import React from 'react'; import Button from '../../components/button'; import Input from '../../components/input'; import FontIcon from '../../components/font_icon'; import Tooltip, { tooltipFactory } from '../../components/tooltip'; import Chip from '../../components/chip'; import Avatar from '../../components/avatar'; const TooltipFontIcon = tooltipFactory({ passthrough: false })(FontIcon); const TooltipButton = Tooltip(Button); const TooltipInput = Tooltip(Input); const TooltipStrong = Tooltip(({ children, ...other }) => { delete other.theme; return {children}; }); const TooltipStrongDirect = Tooltip('strong'); const ChipTooltip = Tooltip(Chip); const TooltipTest = () => (

Give information on :hover

An example with


} /> Tooltip in a chip

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Click this next word to show and hide on click: {' '} oh hai {' '}. This is useful for mobile!

); export default TooltipTest;