import __ReactToolbox from "../index.d.ts"; export interface DatePickerTheme { /** * Used for the active day and year. */ active?: string; /** * Used for the buttons in the dialog. */ button?: string; /** * Used for the calendar root element. */ calendar?: string; /** * Used as wrapper for the calendar component inside dialog. */ calendarWrapper?: string; /** * Used for the date element inside header. */ date?: string; /** * Used for the day element inside the calendar. */ day?: string; /** * Used for the list of days inside a month. */ days?: string; /** * Used for the dialog component. */ dialog?: string; /** * Added to day element when day is disabled. */ disabled?: string; /** * Used for the dialog header,. */ header?: string; /** * Used for Input element that opens the picker. */ input?: string; /** * Used for the month root element. */ month?: string; /** * Added to the root dialog when months are displayed. */ monthsDisplay?: string; /** * Used for the next month icon. */ next?: string; /** * Used for the prev month icon. */ prev?: string; /** * Used for the month title element. */ title?: string; /** * Used for the weekdays wrapper. */ week?: string; /** * Used for the year element inside header. */ year?: string; /** * Used for the years list in years view. */ years?: string; /** * Added to the root dialog when years are displayed. */ yearsDisplay?: string; } interface DatePickerProps extends __ReactToolbox.Props { /** * Automatically selects a date upon clicking on a day * @default false */ autoOk?: boolean; /** * Give an error node to display under the field. */ error?: string; /** * A key to identify an Icon from Material Design Icons or a custom Icon Element. */ icon?: __React.ReactNode | string; /** * This class will be applied to Input component of DatePicker. */ inputClassName?: string; /** * Function to format the date displayed on the input. */ inputFormat?: Function; /** * The text string to use for the floating label element in the input component. */ label?: string; /** * Date object with the maximum selectable date. */ maxDate?: Date; /** * Date object with the minimum selectable date. */ minDate?: Date; /** * Name for the input field. */ name?: string; /** * Callback called when the picker value is changed. */ onChange?: __React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Callback called when the ESC key is pressed with the overlay active. */ onEscKeyDown?: __React.KeyboardEventHandler; /** * Callback to be invoked when the dialog overlay is clicked. */ onOverlayClick?: __React.MouseEventHandler; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: DatePickerTheme; /** * Date object with the currently selected date. */ value?: Date | string; } export class DatePicker extends __React.Component { } export default DatePicker;