import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts"; export interface ButtonTheme { /** * Used for the root in case button is accent. */ accent?: string; /** * Used for the root element in any button. */ button?: string; /** * Used when the button is flat for the root element. */ flat?: string; /** * Used when the button is floating for the root element. */ floating?: string; /** * For the icon inside a button. */ icon?: string; /** * Used when colors are inverted. */ inverse?: string; /** * Used for mini floating buttons. */ mini?: string; /** * Used for neutral colored buttons. */ neutral?: string; /** * Used for primary buttons when button is primary. */ primary?: string; /** * Used when the button is raised for root element. */ raised?: string; /** * Used for the ripple element. */ rippleWrapper?: string; /** * Used for toggle buttons in the root element. */ toggle?: string; } interface ButtonProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Indicates if the button should have accent color. * @default false */ accent?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; /** * If true, component will be disabled. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * If true, the button will have a flat look. * @default false */ flat?: boolean; /** * If true, the button will have a floating look. * @default false */ floating?: boolean; /** * Creates a link for the button. */ href?: string; /** * Value of the icon (See Font Icon Component). */ icon?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * If true, the neutral colors are inverted. Useful to put a button over a dark background. */ inverse?: boolean; /** * The text string to use for the name of the button. */ label?: string; /** * To be used with floating button. If true, the button will be smaller. * @default false */ mini?: boolean; /** * Set it to false if you don't want the neutral styles to be included. * @default true */ neutral?: boolean; /** * Indicates if the button should have primary color. * @default false */ primary?: boolean; /** * If true, the button will have a raised look. * @default false */ raised?: boolean; /** * If true, component will have a ripple effect on click. * @default true */ ripple?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ButtonTheme; } export class Button extends __React.Component { } export interface IconButtonTheme { /** * Used for the root in case button is accent. */ accent?: string; /** * Used for the root element in any button. */ button?: string; /** * For the icon inside a button. */ icon?: string; /** * Used when colors are inverted. */ inverse?: string; /** * Used for neutral colored buttons. */ neutral?: string; /** * Used for primary buttons when button is primary. */ primary?: string; /** * Used for the ripple element. */ rippleWrapper?: string; /** * Used for toggle buttons in the root element. */ toggle?: string; } interface IconButtonProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Indicates if the button should have accent color. * @default false */ accent?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: __React.ReactNode; /** * If true, component will be disabled. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Creates a link for the button. */ href?: string; /** * Value of the icon (See Font Icon Component). */ icon?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * If true, the neutral colors are inverted. Useful to put a button over a dark background. */ inverse?: boolean; /** * Set it to false if you don't want the neutral styles to be included. * @default true */ neutral?: boolean; /** * Indicates if the button should have primary color. * @default false */ primary?: boolean; /** * If true, component will have a ripple effect on click. * @default true */ ripple?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: IconButtonTheme; } export class IconButton extends __React.Component { }