import * as React from 'react'; export interface Props { /** * Sets a CSS class on the component. */ className?: string, id?: string; /** * A key used to uniquely identify the element within an Array */ key?: string, /** * Inline style */ style?: any, /** * Tooltip text * APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPONENT IS WRAPPED WITH Tooltip. * @see */ tooltip?: string, /** * Amount of time in miliseconds spent before the tooltip is visible. * APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPONENT IS WRAPPED WITH Tooltip. * @see */ tooltipDelay?: number, /** * If true, the Tooltip hides after a click in the host component. * APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPONENT IS WRAPPED WITH Tooltip. * @default true * @see */ tooltipHideOnClick?: boolean, } export interface SliderProps extends Props { /** * If true, an input is shown and the user can set the slider from keyboard value. */ editable?: boolean, /** * Maximum value permitted. */ max?: number, /** * Minimum value permitted. */ min?: number, /** * Callback function that will be invoked when the slider value changes. */ onChange?: Function, /** * If true, a pin with numeric value label is shown when the slider thumb is pressed. Use for settings for which users need to know the exact value of the setting. */ pinned?: boolean, /** * If true, the slider thumb snaps to tick marks evenly spaced based on the step property value. */ snaps?: boolean, /** * Amount to vary the value when the knob is moved or increase/decrease is called. */ step?: number, /** * Current value of the slider. */ value: number, } export default class Slider extends React.Component { render(): React.DOMElement; }