import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import classnames from 'classnames'; import { themr } from 'react-css-themr'; import { MENU } from '../identifiers'; import { events } from '../utils'; import { getViewport } from '../utils/utils'; import InjectMenuItem from './MenuItem'; const POSITION = { AUTO: 'auto', STATIC: 'static', TOP_LEFT: 'topLeft', TOP_RIGHT: 'topRight', BOTTOM_LEFT: 'bottomLeft', BOTTOM_RIGHT: 'bottomRight', }; const factory = (MenuItem) => { class Menu extends Component { static propTypes = { active: PropTypes.bool, children: PropTypes.node, className: PropTypes.string, onHide: PropTypes.func, onSelect: PropTypes.func, onShow: PropTypes.func, outline: PropTypes.bool, position: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(POSITION).map(key => POSITION[key])), ripple: PropTypes.bool, selectable: PropTypes.bool, selected: PropTypes.node, theme: PropTypes.shape({ active: PropTypes.string, bottomLeft: PropTypes.string, bottomRight: PropTypes.string, menu: PropTypes.string, menuInner: PropTypes.string, outline: PropTypes.string, rippled: PropTypes.string, static: PropTypes.string, topLeft: PropTypes.string, topRight: PropTypes.string, }), }; static defaultProps = { active: false, outline: true, position: POSITION.STATIC, ripple: true, selectable: true, }; state = { active:, rippled: false, }; componentDidMount() { this.positionTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => { const { width, height } = this.menuNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const position = this.props.position === POSITION.AUTO ? this.calculatePosition() : this.props.position; this.setState({ position, width, height }); }); if ( { events.addEventsToDocument({ click: this.handleDocumentClick, touchstart: this.handleDocumentClick, }); } } componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) { if (this.props.position !== nextProps.position) { const position = nextProps.position === POSITION.AUTO ? this.calculatePosition() : nextProps.position; this.setState({ position }); } /** * If the menu is going to be activated via props and its not active, verify * the position is appropriated and then show it recalculating position if its * wrong. It should be shown in two consecutive setState. */ if (! && && ! { if (nextProps.position === POSITION.AUTO) { const position = this.calculatePosition(); if (this.state.position !== position) { this.setState({ position, active: false }, () => { this.activateTimeoutHandle = setTimeout(() => {; }, 20); }); } else {; } } else {; } } /** * If the menu is being deactivated via props and the current state is * active, it should be hid. */ if ( && ! && { this.hide(); } } componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { if (! && { events.addEventsToDocument({ click: this.handleDocumentClick, touchstart: this.handleDocumentClick, }); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { if ( && ! { if (this.props.onHide) this.props.onHide(); events.removeEventsFromDocument({ click: this.handleDocumentClick, touchstart: this.handleDocumentClick, }); } else if (! && && this.props.onShow) { this.props.onShow(); } } componentWillUnmount() { if ( { events.removeEventsFromDocument({ click: this.handleDocumentClick, touchstart: this.handleDocumentClick, }); } clearTimeout(this.positionTimeoutHandle); clearTimeout(this.activateTimeoutHandle); } getMenuStyle() { const { width, height, position } = this.state; if (position !== POSITION.STATIC) { if ( { return { clip: `rect(0 ${width}px ${height}px 0)` }; } else if (position === POSITION.TOP_RIGHT) { return { clip: `rect(0 ${width}px 0 ${width}px)` }; } else if (position === POSITION.BOTTOM_RIGHT) { return { clip: `rect(${height}px ${width}px ${height}px ${width}px)` }; } else if (position === POSITION.BOTTOM_LEFT) { return { clip: `rect(${height}px 0 ${height}px 0)` }; } else if (position === POSITION.TOP_LEFT) { return { clip: 'rect(0 0 0 0)' }; } } return undefined; } getRootStyle() { return this.state.position !== POSITION.STATIC ? { width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height } : undefined; } calculatePosition() { const parentNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).parentNode; if (!parentNode) return undefined; const { top, left, height, width } = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect(); const { height: wh, width: ww } = getViewport(); const toTop = top < ((wh / 2) - (height / 2)); const toLeft = left < ((ww / 2) - (width / 2)); return `${toTop ? 'top' : 'bottom'}${toLeft ? 'Left' : 'Right'}`; } handleDocumentClick = (event) => { if ( && !events.targetIsDescendant(event, ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this))) { this.setState({ active: false, rippled: false }); } }; handleSelect = (item, event) => { const { value, onClick } = item.props; if (onClick) event.persist(); this.setState({ active: false, rippled: this.props.ripple }, () => { if (onClick) onClick(event); if (this.props.onSelect) this.props.onSelect(value); }); }; show() { const { width, height } = this.menuNode.getBoundingClientRect(); this.setState({ active: true, width, height }); } hide() { this.setState({ active: false }); } renderItems() { return, (item) => { if (!item) return item; if (item.type === MenuItem) { return React.cloneElement(item, { ripple: item.props.ripple || this.props.ripple, selected: typeof item.props.value !== 'undefined' && this.props.selectable && item.props.value === this.props.selected, onClick: this.handleSelect.bind(this, item), }); } return React.cloneElement(item); }); } render() { const { theme } = this.props; const outlineStyle = { width: this.state.width, height: this.state.height }; const className = classnames([, theme[this.state.position]], { []:, [theme.rippled]: this.state.rippled, }, this.props.className); return (
{this.props.outline ?
: null}
); } } return Menu; }; const Menu = factory(InjectMenuItem); export default themr(MENU)(Menu); export { factory as menuFactory }; export { Menu };