import * as React from "react"; import ReactToolbox from "../index"; export interface RippleTheme { /** * Root classname for the ripple. */ ripple?: string; /** * Applied when the ripple is active. */ rippleActive?: string; /** * Applied when the ripple is restarting. */ rippleRestarting?: string; /** * Wrapper class to fit to the parent element. */ rippleWrapper?: string; } interface RippleProps { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * True in case you want a centered ripple. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Function that will be called when the ripple animation ends. */ onRippleEnded?: Function; /** * Factor to indicate how much should the ripple spread under the component. * @default 2 */ spread?: number; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: RippleTheme; } export class Ripple extends React.Component { } export default Ripple;