import * as React from 'react'; export interface Props { /** * Sets a CSS class on the component. */ className?: string, id?: string; /** * A key used to uniquely identify the element within an Array */ key?: string, /** * Inline style */ style?: any, /** * Tooltip text * APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPONENT IS WRAPPED WITH Tooltip. * @see */ tooltip?: string, /** * Amount of time in miliseconds spent before the tooltip is visible. * APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPONENT IS WRAPPED WITH Tooltip. * @see */ tooltipDelay?: number, /** * If true, the Tooltip hides after a click in the host component. * APPLIES ONLY IF THE COMPONENT IS WRAPPED WITH Tooltip. * @default true * @see */ tooltipHideOnClick?: boolean, } export interface Conditional { /** * If true, component will be disabled * @default false */ disabled?: boolean } export interface Iconic { /** * Value of the icon (See icon component). */ icon?: string | __React.ReactElement | __React.ReactHTMLElement, } export interface MenuProps extends Props { /** * If true, the menu will be displayed as opened by default. * @default false */ active?: boolean, /** * Callback that will be called when the menu is being hidden. */ onHide?: Function, /** * Callback that will be called when the menu is being shown. */ onShow?: Function, /** * If true the menu wrapper will show an outline with a soft shadow. * @default true */ outline?: boolean, /** * Determine the position of the menu. * With static value the menu will be always shown, auto means that the it will decide the opening direction based on the current position. * To force a position use top-left, top-right, bottom-left, bottom-right. * @default static */ position?: string, /** * If true, the menu items will show a ripple effect on click. */ ripple?: boolean, /** * If true, the menu will keep a value to highlight the active child item. */ selectable?: boolean, /** * Used for selectable menus and indicates the initial value so the child item with this value can be highlighted. */ value?: boolean, } export class Menu extends React.Component { render(): React.DOMElement; } export interface IconMenuProps extends Props, Iconic { /** * If true, the icon will show a ripple when is clicked. */ iconRipple?: boolean, /** * Transferred to the Menu component. * @default true */ menuRipple?: boolean, /** * Callback that will be called when the icon is clicked. */ onClick?: Function, /** * Callback that will be called when the menu is being hidden. */ onHide?: Function, /** * Callback that will be called when the menu is being shown. */ onShow?: Function, /** * Callback that will be called when a menu item is selected. */ onSelect?: Function, /** * Determine the position of the menu. This property is transferred to the inner Menu component. * @default auto */ position?: string, /** * If true, the menu will keep a value to highlight the active child item. Transferred to the Menu */ selectable?: boolean, } export class IconMenu extends React.Component { render(): React.DOMElement; } export interface MenuItemProps extends Props, Conditional, Iconic { /** * The text to include in the menu item. */ caption?: string, /** * If true, the item will show a ripple effect when it's clicked. Inherited from the parent. */ ripple?: boolean, /** * Transferred from the Menu component for selectable menus. Indicates if it's the current active option. */ selected?: boolean, } export class MenuItem extends React.Component { render(): React.DOMElement; } export class MenuDivider extends React.Component { render(): React.DOMElement; }