Javi Velasco 2016-08-06 20:40:24 +02:00
parent fd138f9716
commit 991da710cf
1 changed files with 31 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -64,6 +64,13 @@ const rippleFactory = (options = {}) => {
componentWillUnmount () {
// Remove document event listeners for ripple if they still exists
Object.keys(this.state.ripples).forEach(key => {
* Add an event listener to the reference with given key so when the animation transition
* ends we can be sure that it finished and it can be safely removed from the state.
@ -103,9 +110,9 @@ const rippleFactory = (options = {}) => {
const { top, left, width } = this.getDescriptor(x, y);
const noRipplesActive = Object.keys(this.state.ripples).length === 0;
const key = this.props.rippleMultiple || noRipplesActive ? this.getNextKey() : this.getLastKey();
const initialState = { active: false, restarting: true, top, left, width };
const endRipple = this.addRippleDeactivateEventListener(isTouch, key);
const initialState = { active: false, restarting: true, top, left, width, endRipple };
const runningState = { active: true, restarting: false };
this.addRippleDeactivateEventListener(isTouch, key);
this.setState(update(this.state, { ripples: { [key]: { $set: initialState } } }), () => {
this.refs[key].offsetWidth; //eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
this.setState(update(this.state, { ripples: { [key]: { $merge: runningState } } }));
@ -167,21 +174,38 @@ const rippleFactory = (options = {}) => {
* Add an event listener to the document needed deactivate a ripple and make it dissappear.
* Deactivation can happen with a touchend or mouseup depending on the trigger type.
* Add an event listener to the document needed to deactivate a ripple and make it dissappear.
* Deactivation can happen with a touchend or mouseup depending on the trigger type. The
* ending function is created from a factory function and returned.
* @param {Boolean} isTouch True in case the trigger was a touch event false otherwise.
* @param {String} rippleKey It's a key to identify the ripple that should be deactivated.
* @return {Function} Callback function that deactivates the ripple and removes the event listener
addRippleDeactivateEventListener (isTouch, rippleKey) {
const self = this;
const eventType = isTouch ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
document.addEventListener(eventType, function endRipple () {
const endRipple = this.createRippleDeactivateCallback(eventType, rippleKey);
document.addEventListener(eventType, endRipple);
return endRipple;
* Generates a function that can be called to deactivate a given ripple and remove its finishing
* event listener. If is generated because we need to store it to be called on unmount in case
* the ripple is still running.
* @param {String} eventType Is the event type that can be touchend or mouseup
* @param {String} rippleKey Is the key representing the ripple
* @return {Function} Callback function that deactivates the ripple and removes the listener
createRippleDeactivateCallback (eventType, rippleKey) {
const self = this;
return function endRipple () {
document.removeEventListener(eventType, endRipple);
self.setState({ ripples: update(self.state.ripples, {
[rippleKey]: { $merge: { active: false } }
}) });
handleMouseDown = (event) => {