import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts"; export interface ProgressBarTheme { /** * Used to style the buffer element in the linear progress. */ buffer?: string; /** * Used for the circle element in the circular progress. */ circle?: string; /** * Used for the root element when the type is circular. */ circular?: string; /** * Added to the root element if mode is indeterminate. */ indeterminate?: string; /** * Used for the root element when the type is linear. */ linear?: string; /** * Added to the root if the component is multicolor (circular). */ multicolor?: string; /** * Used for the inner path in the circular progress. */ path?: string; /** * Used to style the value element in the linear progress. */ value?: string; } interface ProgressBarProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Value of a secondary progress bar useful for buffering. * @default 0 */ buffer?: number; /** * Maximum value permitted. * @default 100 */ max?: number; /** * Minimum value permitted. * @default 0 */ min?: number; /** * Mode of the progress bar, it can be determinate or indeterminate. * @default indeterminate */ mode?: "determinate" | "indeterminate"; /** * If true, the circular progress bar will be changing its color. * @default false */ multicolor?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ProgressBarTheme; /** * Type of the progress bar, it can be circular or linear. * @default linear */ type?: "linear" | "circular"; /** * Value of the current progress. * @default 0 */ value?: number; } export class ProgressBar extends __React.Component { } export default ProgressBar;