import * as React from "react"; import ReactToolbox from '../index'; import { ListItemContentTheme } from './ListItemContent'; import { ListItemActionsTheme } from './ListItemActions'; import { ListItemLayoutProps, ListItemLayoutTheme } from './ListItemLayout'; import { ListItemTextTheme } from './ListItemText'; export interface ListItemTheme { /** * Used for the root element of the list. */ listItem?: string; } export interface ListItemProps extends ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * If true, the item is displayed as disabled and is not clickable. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * If true, the item displays a ripple effect on click. By default it's inherited from the parent element. */ ripple?: boolean; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. * @default false */ theme?: ListItemTheme & ListItemActionsTheme & ListItemContentTheme & ListItemLayoutTheme & ListItemTextTheme; /** * In case you want to provide the item as a link, you can pass this property to specify the href. */ to?: string; } export class ListItem extends React.Component { }