# Tooltip A Tooltip is useful to show information on hover in any kind of component. We have a component that can be used as a **decorator** for any kind of component. Also, it's factory function is exposed so you can create your own decorator with specific properties. ```jsx import Button from 'react-toolbox/lib/button'; import Tooltip from 'react-toolbox/lib/tooltip'; import Link from 'react-toolbox/lib/link'; const TooltipButton = Tooltip(Button); const TooltipInput = Tooltip(Input); const TooltipLink = Tooltip(Link); const TooltipTest = () => (
); ``` This component can be styled by context providing a theme with the key `RTTooltip` through the theme provider. ## Properties In any component you decorate with the Tooltip you'd get some additional props: | Name | Type | Default | Description| |:-----|:-----|:-----|:-----| | `className` | `String` | `''` | Sets a class to give customized styles to the tooltip.| | `onClick` | `Function` | | Callback to be invoked when Component is clicked.| | `onMouseEnter` | `Function` | | Callback called when the mouse enters the Component.| | `onMouseLeave` | `Function` | | Callback called when the mouse leaves the Component.| | `tooltip` | `String` | | The text string to use for the tooltip.| | `tooltipDelay` | `Number` | | Amount of time in miliseconds spent before the tooltip is visible.| | `tooltipHideOnClick` | `Boolean` | `true` | If true, the Tooltip hides after a click in the host component.| | `tooltipPosition` | `String` | `vertical` | Determines the position of the tooltip. It can be automatic with `vertical` and `horizontal` values or forced with `bottom`, `top`, `left` or `right`.| ## Theming | Name | Description| |:---------|:-----------| | `tooltip` | Added to the tooltip element wrapper.| | `tooltipActive` | Added to the root when the tooltip is active.| | `tooltipBottom` | Added to the root in case the tooltip is being positioned at bottom.| | `tooltipInner` | Added to the inner element which sets the background, font and rounded borders.| | `tooltipLeft` | Added to the root in case the tooltip is being positioned at left.| | `tooltipRight` | Added to the root in case the tooltip is being positioned at right.| | `tooltipTop` | Added to the root in case the tooltip is being positioned at top.|