used for branding, navigation, search, and actions. Usually it contains controls on the right and left side and a title with the current section or app name. You should give the content with children elements.
2016-11-02 23:20:21 +03:00
<!-- example -->
2015-10-31 21:44:51 +03:00
import AppBar from 'react-toolbox/lib/app_bar';
2016-11-02 23:20:21 +03:00
import Navigation from 'react-toolbox/lib/navigation';
import Link from 'react-toolbox/lib/Link';
const GithubIcon = () => (
<svg viewBox="0 0 284 277">
<g><path d="M141.888675,0.0234927555 C63.5359948,0.0234927555 0,63.5477395 0,141.912168 C0,204.6023 40.6554239,257.788232 97.0321356,276.549924 C104.12328,277.86336 106.726656,273.471926 106.726656,269.724287 C106.726656,266.340838 106.595077,255.16371 106.533987,243.307542 C67.0604204,251.890693 58.7310279,226.56652 58.7310279,226.56652 C52.2766299,210.166193 42.9768456,205.805304 42.9768456,205.805304 C30.1032937,196.998939 43.9472374,197.17986 43.9472374,197.17986 C58.1953153,198.180797 65.6976425,211.801527 65.6976425,211.801527 C78.35268,233.493192 98.8906827,227.222064 106.987463,223.596605 C108.260955,214.426049 111.938106,208.166669 115.995895,204.623447 C84.4804813,201.035582 51.3508808,188.869264 51.3508808,134.501475 C51.3508808,119.01045 56.8936274,106.353063 65.9701981,96.4165325 C64.4969882,92.842765 59.6403297,78.411417 67.3447241,58.8673023 C67.3447241,58.8673023 79.2596322,55.0538738 106.374213,73.4114319 C117.692318,70.2676443 129.83044,68.6910512 141.888675,68.63701 C153.94691,68.6910512 166.09443,70.2676443 177.433682,73.4114319 C204.515368,55.0538738 216.413829,58.8673023 216.413829,58.8673023 C224.13702,78.411417 219.278012,92.842765 217.804802,96.4165325 C226.902519,106.353063 232.407672,119.01045 232.407672,134.501475 C232.407672,188.998493 199.214632,200.997988 167.619331,204.510665 C172.708602,208.913848 177.243363,217.54869 177.243363,230.786433 C177.243363,249.771339 177.078889,265.050898 177.078889,269.724287 C177.078889,273.500121 179.632923,277.92445 186.825101,276.531127 C243.171268,257.748288 283.775,204.581154 283.775,141.912168 C283.775,63.5477395 220.248404,0.0234927555 141.888675,0.0234927555" /></g>
const AppBarTest = () => (
2016-11-02 23:20:21 +03:00
<AppBar title='React Toolbox' leftIcon='menu' rightIcon={<GithubIcon />}>
<Navigation type='horizontal'>
<Link href='http://' label='Inbox' icon='inbox' />
<Link href='http://' active label='Profile' icon='person' />
2016-05-28 18:00:42 +03:00
If you want to provide a theme via context, the component key is `RTAppBar`.
The `AppBar` component provides properties for the common use cases of `title`, `leftIcon` and `rightIcon`. However, you can also override these with your own content by not specifying these and instead provide children elements, as shown in the example.
## Properties
| Name | Type | Default | Description|
2015-10-31 23:55:12 +03:00
| `className` | `String` | `''` | Set a class for the root component.|
| `fixed` | `Bool` | `false` | Determine if the bar should have position `fixed` or `relative`.|
| `flat` | `Bool` | `false` | If true, the AppBar shows a shadow.|
| `theme` | `Object` | `null` | Classnames object defining the component style.|
2017-01-20 00:01:03 +03:00
| `title` | `Element` | `null` | Title used for the appbar.|
2016-09-09 09:40:22 +03:00
| `leftIcon` | `String|Element` | `null` | Left icon.|
| `onLeftIconClick` | `Function` | `null` | Called on left icon click event.|
2016-09-09 09:40:22 +03:00
| `rightIcon` | `String|Element` | `null` | Right icon.|
| `onRightIconClick` | `Function` | `null` | Called on right icon click event.|
2016-12-19 22:39:07 +03:00
| `scrollHide` | `Bool` | `false` | Whether AppBar should be hidden during scroll.|
2016-05-15 14:23:55 +03:00
2016-05-28 18:00:42 +03:00
## Theme
2016-05-15 14:23:55 +03:00
| Name | Description|
| `appBar` | Used for the component root element.|
| `fixed` | Added to the root element when the app bar is fixed.|
| `flat` | Added to the root element when the app bar is flat.|
Migrate styles to PostCSS (#666) * Add postcss-next postcss-include and reporter * Add stylelint * Add CSS colors * Add CSS custom media queries * Use dashes for CSS colors * Add base CSS variables * Remove AppBar SASS dependency from spec page * Migrate AppBar style to PostCSS * Migrate Avatar style to PostCSS * Migrate Ripple style to PostCSS * Remove unneeded media CSS import in Avatar * Add shadows to CSS variables * Migrate Button style to PostCSS * Update webpack test config and linting from npm * Migrate Input style to PostCSS * Add missing input config variables for Dropdown and Autocomplete * Migrate Chip style to PostCSS * Migrate Autocomplete style to PostCSS * Migrate Dropdown style to PostCSS * Migrate animations to PostCSS * Migrate Card style to PostCSS * Migrate Checkbox style to PostCSS * Migrate DataPicker style to PostCSS * Migrate Dialog style to PostCSS * Migrate Drawer style to PostCSS * Add postcss-mixins and postcss-each * Migrate Layout style to PostCSS * Fix bug in button theme * Bugfix in avatar css * Add some missing nesting notations * Migrate Link style to PostCSS * Migrate List style to PostCSS * Migrate Menu style to PostCSS * Migrate Navigation style to PostCSS * Migrate Overlay style to PostCSS * Migrate ProgressBar style to PostCSS * Migrate Radio style to PostCSS * Migrate Slider style to PostCSS * Migrate Snackbar style to PostCSS * Migrate Switch style to PostCSS * Migrate Table style to PostCSS * Migrate Tabs style to PostCSS * Migrate TimePicker to PostCSS * Migrate Tooltip styles to PostCSS * Update webpack config for testing and tests * Migrate commons to PostCSS * Remove sass from main project * Bye from docs to sass * Build with CSS * Remove unneded deps for sass in docs subproject * Fix tests * use 4p shadow in AppBar as spec indicates * Fixed typo in list/config.css * Fix tests * Fix linter errors * Latest build * Release 2.0.0-beta.0 * Remove sass lint * fixes old sass var in css config * Update linter * New Table implementation * Fix old sass var in list/config.css See da0c47041ecf2d8b118b06fba9f53cc4d7e1e79f. * Remove normalize.css from commons.css * Update dependencies * Latest build * Input ready to accept visible hint * Prepare slider and progress to be disabled * Render Snackbar using Portal * Refactor Dialog, Drawer and Overlay to be used in Layout * Add inner layer to AppBar * New layout * Use Layout in spec * Latest build * remove layout playground example * add smTablet and lgTablet to NavDrawer in Layout readme * add default prop className to Layout, NavDrawer and Sidebar * fix css linter errors in card and slider * Typings for Table component * Add missing Drawer identifier * Update lib build * Adds onQueryChange callback property to Autocomplete The onQueryChange callback is called when the value of the query changes in Autocomplete. It is called with the new query value. * Fix #966 * Fix #965 * Fixes #976 * Updated css-related dependencies Removed usages of `addDependencyTo` since it's deprecated and not needed anymore. See * Enabled HMR for styles by disabling extracting them to a CSS file * Remove lib from repo * Remove lib * Fixes #1021 * Build using Gulp * Export ThemeProvider from react-css-themr * Add CHANGELOG to release command * Release 2.0.0-beta.1 * Remove immutability helper * Update dependencies * Fix Tooltip trying to render after it's been unmounted * Fixes #1038 * Release 2.0.0-beta.2 * Add ramda, refactor utils and remove slide animation modules * Remove separate slide animations modules * Remove box-sizing reset and body rule * Remove commons.css * Release 2.0.0-beta.4 * Update dependencies * Fixes #1061 * More aggresive guard condition for multiple autocomplete * Fix typeof check in isBrowser function * Fixes an issue when specs are opened with browsers that do not support Object.entries(). * Import from ramda using the 'import XXX from "ramda/src/XXX"' pattern so that bundle sizes will be smaller for not including the whole ramda package. * Fix #1032 * Fix tests * Update yarn.lock * Fixes #1064
2017-01-05 04:42:18 +03:00
| `inner` | Added to a wrapper to the component main content.|
| `title` | Added to the title element of the app bar.|
| `leftIcon` | Added to the left icon element when the app bar.|
| `rightIcon` | Added to the right icon element when the app bar.|
| `scrollHide` | Added to the root element when the app bar is hidden during scroll.|