import React from 'react'; import { Tabs, Tab } from '../../components/tabs'; class TabsTest extends React.Component { state = { index: 1, fixedIndex: 1, inverseIndex: 1 }; handleTabChange = (index) => { this.setState({index}); }; handleFixedTabChange = (index) => { this.setState({fixedIndex: index}); }; handleInverseTabChange = (index) => { this.setState({inverseIndex: index}); }; handleActive = () => { console.log('Special one activated'); }; render () { return (

This tabs can be disabled or hidden

Primary content Secondary content Disabled content Fifth content
Fixed Tabs

These tabs fill the given space.

First Content Second Content Third Content Fourth Content Fifth Content
Inverse Tabs

These tabs have an inverted theme.

First Content Second Content Third Content Disabled Content
Inverse Tabs with labels and icons
First Content Second Content Third Content
Inverse Tabs with icons
First Content Second Content Third Content
); } } export default TabsTest;