import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts"; export interface ListTheme { /** * Used for the root element of the list. */ list?: string; } interface ListProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; /** * If true, each element in the list will have a ripple effect on click * @default false */ ripple?: boolean; /** * If true, the elements in the list will display a hover effect and a pointer cursor. * @default false */ selectable?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListTheme; } export class List extends __React.Component { } export interface ListCheckboxTheme { /** * Used as a wrapper class for the subheader element. */ checkbox?: string; /** * Added to the checkbox element. */ checkboxItem?: string; /** * Added to the inner content if its a disabled item. */ disabled?: string; /** * Used for the inner content of a list item. */ item?: string; /** * Used for the content wrapper element in list item. */ itemContentRoot?: string; /** * Added to the text inside of the list item. */ itemText?: string; /** * Added to the content wrapper element if size is large. */ large?: string; /** * Added to the text inside of the list item if its primary. */ primary?: string; } interface ListCheckboxProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Main text of the item. Required. */ caption?: string; /** * If true the checkbox appears checked by default. * @default false */ checked?: boolean; /** * If true, the item is displayed as disabled and it's not clickable. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Secondary text to display under the caption. */ legend?: string; /** * Name for the checkbox input item. */ name?: string; /** * Callback called when the input element is blurred. */ onBlur?: Function; /** * Callback called when the input element is changed. */ onChange?: Function; /** * Callback called when the input element is focused. */ onFocus?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListCheckboxTheme; } export class ListCheckbox extends __React.Component { } export interface ListDividerTheme { /** * Added to the root element. */ divider?: string; /** * Added to root element if inset is true. */ inset?: string; } interface ListDividerProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * If true, will leave a space at the left side. */ inset?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListDividerTheme; } export class ListDivider extends __React.Component { } export interface ListItemTheme { /** * Added to the inner content if its a disabled item. */ disabled?: string; /** * Used for the inner content of a list item. */ item?: string; /** * Used for each action element (left/right). */ itemAction?: string; /** * Used for the content wrapper element in list item. */ itemContentRoot?: string; /** * Added to the text inside of the list item. */ itemText?: string; /** * Added to the content wrapper element if size is large. */ large?: string; /** * Added for the element that wraps left actions. */ left?: string; /** * Used for the root element of the list. */ listItem?: string; /** * Added to the text inside of the list item if its primary. */ primary?: string; /** * Added for the element that wraps right actions. */ right?: string; /** * Added to the inner content if its a selectable item. */ selectable?: string; } interface ListItemProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * A string URL to specify an avatar in the left side of the item. */ avatar?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * Main text of the item. */ caption?: string; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; /** * If true, the item is displayed as disabled and is not clickable. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * An element that will be displayed as the item. If set, this will override caption and legend. */ itemContent?: __React.ReactNode; /** * A list of elements that are placed on the left side of the item and after the avatar attribute. */ leftActions?: __React.ReactNode; /** * A string key of a font icon or element to display an icon in the left side of the item. */ leftIcon?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * Secondary text to display under the caption. */ legend?: string; /** * A list of elements that are placed on the right side of the item and after the rightIcon attribute. */ rightActions?: __React.ReactNode; /** * The same as the leftIcon but in this case the icon is displayed in the right side. */ rightIcon?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * If true, the item displays a ripple effect on click. By default it's inherited from the parent element. */ ripple?: boolean; /** * If true, the elements in the list will display a hover effect and a pointer cursor. Inherited from the parent. * @default false */ selectable?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. * @default false */ theme?: ListItemTheme; /** * In case you want to provide the item as a link, you can pass this property to specify the href. */ to?: string; } export class ListItem extends __React.Component { } export interface ListSubHeaderTheme { /** * Used as a wrapper class for the subheader element. */ subheader?: string; } interface ListSubHeaderProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Text that will be displayed. */ caption?: string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListSubHeaderTheme; } export class ListSubHeader extends __React.Component { }