// Type definitions for react-toolbox // Project: https://github.com/react-toolbox/react-toolbox // Definitions by: Per Bergqwist // Definitions: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped declare module "react-toolbox" { export import AppBar = __ReactToolbox.AppBar; export import Autocomplete = __ReactToolbox.Autocomplete; export import Avatar = __ReactToolbox.Avatar; export import Button = __ReactToolbox.Button.Button; export import IconButton = __ReactToolbox.Button.IconButton; export import Card = __ReactToolbox.Card.Card; export import CardTitle = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTitle; export import CardMedia = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardMedia; export import CardText = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardText; export import CardActions = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardActions; export import Checkbox = __ReactToolbox.Checkbox; export import Chip = __ReactToolbox.Chip; export import DatePicker = __ReactToolbox.DatePicker; export import Dialog = __ReactToolbox.Dialog; export import Drawer = __ReactToolbox.Drawer; export import Dropdown = __ReactToolbox.Dropdown; export import FontIcon = __ReactToolbox.FontIcon; export import Input = __ReactToolbox.Input; export import Layout = __ReactToolbox.Layout.Layout; export import Panel = __ReactToolbox.Layout.Panel; export import NavDrawer = __ReactToolbox.Layout.NavDrawer; export import Sidebar = __ReactToolbox.Layout.Sidebar; export import Link = __ReactToolbox.Link; export import List = __ReactToolbox.List.List; export import ListCheckbox = __ReactToolbox.List.ListCheckbox; export import ListItem = __ReactToolbox.List.ListItem; export import ListDivider = __ReactToolbox.List.ListDivider; export import ListSubHeader = __ReactToolbox.List.ListSubHeader; export import Menu = __ReactToolbox.Menu.Menu; export import MenuDivider = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuDivider; export import MenuItem = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuItem; export import IconMenu = __ReactToolbox.Menu.IconMenu; export import Navigation = __ReactToolbox.Navigation; export import ProgressBar = __ReactToolbox.ProgressBar; export import RadioGroup = __ReactToolbox.Radio.RadioGroup; export import RadioButton = __ReactToolbox.Radio.RadioButton; export import Ripple = __ReactToolbox.Ripple; export import Slider = __ReactToolbox.Slider; export import Snackbar = __ReactToolbox.Snackbar; export import Switch = __ReactToolbox.Switch; export import Tabs = __ReactToolbox.Tabs.Tabs; export import Tab = __ReactToolbox.Tabs.Tab; export import TimePicker = __ReactToolbox.TimePicker; export import Tooltip = __ReactToolbox.Tooltip; export import AppBarTheme = __ReactToolbox.AppBarTheme; export import AutocompleteTheme = __ReactToolbox.AutocompleteTheme; export import AvatarTheme = __ReactToolbox.AvatarTheme; export import ButtonTheme = __ReactToolbox.Button.ButtonTheme; export import IconButtonTheme = __ReactToolbox.Button.IconButtonTheme; export import CardTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTheme; export import CardTitleTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTitleTheme; export import CardMediaTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardMediaTheme; export import CardTextTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTextTheme; export import CardActionsTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardActionsTheme; export import CheckboxTheme = __ReactToolbox.CheckboxTheme; export import ChipTheme = __ReactToolbox.ChipTheme; export import DatePickerTheme = __ReactToolbox.DatePickerTheme; export import DialogTheme = __ReactToolbox.DialogTheme; export import DrawerTheme = __ReactToolbox.DrawerTheme; export import DropdownTheme = __ReactToolbox.DropdownTheme; export import InputTheme = __ReactToolbox.InputTheme; export import LayoutTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.LayoutTheme; export import PanelTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.PanelTheme; export import NavDrawerTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.NavDrawerTheme; export import SidebarTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.SidebarTheme; export import LinkTheme = __ReactToolbox.LinkTheme; export import ListTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListTheme; export import ListCheckboxTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListCheckboxTheme; export import ListItemTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListItemTheme; export import ListDividerTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListDividerTheme; export import ListSubHeaderTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListSubHeaderTheme; export import MenuTheme = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuTheme; export import MenuDividerTheme = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuDividerTheme; export import MenuItemTheme = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuItemTheme; export import IconMenuTheme = __ReactToolbox.Menu.IconMenuTheme; export import NavigationTheme = __ReactToolbox.NavigationTheme; export import ProgressBarTheme = __ReactToolbox.ProgressBarTheme; export import RadioButtonTheme = __ReactToolbox.Radio.RadioButtonTheme; export import RippleTheme = __ReactToolbox.RippleTheme; export import SliderTheme = __ReactToolbox.SliderTheme; export import SnackbarTheme = __ReactToolbox.SnackbarTheme; export import SwitchTheme = __ReactToolbox.SwitchTheme; export import TabsTheme = __ReactToolbox.Tabs.TabsTheme; export import TabTheme = __ReactToolbox.Tabs.TabTheme; export import TimePickerTheme = __ReactToolbox.TimePickerTheme; export import TooltipTheme = __ReactToolbox.TooltipTheme; } declare namespace __ReactToolbox { import React = __React; interface Props { /** * Set a class for the root component. */ className?: string; /** * Key used to uniquely identify the element within an Array. */ key?: string | number; /** * Callback called when the component is clicked. */ onClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Set inline style for the root component. */ style?: React.CSSProperties; } export interface AppBarTheme { /** * Used for the component root element. */ appBar?: string; /** * Added to the root element when the app bar is fixed. */ fixed?: string; /** * Added to the root element when the app bar is flat. */ flat?: string; } interface AppBarProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Determine if the bar should have position fixed or relative. * @default false */ fixed?: boolean; /** * If true, the AppBar shows a shadow. * @default false */ flat?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: AppBarTheme; } export class AppBar extends React.Component { } export interface AutocompleteTheme { /** * Used for a suggestion when it's active. */ active?: string; /** * Used for the root element. */ autocomplete?: string; /** * Used when the input is focused. */ focus?: string; /** * Used to style the Input component. */ input?: string; /** * Used for the label. */ label?: string; /** * Used to style each suggestion. */ suggestion?: string; /** * Used to style the suggestions container. */ suggestions?: string; /** * Used for the suggestions when it's opening to the top. */ up?: string; /** * Classname used for a single value. */ value?: string; /** * Classname used for the values container. */ values?: string; } interface AutocompleteProps extends Props { /** * Determines the opening direction. It can be auto, up or down. * @default auto */ direction?: "auto" | "up" | "down"; /** * If true, component will be disabled. */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Sets the error string for the internal input element. * @default false */ error?: string; /** * The text string to use for the floating label element. */ label?: string; /** * If true, component can hold multiple values. */ multiple?: boolean; /** * Callback function that is fired when the components's value changes. * @default auto */ onChange?: React.FormEventHandler; /** * Determines if the selected list is shown above or below input. It can be above or below. * @default above */ selectedPosition?: "above" | "below"; /** * If true, the list of suggestions will not be filtered when a value is selected. * @default false */ showSuggestionsWHenValueIsSet?: boolean; /** * Object of key/values or array representing all items suggested. */ source?: any; /** * Determines how suggestions are supplied. * @default start */ suggestionMatch?: "start" | "anywhere" | "word"; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: AutocompleteTheme; /** * Value or array of values currently selected component. */ value?: any; } export class Autocomplete extends React.Component { } export interface AvatarTheme { /** * Used for the root class of the element. */ avatar?: string; /** * Added to the root element when the component has image. */ image?: string; /** * Used for the root element if the component shows the letter. */ letter?: string; } interface AvatarProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Set to true if your image is not squared so it will be used as a cover for the element. */ cover?: boolean; /** * A key to identify an Icon from Material Design Icons or a custom Icon Element. */ icon?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * An image source or an image element. */ image?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: AvatarTheme; /** * A title for the image. If no image is provided, the first letter will be displayed as the avatar. */ title?: string; } export class Avatar extends React.Component { } namespace Button { export interface ButtonTheme { /** * Used for the root in case button is accent. */ accent?: string; /** * Used for the root element in any button. */ button?: string; /** * Used when the button is flat for the root element. */ flat?: string; /** * Used when the button is floating for the root element. */ floating?: string; /** * For the icon inside a button. */ icon?: string; /** * Used when colors are inverted. */ inverse?: string; /** * Used for mini floating buttons. */ mini?: string; /** * Used for neutral colored buttons. */ neutral?: string; /** * Used for primary buttons when button is primary. */ primary?: string; /** * Used when the button is raised for root element. */ raised?: string; /** * Used for the ripple element. */ rippleWrapper?: string; /** * Used for toggle buttons in the root element. */ toggle?: string; } interface ButtonProps extends Props { /** * Indicates if the button should have accent color. * @default false */ accent?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * If true, component will be disabled. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * If true, the button will have a flat look. * @default false */ flat?: boolean; /** * If true, the button will have a floating look. * @default false */ floating?: boolean; /** * Creates a link for the button. */ href?: string; /** * Value of the icon (See Font Icon Component). */ icon?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * If true, the neutral colors are inverted. Useful to put a button over a dark background. */ inverse?: boolean; /** * The text string to use for the name of the button. */ label?: string; /** * To be used with floating button. If true, the button will be smaller. * @default false */ mini?: boolean; /** * Set it to false if you don't want the neutral styles to be included. * @default true */ neutral?: boolean; /** * Fires after the mouse leaves the Component. */ onMouseLeave?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Fires after the mouse is released from the Component. */ OnMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Indicates if the button should have primary color. * @default false */ primary?: boolean; /** * If true, the button will have a raised look. * @default false */ raised?: boolean; /** * If true, component will have a ripple effect on click. * @default true */ ripple?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ButtonTheme; } export class Button extends React.Component { } export interface IconButtonTheme { /** * Used for the root in case button is accent. */ accent?: string; /** * Used for the root element in any button. */ button?: string; /** * For the icon inside a button. */ icon?: string; /** * Used when colors are inverted. */ inverse?: string; /** * Used for neutral colored buttons. */ neutral?: string; /** * Used for primary buttons when button is primary. */ primary?: string; /** * Used for the ripple element. */ rippleWrapper?: string; /** * Used for toggle buttons in the root element. */ toggle?: string; } interface IconButtonProps extends Props { /** * Indicates if the button should have accent color. * @default false */ accent?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * If true, component will be disabled. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Creates a link for the button. */ href?: string; /** * Value of the icon (See Font Icon Component). */ icon?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * If true, the neutral colors are inverted. Useful to put a button over a dark background. */ inverse?: boolean; /** * Set it to false if you don't want the neutral styles to be included. * @default true */ neutral?: boolean; /** * Fires after the mouse leaves the Component. */ onMouseLeave?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Fires after the mouse is released from the Component. */ OnMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Indicates if the button should have primary color. * @default false */ primary?: boolean; /** * If true, component will have a ripple effect on click. * @default true */ ripple?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: IconButtonTheme; } export class IconButton extends React.Component { } } namespace Card { export interface CardTheme { card?: string; raised?: string; } interface CardProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; raised?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardTheme; } export class Card extends React.Component { } export interface CardActionsTheme { cardActions?: string; } interface CardActionsProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardActionsTheme; } export class CardActions extends React.Component { } export interface CardMediaTheme { cardMedia?: string; content?: string; contentOverlay?: string; square?: string; wide?: string; } interface CardMediaProps extends Props { aspectRatio?: "wide" | "square"; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; color?: string; contentOverlay?: boolean; image?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardMediaTheme; } export class CardMedia extends React.Component { } export interface CardTextTheme { cardText?: string; } interface CardTextProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardTextTheme; } export class CardText extends React.Component { } export interface CardTitleTheme { large?: string; title?: string; small?: string; subtitle?: string; } interface CardTitleProps extends Props { avatar?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; subtitle?: React.ReactNode | string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CardTitleTheme; title?: React.ReactNode | string; } export class CardTitle extends React.Component { } } export interface CheckboxTheme { check?: string; checked?: string; disabled?: string; field?: string; input?: string; ripple?: string; } interface CheckboxProps extends Props { checked?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; label?: React.ReactNode | string; name?: string; onChange?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: CheckboxTheme; } export class Checkbox extends React.Component { } export interface ChipTheme { avatar?: string; chip?: string; deletable?: string; delete?: string; deleteIcon?: string; deleteX?: string; } interface ChipProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; deleteable?: boolean; onDeleteClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ChipTheme; } export class Chip extends React.Component { } export interface DatePickerTheme { active?: string; button?: string; calendar?: string; calendarWrapper?: string; date?: string; day?: string; days?: string; dialog?: string; disabled?: string; header?: string; input?: string; month?: string; monthsDisplay?: string; next?: string; prev?: string; title?: string; week?: string; year?: string; years?: string; yearsDisplay?: string; } interface DatePickerProps extends Props { autoOk?: boolean; error?: string; icon?: React.ReactNode | string; inputClassName?: string; inputFormat?: Function; label?: string; maxDate?: Date; minDate?: Date; name?: string; onChange?: React.MouseEventHandler; onEscKeyDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler; onOverlayClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: DatePickerTheme; value?: Date | string; } export class DatePicker extends React.Component { } export interface DialogTheme { active?: string; body?: string; button?: string; dialog?: string; navigation?: string; title?: string; } interface DialogActionProps { label?: string; } interface DialogProps extends Props { actions?: DialogActionProps[]; active?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; onEscKeyDown?: React.KeyboardEventHandler; onOverlayClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; onOverlayMouseDown?: React.MouseEventHandler; onOverlayMouseMove?: React.MouseEventHandler; onOverlayMouseUp?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: DialogTheme; title?: string; type?: string; } export class Dialog extends React.Component { } export interface DrawerTheme { active?: string; content?: string; drawer?: string; left?: string; right?: string; } interface DrawerProps extends Props { active?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; onOverlayClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: DrawerTheme; type?: "left" | "right"; } export class Drawer extends React.Component { } export interface DropdownTheme { active?: string; disabled?: string; dropdown?: string; error?: string; errored?: string; field?: string; label?: string; selected?: string; templateValue?: string; up?: string; value?: string; values?: string; } interface DropdownProps extends Props { allowBlank?: boolean; auto?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; error?: string; label?: string; name?: string; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler; onChange?: React.FormEventHandler; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler; source: any[]; template?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: DropdownTheme; value?: string | number; } export class Dropdown extends React.Component { } interface FontIconProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; value?: React.ReactNode | string; } export class FontIcon extends React.Component { } export interface InputTheme { bar?: string; counter?: string; disabled?: string; error?: string; errored?: string; hidden?: string; hint?: string; icon?: string; input?: string; inputElement?: string; required?: string; withIcon?: string; } interface InputProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; disabled?: boolean; error?: string; floating?: boolean; hint?: string; icon?: React.ReactNode | string; label?: string; maxLength?: number; multiLine?: boolean; name?: string; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler; onChange?: React.FormEventHandler; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler; onKeyPress?: React.MouseEventHandler; required?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: InputTheme; type?: string; value?: any; } export class Input extends React.Component { } namespace Layout { export interface LayoutTheme { layout?: string; } interface LayoutProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: [NavDrawer | Panel | Sidebar]; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: LayoutTheme; } export class Layout extends React.Component { } export interface NavDrawerTheme { active?: string; drawerContent?: string; lgPermangent?: string; mdPermangent?: string; navDrawer?: string; pinned?: string; scrim?: string; scrollY?: string; smPermanent?: string; wide?: string; xlPermanent?: string; xxlPermangent?: string; xxxlPermangent?: string; } interface NavDrawerProps extends Props { active?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; onOverlayClick?: React.MouseEventHandler; permanentAt?: "sm" | "md" | "lg" | "xl" | "xxl" | "xxxl"; pinned?: boolean; scrollY?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: NavDrawerTheme; width?: "normal" | "wide"; } export class NavDrawer extends React.Component { } export interface PanelTheme { panel?: string; scrollY?: string; } interface PanelProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; scrollY?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: PanelTheme; } export class Panel extends React.Component { } export interface SidebarTheme { pinned?: string; scrollY?: string; sidebar?: string; sidebarContent?: string; } interface SidebarProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; pinned?: boolean; scrollY?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: SidebarTheme; width?: number; // 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 25 | 33 | 50 | 66 | 75 | 100; } export class Sidebar extends React.Component { } } export interface LinkTheme { active?: string; icon?: string; link?: string; } interface LinkProps extends Props { active?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; count?: number; icon?: React.ReactNode | string; label?: string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: LinkTheme; } export class Link extends React.Component { } namespace List { export interface ListTheme { list?: string; } interface ListProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; ripple?: boolean; selectable?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListTheme; } export class List extends React.Component { } export interface ListCheckboxTheme { checkbox?: string; checkboxItem?: string; disabled?: string; item?: string; itemContentRoot?: string; itemText?: string; large?: string; primary?: string; } interface ListCheckboxProps extends Props { caption?: string; checked?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; legend?: string; name?: string; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler; onChange?: React.FormEventHandler; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListCheckboxTheme; } export class ListCheckbox extends React.Component { } export interface ListDividerTheme { divider?: string; inset?: string; } interface ListDividerProps extends Props { inset?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListDividerTheme; } export class ListDivider extends React.Component { } export interface ListItemTheme { disabled?: string; item?: string; itemAction?: string; large?: string; left?: string; listItem?: string; primary?: string; right?: string; selectable?: string; } interface ListItemProps extends Props { avatar?: React.ReactNode | string; caption?: string; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; disabled?: boolean; itemContent?: React.ReactNode; leftActions?: React.ReactNode; leftIcon?: React.ReactNode | string; rightIcon?: React.ReactNode | string; ripple?: boolean; selectable?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListItemTheme; to?: string; } export class ListItem extends React.Component { } export interface ListSubHeaderTheme { subheader?: string; } interface ListSubHeaderProps extends Props { caption?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListSubHeaderTheme; } export class ListSubHeader extends React.Component { } } namespace Menu { export interface MenuTheme { active?: string; bottomLeft?: string; bottomRight?: string; menu?: string; menuInner?: string; outline?: string; rippled?: string; static?: string; topLeft?: string; topRight?: string; } interface MenuProps extends Props { active?: boolean; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; onHide?: Function; onSelect?: Function; onShow?: Function; position?: "auto" | "static" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight"; ripple?: boolean; selectable?: boolean; selected?: any; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: MenuTheme; } export class Menu extends React.Component { } export interface IconMenuTheme { icon?: string; iconMenu?: string; } interface IconMenuProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; icon?: React.ReactNode | string; iconRipple?: boolean; menuRipple?: boolean; onSelect?: Function; onShow?: Function; position?: "auto" | "static" | "topLeft" | "topRight" | "bottomLeft" | "bottomRight"; selectable?: boolean; selected?: any; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: IconMenuTheme; } export class IconMenu extends React.Component { } export interface MenuDividerTheme { menuDivider?: string; } interface MenuDividerProps extends Props { /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: MenuDividerTheme; } export class MenuDivider extends React.Component { } export interface ListDividerTheme { divider?: string; inset?: string; } interface ListDividerProps extends Props { inset?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ListDividerTheme; } export class ListDivider extends React.Component { } export interface MenuItemTheme { caption?: string; disabled?: string; icon?: string; menuItem?: string; selected?: string; shortcut?: string; } interface MenuItemProps extends Props { caption?: string; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; disabled?: boolean; icon?: React.ReactNode | string; selected?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: MenuItemTheme; } export class MenuItem extends React.Component { } } export interface NavigationTheme { button?: string; horizontal?: string; link?: string; vertical?: string; } interface NavigationProps extends Props { actions?: any[]; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; routes?: any[]; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: NavigationTheme; type?: "vertical" | "horizontal"; } export class Navigation extends React.Component { } export interface ProgressBarTheme { buffer?: string; circle?: string; circular?: string; indeterminate?: string; linear?: string; multicolor?: string; path?: string; value?: string; } interface ProgressBarProps extends Props { buffer?: number; max?: number; min?: number; mode?: "determinate" | "indeterminate"; multicolor?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: ProgressBarTheme; type?: "linear" | "circular"; value?: number; } export class ProgressBar extends React.Component { } namespace Radio { interface RadioGroupProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; disabled?: boolean; name?: string; onChange?: Function; value?: number; } export class RadioGroup extends React.Component { } export interface RadioButtonTheme { radio?: string; radioChecked?: string; ripple?: string; disabled?: string; field?: string; input?: string; text?: string; } interface RadioButtonProps extends Props { checked?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; label?: React.ReactNode | string; name?: string; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler; onChange?: React.FormEventHandler; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: RadioButtonTheme; value?: any; } export class RadioButton extends React.Component { } } export interface RippleTheme { ripple?: string; rippleActive?: string; rippleRestarting?: string; riplleWrapper?: string; } interface RippleProps { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; disabled?: boolean; onRippleEnded?: Function; spread?: number; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: RippleTheme; } export class Ripple extends React.Component { } export interface SliderTheme { container?: string; editable?: string; innerknob?: string; innerprogress?: string; input?: string; knob?: string; pinned?: string; pressed?: string; progress?: string; ring?: string; slider?: string; snap?: string; snaps?: string; } interface SliderProps { editable?: boolean; max?: number; min?: number; onChange?: Function; pinned?: boolean; snaps?: boolean; step?: number; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: RippleTheme; value?: number; } export class Slider extends React.Component { } export interface SnackbarTheme { accept?: string; active?: string; button?: string; cancel?: string; icon?: string; label?: string; snackbar?: string; warning?: string; } interface SnackbarProps { action?: string; active?: boolean; icon?: React.ReactNode | string; label?: string; onTimeout?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: SnackbarTheme; timeout?: number; type?: "accept" | "cancel" | "warning"; } export class Snackbar extends React.Component { } export interface SwitchTheme { disabled?: string; field?: string; input?: string; off?: string; on?: string; ripple?: string; text?: string; thumb?: string; } interface SwitchProps { checked?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; label?: string; name?: string; onBlur?: React.FocusEventHandler; onChange?: React.FormEventHandler; onFocus?: React.FocusEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: SwitchTheme; } export class Switch extends React.Component { } export interface TableTheme { editable?: string; row?: string; selectable?: string; selected?: string; table?: string; } interface TableProps { heading?: boolean; model?: any; onChange?: Function; onSelect?: React.FormEventHandler; selectable?: boolean; multiSelectable?: boolean; selected?: any[]; source?: any[]; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TableTheme; } export class Table extends React.Component { } namespace Tabs { export interface TabsTheme { active?: string; navigation?: string; pointer?: string; tabs?: string; tab?: string; } interface TabsProps extends Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; disableAnimatedBottomBorder?: boolean; index?: number; onChange?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TabsTheme; } export class Tabs extends React.Component { } export interface TabTheme { active?: string; disabled?: string; hidden?: string; label?: string; } interface TabProps extends Props { active?: boolean; activeClassName?: string; disabled?: boolean; hidden?: boolean; label?: string; onActive?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TabTheme; } export class Tab extends React.Component { } } export interface TimePickerTheme { active?: string; am?: string; amFormat?: string; ampm?: string; button?: string; clock?: string; clockWrapper?: string; dialog?: string; face?: string; hand?: string; header?: string; hours?: string; hoursDisplay?: string; input?: string; knob?: string; minutes?: string; minutesDisplay?: string; number?: string; placeholder?: string; pm?: string; pmFormat?: string; separator?: string; small?: string; } interface TimePickerProps { error?: string; inputClassName?: string; format?: "24hr" | "ampm"; label?: string; onChange?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TimePickerTheme; value?: Date; } export class TimePicker extends React.Component { } export interface TooltipTheme { tooltip?: string; tooltipActive?: string; tooltipWrapper?: string; } interface TooltipProps { onMouseEnter?: React.MouseEventHandler; onMouseLeave?: React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TooltipTheme; tooltip?: string; tooltipDelay?: number; tooltipHideOnClick?: boolean; } class TooltipComponent extends React.Component { props: P & TooltipProps; } interface TooltippedComponentClass

extends TooltipProps { new (props?: P, context?: any): TooltipComponent; } export function Tooltip

(componentClass: React.ComponentClass

): TooltippedComponentClass

; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/app_bar" { export import AppBar = __ReactToolbox.AppBar; export default AppBar; export import AppBarTheme = __ReactToolbox.AppBarTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/autocomplete" { export import Autocomplete = __ReactToolbox.Autocomplete; export default Autocomplete; export import AutocompleteTheme = __ReactToolbox.Autocomplete; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/avatar" { export import Avatar = __ReactToolbox.Avatar; export default Avatar; export import AvatarTheme = __ReactToolbox.AvatarTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/button" { export import Button = __ReactToolbox.Button.Button; export import IconButton = __ReactToolbox.Button.IconButton; export default { Button, IconButton }; export import ButtonTheme = __ReactToolbox.Button.ButtonTheme; export import IconButtonTheme = __ReactToolbox.Button.IconButtonTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/card" { export import Card = __ReactToolbox.Card.Card; export import CardActions = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardActions; export import CardMedia = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardMedia; export import CardText = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardText; export import CardTitle = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTitle; export default { Card, CardActions, CardMedia, CardText, CardTitle }; export import CardTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTheme; export import CardActionsTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardActionsTheme; export import CardMediaTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardMediaTheme; export import CardTextTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTextTheme; export import CardTitleTheme = __ReactToolbox.Card.CardTitleTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/checkbox" { export import Checkbox = __ReactToolbox.Checkbox; export default Checkbox; export import CheckboxTheme = __ReactToolbox.CheckboxTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/chip" { export import Chip = __ReactToolbox.Chip; export default Chip; export import ChipTheme = __ReactToolbox.ChipTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/date_picker" { export import DatePicker = __ReactToolbox.DatePicker; export default DatePicker; export import DatePickerTheme = __ReactToolbox.DatePickerTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/dialog" { export import Dialog = __ReactToolbox.Dialog; export default Dialog; export import DialogTheme = __ReactToolbox.DialogTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/drawer" { export import Drawer = __ReactToolbox.Drawer; export default Drawer; export import DrawerTheme = __ReactToolbox.DrawerTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/dropdown" { export import Dropdown = __ReactToolbox.Dropdown; export default Dropdown; export import DropdownTheme = __ReactToolbox.DropdownTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/font_icon" { export import FontIcon = __ReactToolbox.FontIcon; export default FontIcon; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/input" { export import Input = __ReactToolbox.Input; export default Input; export import InputTheme = __ReactToolbox.InputTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/layout" { export import Layout = __ReactToolbox.Layout.Layout; export import NavDrawer = __ReactToolbox.Layout.NavDrawer; export import Panel = __ReactToolbox.Layout.Panel; export import Sidebar = __ReactToolbox.Layout.Sidebar; export default { Layout, NavDrawer, Panel, Sidebar } export import LayoutTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.LayoutTheme; export import NavDrawerTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.NavDrawerTheme; export import PanelTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.PanelTheme; export import SidebarTheme = __ReactToolbox.Layout.SidebarTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/link" { export import Link = __ReactToolbox.Link; export default Link; export import LinkTheme = __ReactToolbox.LinkTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/list" { export import List = __ReactToolbox.List.List; export import ListCheckbox = __ReactToolbox.List.ListCheckbox; export import ListDivider = __ReactToolbox.List.ListDivider; export import ListItem = __ReactToolbox.List.ListItem; export import ListSubHeader = __ReactToolbox.List.ListSubHeader; export default { List, ListCheckbox, ListDivider, ListItem, ListSubHeader }; export import ListTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListTheme; export import ListCheckboxTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListCheckboxTheme; export import ListDividerTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListDividerTheme; export import ListItemTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListItemTheme; export import ListSubHeaderTheme = __ReactToolbox.List.ListSubHeaderTheme; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/menu" { export import Menu = __ReactToolbox.Menu.Menu; export import IconMenu = __ReactToolbox.Menu.IconMenu; export import MenuDivider = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuDivider; export import MenuItem = __ReactToolbox.Menu.MenuItem; export default { Menu, IconMenu, MenuDivider, MenuItem }; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/navigation" { export import Navigation = __ReactToolbox.Navigation; export default Navigation; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/progress_bar" { export import Progressbar = __ReactToolbox.ProgressBar; export default Progressbar; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/radio" { export import RadioGroup = __ReactToolbox.Radio.RadioGroup; export import RadioButton = __ReactToolbox.Radio.RadioButton; export default { RadioGroup, RadioButton }; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/ripple" { export import Ripple = __ReactToolbox.Ripple; export default Ripple; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/slider" { export import Slider = __ReactToolbox.Slider; export default Slider; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/snackbar" { export import Snackbar = __ReactToolbox.Snackbar; export default Snackbar; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/switch" { export import Switch = __ReactToolbox.Switch; export default Switch; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/table" { export import Table = __ReactToolbox.Table; export default Table; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/tabs" { export import Tab = __ReactToolbox.Tabs.Tab; export import Tabs = __ReactToolbox.Tabs.Tabs; export default { Tab, Tabs }; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/time_picker" { export import TimePicker = __ReactToolbox.TimePicker; export default TimePicker; } declare module "react-toolbox/lib/tooltip" { export import Tooltip = __ReactToolbox.Tooltip; export default Tooltip; }