import React from 'react'; import { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'; import { Input } from '../../input/Input'; import { ProgressBar } from '../../progress_bar/ProgressBar'; import { Slider } from '../Slider'; import theme from '../theme.css'; describe('Slider', () => { describe('#positionToValue', () => { it('returns min when position is less than origin', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); instance.setState({ sliderStart: 500, sliderLength: 100 }); expect(instance.positionToValue({ x: 400 })).toEqual(-500); }); it('returns max when position is more and origin plus length', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); instance.setState({ sliderStart: 500, sliderLength: 100 }); expect(instance.positionToValue({ x: 900 })).toEqual(500); }); it('returns the proper position when the position is inside slider', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); instance.setState({ sliderStart: 500, sliderLength: 100 }); expect(instance.positionToValue({ x: 520 })).toEqual(-300); }); }); describe('#trimValue', () => { it('rounds to the proper number', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); expect(instance.trimValue(57.16)).toEqual(57.2); expect(instance.trimValue(57.12)).toEqual(57.10); }); it('returns min if number is less than min', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); expect(instance.trimValue(-57.16)).toEqual(0); }); it('returns max if number is more than max', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); expect(instance.trimValue(257.16)).toEqual(100); }); }); describe('#valueForInput', () => { it('returns a fixed number when an integer is given', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); expect(instance.valueForInput(4)).toEqual('4.00'); }); it('returns a fixed number when a float is given', () => { const instance = shallow().instance(); expect(instance.valueForInput(4.06)).toEqual('4.06'); }); }); describe('#knobOffset', () => { it('returns percentage offset of knob for slider with given min/max/value props', () => { const slider = shallow().instance(); expect(slider.knobOffset()).toEqual(25); }); }); describe('#handleKeyDown', () => { it('does not call addToValue if is disabled', () => { const slider = shallow().instance(); slider.addToValue = jest.fn(); slider.handleKeyDown({ keyCode: 40 }); expect(slider.addToValue).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('#render', () => { it('contains a linear progress bar with proper properties', () => { const wrapper = mount(); const progress = wrapper.find(ProgressBar); expect(progress.props().mode).toEqual('determinate'); expect(progress.props().type).toEqual('linear'); expect(progress.props().value).toEqual(140); expect(progress.props().min).toEqual(100); expect(progress.props().max).toEqual(1000); }); it('contains an input component if its editable', () => { const wrapper = mount(); const slider = wrapper.instance(); const input = wrapper.find(Input); expect(parseInt(input.props().value, 10)).toEqual(slider.props.value); }); it('contains the proper number of snaps when snapped', () => { const wrapper = mount(); const sliderNode = wrapper.find('div').first(); expect(sliderNode.props().className).toContain(theme.ring); expect(sliderNode.props().className).toContain(theme.pinned); }); }); describe('#events', () => { it('sets pressed state when knob is clicked', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(); const knob = wrapper.childAt(0).childAt(0).childAt(0); knob.simulate('mouseDown'); expect(wrapper.state().pressed).toEqual(true); }); it('sets pressed state when knob is touched', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const event = { touches: [{ pageX: 200 }] }; const wrapper = mount(); const knob = wrapper.childAt(0).childAt(0).childAt(0); knob.simulate('touchStart', event); expect(wrapper.state().pressed).toEqual(true); }); it('sets a proper value when the slider is clicked', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const event = { pageX: 200, pageY: 0 }; const wrapper = mount(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.setState({ sliderStart: 0, sliderLength: 1000 }); instance.handleResize = (evt, callback) => { callback(); }; wrapper.childAt(0).childAt(0).simulate('mouseDown', event); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(-300); }); it('sets a proper value when the slider is touched', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const event = { touches: [{ pageX: 200, pageY: 0 }] }; const wrapper = mount(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.setState({ sliderStart: 0, sliderLength: 1000 }); instance.handleResize = (evt, callback) => { callback(); }; wrapper.childAt(0).childAt(0).simulate('touchStart', event); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(-300); }); it('changes input value when slider changes', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const event = { pageX: 900 }; const wrapper = mount(); const instance = wrapper.instance(); instance.setState({ sliderStart: 0, sliderLength: 1000 }); instance.handleResize = (evt, callback) => { callback(); }; wrapper.childAt(0).childAt(0).simulate('mouseDown', event); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalledWith(90); }); it('changes its value when input is blurred', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const event = { target: { value: '80' } }; const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find('input').simulate('change', event); wrapper.find('input').simulate('blur'); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onChange.mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual(80); }); it('calls onChange callback when the value is changed', () => { const onChange = jest.fn(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.instance().setState({ sliderStart: 0, sliderLength: 1000 }); wrapper.childAt(0).childAt(0).simulate('mouseDown', { pageX: 900, pageY: 0 }); expect(onChange).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });