Finish components ES6 Rewrite

Javi Velasco 2015-09-20 23:32:38 +02:00
parent d0ab1ddbf0
commit 3c05ab41be
1 changed files with 0 additions and 112 deletions

View File

@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
# -- Components
Autocomplete = require './autocomplete'
Dropdown = require './dropdown'
Input = require './input'
Switch = require './switch'
# -- Constants
AUTOCOMPLETE: 'autocomplete'
CHECKBOX : 'checkbox'
DROPDOWN : 'dropdown'
LABEL : 'label'
RADIO : 'radio'
SWITCH : 'switch'
module.exports = React.createClass
# -- States & Properties
attributes : React.PropTypes.array
className : React.PropTypes.string
label : React.PropTypes.string
value : React.PropTypes.any
onChange : React.PropTypes.func
getDefaultProps: ->
attributes : []
className : ''
getInitialState: ->
attributes : @props.attributes
type : _determineType @props.attributes
# -- Lifecycle
componentWillReceiveProps: (next_props) ->
if attributes = next_props.attributes
@setState attributes: attributes, type: _determineType attributes
@setValue next_props.value or @props.value
componentDidUpdate: ->
if @state.type is TYPE.RADIO
no_active = true
no_active = false for key, ref of @refs when ref.getValue?() is true
@refs[default].setValue true if no_active and default = Object.keys(@refs)?[0]
# -- Events
onChange: (event) ->
if @state.type is TYPE.RADIO
for ref, el of @refs when el.refs.input.getDOMNode() isnt
el.setValue false
is_valid = true
value = @getValue()
for attr in @state.attributes when attr.required and value[attr.ref]?.trim() is ''
is_valid = false
@refs[attr.ref].setError? 'Required field'
setTimeout (=> @props.onChange event, @), 10 if @props.onChange?
# -- Render
render: ->
<div data-react-toolbox='fieldset'
className={@props.className} onChange={@onChange}>
{ <label>{@props.label}</label> if @props.label }
for attribute, index in @state.attributes
if attribute.type is TYPE.LABEL
else if attribute.type is TYPE.AUTOCOMPLETE
<Autocomplete key={index} {...attribute} onChange={@onChange}/>
else if attribute.type is TYPE.DROPDOWN
<Dropdown key={index} {...attribute} onChange={@onChange}/>
else if attribute.type is TYPE.SWITCH
<Switch key={index} {...attribute} onChange={@onChange}/>
<Input key={index} {...attribute} />
{ @props.children }
# -- Extends
clean: ->
instance.setValue? undefined for key, instance of @refs
getValue: ->
value = {}
if @state.type isnt TYPE.RADIO
value[ref] = input.getValue() for ref, input of @refs when input.getValue?
value = ref for ref, input of @refs when input.getValue?() is true
setValue: (data = {}) ->
if data instanceof Object
@refs[key]?.setValue? value for key, value of data
@refs[key].setValue? key is data for key of @refs
# -- Internal methods
_determineType = (attributes) ->
type = ''
group_radio = true
group_checkbox = true
for attribute in attributes when attribute.type isnt TYPE.LABEL
group_radio = false if attribute.type isnt TYPE.RADIO
group_checkbox = false if attribute.type isnt TYPE.CHECKBOX
type = TYPE.RADIO if group_radio
type = TYPE.CHECKBOX if group_checkbox